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Zach Cozad

Professor Johnson-Taylor


19 January 2017

March on Washington Speech Summary

President Barack Obamas March on Washington 50th anniversary speech reiterated the

important social values that have carved their way into our modern lives through social reform

and through activists such as Martin Luther King Jrs vision. While mentioning we have come a

long way to bring us to our current stance, we still have work to do. President Obama brings us

back to a time where women and african-americans had to risk their lives to grab a bite to eat. It

was so corrupt and so morally unjust, yet our unthoughtful eyes precluded the idea that black

american could live the same dream that white americans could. President Obama gave us a

choice in his speech, to either go down that dreadful path of divided race, or carve a new one and

continue to let any type of person join together with high expectations.

We might not face the same dangers of 1963, but the fierce urgency of now remains. We

may never duplicate the swelling crowds and dazzling procession of that day so long ago -- no

one can match Kings brilliance -- but the same flame that lit the heart of all who are willing to

take a first step for justice, I know that flame remains. - President Barack Obama

Many times, President Obama hopefully gives us a glimpse into the past to remember, a

moment in the present to reflect, and a mindset for the future to dream. It is with that, that we

keep on keepin on as he stated, and continue to unite as one instead of partitions of one. The

March on Washington speech was a new, deserving light into a tunnel that has been dark for a

very long time. President Obama has now given us a remarkable choice- to rekindle our spirits
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with a new flame allowing equality for all, or continue to suppress our rights and support our

ideology that only one color of man is worthy of success.

Works Cited
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Obama, Barack. "President Obama Marks the 50th Anniversary of the March on

Washington." Let Freedom Ring. Lincoln Memorial, Washington. The White House. Web. 18

Jan. 2017.

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