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THOMAS LEJPER KANE AMHARIC- ENGLISH DICTIONARY VOLUME I u-1 1990 OTTO HARRASSOWITZ - WIESBADEN, PREFACE ‘The process of change that Amharic has been undergoing since the reign of Menelik I] as a Tesult of the Westernization assiduously cultivated by that monarch has intensified since the Ethiopian Revolution of 1974. It is not just that the Socialist ideology adopted by the present regime requires its own vocabulary but also that lingnistic nationalism which seeks to replace the foreign words so familiar to the educated clite has been given free rein. In the attempt to expand the range of the Amharic lexicon, recourse has been had to borrowing extensively from the Geez lexicon to which new meanings have often been arbitrarily assigned, e.g. =A 7¥ Pf ‘investment funds’ from Geez @P dA ‘days’ and 7¢F- ‘goods. property, money’, The user of this dictionary would be well advised to have Wal! Leslau’s Comparative Diction- ary of Geez at hand even though the definitions given in that dictionary will often give no clue to the present meaning. Geez has always becn extensively used in Amharic religious writings and those having a strong moralistic flavor. In the past, the ability to use Geez words and phrases and even copious quotes from the Geez version of the Bible was the mark of an educated man. Consequently, the authors of the monolingual Amharic dictionaries have in- cluded many Geez words. In this dictionary, those Geez entries which are probably not cur- rent have been marked (Geez). No effort has been made to identify all the Geez components of the Amharic lexicon. In some cases, Gecz words have been included within their cognate Amharic root, ¢.g. 41C¥% ‘light’ is listed under Ne. ‘to shine’ and @*% dv ‘book’ with &4. ‘ta write’, In all cases, however, cross-references are provided. Where a Geez word is not readily related to its Amharic cognate root or where the root has rot survived into Amharic, it is treated like a loanword and entered according to its initial lever, e.g. ‘eu#t0 ‘rejuvenation’ is listed under 4 as its relationship to A&A ‘to renew’ is not evident from the spelling ‘This version of an Amharic-English dictionary is basically a compilation of the existing lexicons: the Vocabulario Amarico-italiano of Ignazio Guidi and its Supplemento, the Dic- tionnaire Amarigna-Francais of Joseph Bacteman, Amharic-English Vocabulary of Charles Herbert Armbruster (Vol. I), the Amharic-Engtish Dictionary of Amsalu Akliln and the monolingual dictionaries written by Ethiopian scholars, notably the her 11C¥? the? (KBT) of Tisimma Habti-mikael and the AAO PIC® eon sat (AYMQ) of Dasta Takla-wald. Most of the definitions taken from the sources mentioned above were translated without any context to setve as a guide. In addition, the authors of the aforementioned monolingual Amharic dictionaries were without linguistic training. Their definitions often lack clarity and Preface vu frequently the citation word appears in the definition, therefore the possibility of error is great. They also had an original approach to the understanding of a given root. They believed that the meaning of any detived stem or non-verbal clement was also inherent in the basic stem and upon occasion where no basic stem cxisted, did not hesitate to invent one. In many cases, these original definitions have been deleted but more than a few remain, They may be identified by the words ‘probably derived from... .”. These two authors also have a tendency to conjugational symmetry, that is they list as valid forms most of the possible forms of a given root. For instance. the KBT gives the form ending in -08 for most root entries, a practice not followed by the AYMO. Nonetheless, the vocabulary of Amharic is in such a state of flux with new words being coined which make use of all the resources of Amharic that it seemed best to retain them. Recent issues of the newspaper, Addis Zemen, contain new words such as Are’ Scrabble’ (a word game) which appeared too late to be included in this dictionary. It may also be nored that many of the neologisms contain forms not otherwise attested. Further, recent works of fiction ike Haddis Alamayyahu’s fag’ Aa and Tasfaye Sontayyéhu’s av? contain many words of Gojjame and Gondare provenance not found in this dictionary. Naturally entries from Guidi, Baeteman, the Supplemento and Armbruster contain a good many obsolete words, usages and meanings. However, the present time is one in which practi- cally any text written in Ambaric can be made available through the computer and the Xerox machine. Given the intense interest in matters Ethiopian due to the Ethiopian Revolution and itsaftermath, it seemed judicious to include the usages contained in these lexicons since many researchers will be working with documents covering a wide chronological