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Data Visualization Explanation

This is the original graph from afar. Here, I compiled and overlaid 50 different sine waves each
with a different period and amplitude to represent the factors, multiples, primes, and properties
of the numbers 1 through 50. By using the properties of a sine wave, (they consistently repeat
and continue forever) I created a visualization of factors and multiples. Lets look at some
specific examples.

Lets look at the number 15: By looking at the

lines that intersect the x-axis at 15, we can see
the number of factors that 15 has. In this very
zoomed in photo, by looking at the top of the
photo above 14, we see that there are a total of
4 lines that intersect with 15. By using Desmos,
we can track those 4 lines to find out that each
line represents a different factor. 15s factors
are 1,3,5 and 15, thus there should be 4 lines
that go through 15. And there are! Also,
because the amplitudes of the sine waves are
set up in ascending order, if we know the
factors of 15 we can deduce what each lines
sine wave correlates to. For example, the purple line must represent all the multiples of 5, as it
is the third largest factor to hit 15.
This visualization is also perfect for
deciding whether a number is a square
number or not. Based on what we know
about square numbers, each of them
have 3 factors. 1, itself, and the square
root of that number. Thus, in this
visualization, every square number must
only have 3 lines going through it. Lets
pick 49. By following all the lines that pass
through 49, we can deduce that it is a
prime number.

Finally, lets pick a prime number such as 43. Every

prime number only has 2 factors, 1 and itself, so
there should only be 2 lines that cross 43. And there
Ultimately, I feel that this visualization can give people a better understanding of multiples,
factors, primes, and square numbers. A good key to reading this graph is as follows

1 intersection: The number 1

2 intersections: Prime number
3 intersections: Square number (Look and follow the intersecting lines to find the square)
4 or more intersections: Any other type of whole number besides the ones listed above

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