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PRODUCER Dexter Holt

CREW James Deakin, Dexter Holt and Will Griffiths



ACTIVITY Filming Final Major Project


START FILMING Friday 5th May 2017 14:00pm

FINISH FILMING Friday 5th May 2017 18:00pm

CONTACT DETAILS Wills mobile number: 07805252404

Wills e-mail:


1 Access / egress 23 Night operations

2 Animals 24 Noise / High sound levels

3 Asbestos 25 Physical exertion

4 Audience safety / crowds 26 Radiation

5 Cables 27 Scaffolds / Rostra / Platforms

6 Camera cranes / jibs 28 Scenic materials

7 Compressed gas / cryogenics 29 Sp. Needs / Disabled /Elderly

8 Confined spaces 30 Sp. Visual Effects

9 Derelict Buildings 31 Stunts / Dangerous activities

10 Display screen equipment 32 Vehicles

11 Diving Operations 33 Vermin

12 Electricity 34 Violence/ unrest

13 Explosives / pyrotechnics 35 Water

14 Fire - flammable materials etc 36 Weapons / firearms

15 First Aid requirements 37 Working at height

16 Flying 38 Working on grid

17 Gas / LPG / bottled gas 39 Working pattern

18 Hazardous substances 40 Young people / inexperienced

19 Heat / cold extreme weather 41 Other:

20 Lasers / Strobes / bright lights 42 Slipping Tripping Falling

21 Lifting Eqt / Cranes / Fork Lift 43 Physical Exertion

22 Manual Handling 44 General public/Theft




Wild Animals in the Cast, Crew and M Remain with equipment Make sure all
woods. Equipment The at all times and dont equipment is
wild animals aggravate and wild working still.
could knock over animals and remain still Check cast or
stationary while any animals are crew member
equipment or near. Do not attempt to for injuries and
collide with an chase any wild animals then seek
actor or crew away from the filming medical
member. set. attention if

Dogs being Equipment The L Pick up equipment if any Check

walked. dogs can run into dog walkers come past equipment is
the equipment to it from being knocked still working and
and knock them over. Or stand between clean the
over and the dog walker and equipment of
potentially equipment to prevent any dirt from
breaking it. them from getting too falling over.
General public Equipment and L Make the general public Check if the
passing by. general public If aware of the filming and member of the
someone passing equipment either with a general public is
by was to trip and sign or verbally. Ask that harmed or not
knock over some they keep their distance and seek the
equipment, then and dont disturb the necessary
harm could come production. medical help.
to both. Then check if
the equipment
is damaged and
still functioning.

Loose cables on Cast and crew - M Ensure that all loose Check if the
the floor. They may not cable is efficiently stored member of the
notice it as they in the necessary carrying cast or crew is
walk past and equipment as there will in need of any
could knock over be no need for it to be medical
equipment or fall. out in the woods. attention and
then check the
equipment for

Confined spaces Cast and crew - M Enforce that nobody is to Look for a way
that the cast or They could get get into a confined area to retrieve the
crew could be in for stuck within a that could cause them person from the
filming or acting confined space, any harm. Make sure confined space,
purposes. causing harm or that everyone on location if unable to do
distress to the stays to the main paths so then attempt
person. within the woods where to find further
there is more space. help from the

Rain getting Equipment Rain M Make sure we have bin Quickly dry all
equipment wet and can cause bags with us so that we equipment and
causing damage. damaged to can quickly cover the cover them as
equipment. equipment if it comes soon as
onto rain. Also have bin possible. Once
bags for the bottom of covered, check
the tripod to prevent from if the equipment
ruining the legs on the is still fully
tripod. functioning.

Carrying the Equipment and M Share the equipment out Check if any
equipment through crew - If someone evenly between medical
the woods will was to fall while everyone on location so attention is
increase the carrying the that someone isnt required by the
likelihood of equipment, then carrying too much, individual who
someone falling. both could increasing the likelihood fell and then
undergo harm of them falling. check if the
from the fall. equipment is
Low light levels as Cast and crew - M Make sure that everyone Check if the
we will be filming in As light levels will has a flashlight on person requires
the evening. be low, there is location and that nobody medical
an increased ventures off from the attention and
chance that group. seek the
people will slip on necessary
the uneven requirements.
ground. Provide them
will a flashlight if

Tripping/Slipping Crew, Cast and M Only place equipment in Make sure all
Over. Equipment positions that are stable equipment is
Unstable and and unlikely to give way. working still.
unlevelled ground Make sure all of the cast Check cast or
increases the and crew wear suitable crewmember for
chance of footwear for the injuries and
people/equipment environment and dont go then seek
falling over. to areas that are medical
dangerous and difficult to attention if
get to within the woods. required.

Theft of equipment Equipment - If H Ensure that no Search the

from members of someone was to equipment is left location to
the general public steal any unattended at any point check that it
equipment, it is on location so that it hasnt been
very financially cannot be stolen. misplaced and
damaging and then head to
prohibits the college to
production. inform them of
the stolen

I have read the above and I am happy that:

It constitutes a proper and adequate risk assessment in respect of the programme

activity and that control measures identified are sufficient to control the risks.
Adequate measures are in place to communicate the risk assessment findings and to
co-ordinate the safety arrangements of all those affected.



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