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Student Learning: A teacher must understand how students

learn and develop and must provide learning opportunities that

support a students intellectual, social and personal development.
I have achieved this standard in the classroom by providing my
students with the best education possible. I integrate
collaborative learning in the classroom, so that it is student-
centered. This gives them a chance to learn from one another as
well as myself. I strive to know my students on an individual basis
so that I may differentiate my teaching, to meet them at their
level. I continuously allow students to learn with hands on and
engaging activities. I utilize research supported best practices in
the classroom to provide students with the best possible
education I can. When providing students with feedback I
emphasize the importance of self-reflection and goal setting,
which I do as a teacher to always improve. When students receive
feedback, I tell them what they do well and what they can
improve upon, this allows them to set goals and remain in a
continuous state of learning.
In my six weeks student teaching experience, each of my
students set a goal for themselves, in relation to reading. At the
end of the quarter they reflected on what they did well and what
they could improve upon, or work on. This allowed them to take
control of their learning and it gives them a personal purpose to
learn/ read.
(This is not the exact reflection because theirs were completed on
notecards, but it looked very similar.)

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