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act*****************************************************Instructional Planning Grid

1. TEKS (114.22 Spanish Language high school C1- 2. Big Understandings

knowlede and skills C3- connections) Spanish is used in every day in life in many
Objective The learner will utilize greeting vocabulary to different areas and you will need to know how to
introduce themselves in oral form in the target language greet in the target language.
by the end of the lesson.
3. Assessment Evidence
- Students in a group will introduce themselves in the target language
- Students in a group are able to listen to pronunciation and facial expressions
- Students individually will be able to introduce themselves formally and informally

4. Opening Hook
How many of you think you will use Spanish every day in your life? Well Im willing to bet you use
Spanish more than you think. I will use media such as a picture, or a piece of music, or brief video from
YouTube that will support my objective.

5. Instructional Strategies/Student Activities

- Students stay in groups, use PPT presentation and practice greeting each other
- Teacher will use PPT to review pronunciation and vocabulary
- Teacher will demonstrate in PPT as students enter the classroom
Guided Practice:
- Review how to formally and informally greet a person in the target language.
- I will walk around the room and help individuals students
- Observe students expressions while participating in a role playing activity where they introduce themselves
to the class.

6. Materials/Resources
Laptop with screen projector, wipe board, and paper.

7. Grouping Patterns
Will provide large group instruction to students who will be working in small groups

8. Ending, Summary/Reflection
Summarize how we introduce ourselves and how to greet others. I will ask students to turn in an exit slip
answering the following questions: 1. Name one way to introduce yourself. 2. Write down one thing you
learned today.

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