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Weekly Work Habits and Conduct Re 1 : 3 = Meets expectations Quarter 3 Grades 1-5 2016-17 2 = Inconsistently meets expectations Name iad 1 = Does not meet expectations = 7 — 1 | Conduct and pod Work Habits for fab 6 Feb | Feb | Mar | Mar | Mar 20 r the week of: - 20 | 227 a aeel pe 3 [9 | 82 sg a? og Uses time wisely 3 Ts attentive & listens ‘Completes [assignments Works independently & Seeks help when needed Follows directions ° p VIS) ag & Ee hake OS by wbahopoed Writes legibly ‘Completes Homework Ts Cooperative ‘Shows respect for others Observes rules Parent/Guardian Initials typ} CY 1QTN] G1 G3] -@ Olas NW} D [O]U3/09] Pp} & fo} IAI Go JO] N] GF} Le [oo] oy KS G9 [4] po] abe w Iwo BY WP ]S][O]o Ww SI g Ba) puwwoy ls é a IN w N 3 A

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