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David Saliby

Synthesis Write Up

I have learned a lot about adolescents since beginnings this course, and there have been a

lot of topics that have peaked my interest. One of these being the study of the biological,

cognitive and social transitions an adolescent goes through as discussed in part one of the book.

Being an adult, I have gone through and in some cases, are still going through some biological

and cognitive changes. I found the info discussed in this first part of the book to be particularly

helpful when thinking about my future. I want to be a music teacher when I graduate and

knowing the differences between the male and female fundamental changes really will help me

understand the reasons as to why kids act the way they do, thus allowing me to show a greater

amount of compassion. This brings me to the next section of this course that I found interesting

and helpful: Part 3 or the Psychosocial development during adolescence. I personally was able to

relate to the ideas of autonomy, intimacy and achievement during adolescence. None of these

topics were new to me, but because the book goes into a great amount of detail, I was able to

learn a lot of new information. Although I have not personally experienced any problems in

finding my sexual identity during adolescence, the information presenting in the book gave me a

better understanding of the problem and it gave me a better idea of how to understand it, thus

allowing me to have an easier time handling it in a professional situation. Pyschosocial problems

in adolescence are a big deal and should be treated with care and understanding and that is a big

concept that I learned while taking this course. In general, the information taught in the class has

given me a better understanding of the many hardships and tribulations an adolescent will go

through. Outside factors such as a rough home life, or sexual harassment at school or at home

can trigger adolescents to act in very negative ways. Understanding this has enabled me in
becoming a more understanding and compassionate person. This will serve me very well in any

professional career.

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