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Daily Writing: (1)

Christmas Eve is a family tradition in my house. Every year my aunts, uncles, cousins, and other
relatives meet at my grandmas house, on my fathers side of the family for dinner and gift
exchanges. This year my grandmother was under the water, but she still managed to pull off a
great dinner. All you can eat fried chicken, honey ham, and lots of vegetables. My favorite were
the yeast rolls, which no one ever forgets to leave leftover. Unlike most students this holiday
season, last semester I took off because of money. I worked two jobs; Hollister, a clothing store
and Lowes food in the deli.
Although I only worked one job on Christmas eve, it was earlier than usual and my day felt
throw off. It wasnt the same traditions I was used too. When I arrived at my grandmas I was so
tired so I slept most of the day. I made sure to eat and that was the only time I spoke with my
family. The rule for presents this year was kids 18 and below got presents this year. So, I knew
my only Christmas presents were a college education and a mini frig for next semester. Even
though Christmas wasnt the same I enjoyed every part of it.

Daily Writing: (3)

My neighborhood trails are important to me. Its where I used to walk when I need time to
myself or to collect my thoughts. I did this often and when I felt overwhelmed with life at home
or at school. I always went to the stream and the octagon bridge, it wasnt really octagon it really
had seven sides when you got to the end of the bridge, but I like to call it an octagon.
Malcolm X reflection- I can relate to Malcolm with reading the dictionary, but I gave up and got
bored with it. He cared for knowledge

Daily Writing: (2/13/17)

Both my grandfather served in the military. Even my father and uncle served in the military as
well. My grandfather that lives in Baltimore, Maryland served in the Vietnam War, but Im not
sure which war or what my other grandfather did in the military. I also want to know why my
dad side of the family is made up of three names Hargroves, Bullocks, and the Wynns. Every
year we have a family dinner and I dont really know everyone on my dad side of the family.
Ive always wanted to make a family tree so I could figure out who was related to who but I
never really got around to it.

Daily Writing: (2/15/17)

Laughter vignette is the one I connected with the most because Im always laughing. Laughing
is second nature. Its a part of who I am and I wouldnt be me without it. My friends say I laugh
a lot or Im the giggle box, but laughter is just healthy. They also say I have a weird laugh, or its
ugly or its so loud. Sometimes my laugh makes them laugh because of how strange it is. Just
like Esperanza and Nenny it reminds me of what my cousin Tamiya, my sister and I would do
when something was funny. We laughed all the time and sometimes for no reason, it was just
because it was contagious. All three of us would be with my grandmother on some occasions and
would get in trouble because we were laughing too much. I was happy when I was reading this
vignette and it made me we want to laugh.

Daily Writing: (2/20/2017):

We dont make any foreign dishes or meals, but every October we have a family dinner on my
father side of the family. All my grandmothers sisters including herself cook for the entire
family. My grandma would always cook her famous collard greens, which were grown fresh
from the garden. My favorite were her desserts, such as sweet potato pie and pecan pie. No else
in the family can make it as good as her except for my aunt maybe. Finally, the last dish I
absolutely love is Cajun shrimp and rice. This is also made for the family dinner and I get it
every time I go.

Daily Writing- Free Write: (2/27/17)

Who are my ancestors and where did I come from? Is all my family black or are parts of me
europen or Asian? When I go into this project I hoped to find a path in my life where my family
we had a small stuggle. I want o know if we had to deal with rascim or did some of my family
have fair skin so they were treated better than most. On my other side of the family my grandma
does really know much about her father and I knew he grew up with a rough life. I watn to know
more about my uncles and who they are. My mother side is lost to me I only know my aunts and
step grandma and poppop. In house on mango street I can relate to a lot of Sandra cisnero talks
about ti makes tm thnk of my childhood and whi ive become as a person today. I wasnt sure yet
but I know theres a sotry about rape in the story or so what I can remember . I feel this would be
a tounchy sotry.

Daily Writing: (3/1/17)

1. If you could steal from one author its plagiarism; if you steal from many its research.
Wilson Mizner
This quotes speaks to me because when you think about someone trying to copy or mock
someone is only usually looking at one person. They are trying to be anything and everything
with that person. With research, I feel as if when youre trying to find information on a subject
you come across many authors. As good writers, we rely on sources and other people, but in that
case we cite.

Daily Writing: (3/15/17)

At nine, I knew what it meant to be respectful, but to have death sit me in the faith and learn that
even while dead so many people still looked up to someone. Someone with no breath left, but its
inspiring to see that at a young an experience like this would make a boy look deep into his
family history. I guess that why people say Always respect your elders. They seem to always
tell a great story and sometimes be the story. It makes me think of my grandma Lucille she is the
backbone to our family gatherings, when come together on the holidays and bring old memories.

Daily Writing: (3/27/17)

I think what it means to be multimodal to interpret a content or subject in multiple ways. For
example, in our Afrocentric semester-long project will interpret the movement through visuals
and aural modes. In this movement, black/African American sounds and our music has changed
over time. From jazz to hip-hop to R&B. In the visual mode my group and I will talk about the
signs blacks make with our hand to make political statements.

Daily Writing 4/3/17

Music used to bring people together. Now music is full of violence and is influencing
communities negatively. This must change. Music should be new and exciting. But where is the
message. What happened to Jazz? The Blues? Rap?

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