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Grove City Area Middle School (OFFICE OF THE MIDDLE SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Wt Lary Connelly Parca ‘pe 22,2087 ‘To Whom it ay Concern am wetting this eter on behalf of Ms, Evelyn Hatn who has served asa long-term substitute in 6" grade science for the second semester of the 2016-2017 school year at Grove Cty Area Middle ‘School. Ms Hahn has been responsible for planning and creating lessons, assessing students, ‘communicating with parents, and allotherresponsibllties of fulltime instructor. thas been impressive to observe the ntative that Ms. Hahn has displayed in terms of eeating ‘meaningul learning acthities for her students. Frequently, observe students inher classroom taking part in hands-on, engaging activities. She ha routinely demonstrated an eagerness to utlize resources the posal, including our science lab, classroom supplies, and technology. Despite the challenge of starting mid-year, she effectively gained the trust and cespect of her students quickly though ‘developing » postive repport. While fostering a postive classroom envionment, she has aso handled challenges promptly and independenty. Additionally, Ms. Hahn has worked seamlesly with our 6" trade team of teachers and has become 8 valuable member of our 6" grade team ‘We have been fortunate to have Evelyn Hahn a pat of our staff forthe current semester. She has shown talent and professionalism equal to a seasoned educator. For these reasons, |highty recommend Ms. Evelyn Hahn for the fulltime teaching position tat she is seeking. Please donot hesitate to contact me if can be of further assistance Sincere, Lary CObnelly Principal Grove City Area Midale Sehoo!

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