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Erica Lysaught, Lindsey Gallaher, Nick Funk, Ryan Veencamp

Corrine Holke-Farnam

UNIV 1000

20 February 2017


Title: Anorexia and Bulimia in Females and Males

I. Introduction (First Minute)

A) Introduce the foundation including the logo and what we are about (all
powerpoint with background voicing)

II. Overall Statistics (Second Minute)

A) United States Statistics
B) Foreign Country Statistics

III. Women (Minute 3-5)

A) Statistics
B) Advertising
C) Add in interviews if they are gender specific

IV. Men (Minute 5-7)

A) Statistics
B) Advertising
C) Add in interviews if they are gender specific

V. Interviews (Minute Eight)

A) This show the overall idea on the disease

VI. Images of the disease (Minute Nine)

A) Images that show how women and men view themselves when they look in a mirror.

VII. Our foundation (Minute Ten)

A) Who this helps/ affects, how you can help, other stuff like that

ERICA: I would like to make a commercial/foundation that advertises the issue with anorexia
and bulimia. I want to accomplish this by first introducing the issue. Then talking about how
women are affected by it. Then, give statistics about the disease and information as to why this is
an occurring issue for women. Incorporate the interviews that say women are more likely to get
the disease. Then, add to the idea that men are a part of this as well, but it is an underlying issue
because it is rarely advertised or talked about publicly. (Assuming no one will say males are
more likely to have the disease in the interviews) We can state that as noticed, we have no
interviews that say males are more likely so therefore, it shows that the public does not seem to
notice that both genders are affected. We have to incorporate WHY both genders are affected by
showing that the advertisements of skinny women and men are the main cause for this disease.
Lindsey and Nick can decide how many interviews they would like to get between the two of
them, but I think there should be enough in order to back up facts. I will do the outline and
annotated bib along with anything else with paperwork. (With some help) But I will do the
overall paperwork. Possible costs of treatment, so this foundation helps with that. Add outside
people and their issues.
I have done some research. WE NOW HAVE TWO SITES THAT CAN BE PUT ON AN

LINDSEY: I am thinking we could touch a little bit on the topic of how men and women are
shown separately. Like what is the difference statistically speaking.

Ryan: Random post but I found this pdf file, if we need random statistics for our video
powerpoint part, they include all the sources for each statistic also:


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