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Lesson Plan Template (EdTPA)

Grade Level: 3rd Grade

Subject / Content area: Elementary General Music
Unit of Study: Sol, La, Mi and steady beat
Lesson Title: The key to understanding!
Central Focus for the learning segment: Solfege pitches of So, La, and Mi, introducing
dynamics, and keeping a steady beat.

Content Standard(s):

MU:Pr6.1.3a Perform music with expression and technical accuracy.

MU:Pr4.3.3a Demonstrate and describe how intent is conveyed through expressive qualities
(such as dynamics and tempo).

Learning Objectives associated with the content standards:

1. Cognitive
Given Closet Key the learners will identify the pitches sol, la, and mi in order to perform
musical ideas of tonality.
Given Closet Key, the learners will recognize the differences in dynamics (piano and forte,
and crescendo/decrescendo) in order to demonstrate musical expression in pieces.
2. Psychomotor
Given Lucy Locket, the students will perform so, mi, and la in order to correctly perform with
technical accuracy.
Given Lucy Locket the students will perform a steady beat by passing the pocket to their
neighbor (yours, your neighbors)

Instructional Resources and Materials to engage students in learning:

Unpitched percussion instruments?
Powerpoint slides with Cobbler Cobbler text

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks that support diverse student needs. (Include
what you and students will be doing.):

Visual: for the students who learn better visually, using actions to represent the
given solfege syllables provides visual support for the students. In addition, seeing the
actions (hands on waist, shoulders, head) at different levels during Closet Key also
provides a visual representation of the order and height of each pitch. When the
detective moves toward or away from the person with the key, the students will see the
gradual dynamic change in the detectives movements.
Watch neighbor keeping steady beat

Kinesthetic: for the same activities as visual, the students who learn through
action participating in these actions (when learning pitches to Closet Key and Lucy
Locket) helps the student feel a physical change between each pitch. The detective
will also feel a difference in dynamic during Closet Key as they move, which will help
them determine who has the key.
Keep steady beat on body- legs, clapping, ect.

Listening: by teaching each song (Closet Key and Cobbler Cobbler) by rote,
the students who learn by listening will be able to pick it up easily. During Closet key,
the students will hear the dynamic changes as the detective moves closer and further
from the person with the key.
Students also listen for the steady beat- if one student is more of
an auditory learner, they can listen for the beat from other students patting their

Differentiation and planned universal supports:

Students with physical disabilities: (Who cannot sit on the floor, kneel, or stand
well) During the Sol, Mi, La game students can use the visual kinesthetic movements
that the teacher demonstrated when teaching the songs Cobbler Cobbler and Lucy
Locket to the students. If the student wants to show La they can touch their head, if
they want to show Sol they can touch their shoulders, and if they want to show Mi
they can touch their waist.

Students who are losing focus (possibly ADHD): Add a break activity into the
lesson plan. Playing a short rhythm game or name game would help students release
some energy and get focused.

Misbehavior: If a student is misbehaving, acting out, or talking when the

teacher is talking approach the problem without bring attention to that one student.
Compliment a student who is doing something well (such as not talking) and the
student who is misbehaving will be reminded that they need to stop.
Ex: A student is talking when the teacher is talking. Teacher
says: I like how Sally is listening with her ears and her eyes. The student who
is not will be reminded to look at the teacher and stop talking.
Students to are excelling at music: Have a student volunteer to perform their
name first in the name game or lead the group when changing dynamics for Closet
Visual learners: Have students perform the visual kinesthetic motions while
you sing the new song. This gets the students thinking about the different pitches and
which are higher than the other before actually singing the notes.

Type of Student Assessments and what is being assessed:

Informal Assessment: Closet Key and Lucy Locket with the correct kinesthetic
motions will show that students recognize the relationship between the three pitches. Watch
for students who are able to maintain a steady beat on their lap and while passing the
pocket. The dynamic changes in Closet Key will show that the students know the
difference between loud and soft singing.

Formal Assessment: N/A

Evaluation Criteria: Students who correctly use kinesthetic actions will likely be more
accurate in pitch. Deep understanding will show when they take away actions and still
maintain proper pitch. Whether the class changes dynamic at the correct time will determine
whether they know the difference between loud and soft. We will look for the correct
kinesthetic motions to the pieces, and listen for accurate dynamic changes in Closet Key.

Lesson Timeline (Process):

gather the students in a circle, sitting
were going to play a new name game
demonstrate pat, pat, clap, clap, snap, snap
zacody cody, person on one side and the person on the other
demonstrate with the students on both sides. Look at each child to go
have them mix it up
Dance (if students are needing more energy)?
Sing Lucy Locket for the students to have them become familiar with
the (using kinesthetic visual movements on sol, la, and mi)
Echo sing/ teach by rote
Tell students to sing along when they start to recognize the pitches and
Add game- choose a student to be it who is being respectful and
following directions well
Keeping steady beat with the pocket
Yours your neighbors
Try keeping steady beat before actually playing the game
Have everyone stand, sing through Closet Key with Sol/La/Mi actions
teach it by rote, phrase by phrase with Sol/La/Mi
have everyone sing all the way through the piece
have them sit in the circle
explain game- someone is going to have the closet key, and a detective
needs to figure out who has it
pick a detective and have them close their eyes, and pick a person to
hold the closet key
the detective is going to move around the circle, and we will sing louder
when the detective gets closer to the person with the closet key
at the end, the detective has to guess who has the key!
play a few rounds- 3 for sure, and one more if they have a high motivation

Emergency List
1000 Hungry Savages
teach each part by rote, splitting them into groups
teacher probably on each part to provide support
Tideo- teach by rote
just a fun game to get them moving
Charlie over the Ocean
Teach song using rote (echo sing phrases)
Teach game
Use an example before starting real game

Closet Key:
I have lost the closet key, in some ladys garden.
I have lost the closet key, in some ladys garden.


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