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[ ] SB 10.21.

[ ] Male and female deer approach krsna and they do it freely. In context of flu
te. On hearing flute they approach krsna. No need to hide anything.
[ ] Husbands and wives deer both go. Male and female. Everyone is attracted to k
[ ] In vrindavana everybody expresses their love freely to Lord krnsa. Elderly g
opis, gopas, cowherd boys etc no secrecy. Dasya rasa also no need to hide anythi
ng. With madhurya rasa their is a problem. Most of the gopis are married. They s
hould not look at other men. Unmarried can make the vow to accept krsna as husba
nd and it still ok. But married have problems.
[ ] This indicates their love for krsna. Husband and wife deers can approach krs
na. Husbands are encouraging wives to come. Female deer come along with husbands
. Husband takes no objection. This is not madhurya rasa as they are mudha or low
er creatures.
[ ] There is some freedom for female deer to freely express their love but gopis
case is different as their husbands will object. So married gopis were at some
disadvantage. Parakiya rasa. Very famous in ex of gopis. Svakiya are actually ma
rried to krsna. They are in dwarka where krsna marries.
[ ] There are also swakiya in vrindavana when krsna returned after killing dant
avakra. It is described in gopal campu and padma purana. When he returned after
killing dantavakra, He had rasa Lila and then krsna married all the gopis. Thei
r husbands disappeared.
[ ] Love expressed in parakiya is more stronger.
[ ] Parkishit maharaj asked how could krsna had parakiya rasa as it is adharma.
But whatever krsna does is Dharma. Also that marriage to husbands is not real ma
rriage. There was no real enmity between krsna and husbands. They are all devote
es. So gopis appeared to be married but were not really married.
[ ] Obstacles of parents husbands etc and bad reputation was there for gopis in
parakiya rasa. If even after all this she succeeds in meeting krsna then it show
s strong love.
[ ] Gopis are already married

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