range. ‘Amharic is a high!y idiomatic language and though many idioms have been included in this, work, there are undoubtedly many more to be found in any edition of the local newspaper or any work of fiction, {tis not always possible to distinguish between an original mode of expres sion and an idiom. An example is PIS ACAFU FOF AF AATF AA ‘the motor abso- lutely refused to start (lit. slaughter me, besmear yourselves with me [i.e. my blood] but I wilt nor start)", Whether this is a genuine idiom or the author's expression likening the motos to an ‘extremely recalcitrant ox is difficult to determine. Since this sentence is not easily understood even in context, it has been included in the belief that by explaining expressions of this kind, the user may be helped to deduce the meaning of similar expressions. No thoroughgoing effort has been made to provide the etymology of all the words in this dictionary. To do so, a thorough knowledge of Oromoitiia and the other Cushitic languages of Ethiopia would be required, Not all Amharic words of foreign origin are equally known to all Amharic speakers. Therefore etymologies - where known — have been supplied with the exception of words like radfo and gas which by betonging to the scientific or technical vocabu- lary may be considered international. English presents a special problem in that most edu- cated Ethiopians know English and tend to use English words when no adequate Amharic equivalent exists or readily comes to mind, hence it is not always certain if a given English x Preface word is a genuine loanword or is simply being used fauie de mieur if not to show off the speaker's knowledge of that language. Sometimes certain English words acquire a different meaning in Amharic usage than thcy have in English, for example ‘artificial’ meaning ‘toy’ [adj. |. Generally the language from which a loanword was directly taken is indicated. How- over, most words of Greek or Latin origin have bcen ascribec to these languages even though they have been received into Amharic from Geez and/or Arabic. Those few words derived from Hindi, Spanish or the like have probably come into Amharic via Italian but since much tesearch would be required to determine the course by which they came into Ambarie, only the most certain origin has been indicated in this dictionary. A certain number of inconsistencies will be noted. Reduplicated compound verbs such as 1A AAP AA may have the final consonant of the first element indicated as ungeminated in the transcription but as geminated in other eases. In conversational speech. the final conso- nant of the first element is not geminated and this is reflected in the transliterations of these verbs given in the dictionaries of Gankin and Armbruster. In.addition, nominal derivatives of the CaCaCa type should have the second and third consonants geminated for verbs of type B but there are many exceptions to this rule. Some of the loanwords, many of them Arabic, cited by the KBT must be considered doubt- ful. Three entries in particular indicate that this suspicion is justified: #%e ‘merchant of bricks’ is apparently a misunderstanding of Dozy’s qaifir ‘marchand de bric-a-brac’ and #NCA ‘a kind of mosque' is obviously a misunderstanding of d’Abbadie’s ‘mousquet de gran- des dimensions’. 4¢'9¢ which occurs in Bacteman with the meaning ‘a kind of hay’, appears as. two entries in the KBT, the first with the meaning ‘a kind of tree, juniper, a tree growing in Syria’ and the second with the meaning ‘hay’. Since Arabic sanaubar ‘stone pine’ denotes a kind of tree that does not grow in Echiopia, the first citation seems improbable. In his choice of Arabic loanwords, the author of the KBT may have been unduly influenced by his many years of residence in Harar which as a Muslim religions center has been subjected to the influence of Arabic. Geographic coordinates have been taken from the Gazetteer of Ethiopia published by the Defense Mapping Agency, Washington, D.C. While comprehensive, this gazetteer does not have a consistent transcription system and does not take into account regions like Bulga which have no officially recognized administrative boundaries. Its place-names are drawn from the 1501 S map series, 1:250,000 scale which was produced by the same agency in 1972. This map series contains far fewer names than the British War Office maps produced by the Geographi- cal Section, General Staff in the 1:500,000 scale and reproduced by the Survey Directorate of the East Africa Command during World War II. Most of the entries nnder 4% ‘plant’ have been taken from: Jacques Mercicr’s article “Ap- proche de la médecine des debteras.” Preface x ORDER OF ENTRIES The entries are arranged by root (or if none, by the initial letter of the word) according to the order of the Ethiopic alphabet with some exceptions: uae GAH FN YF AN hour Re 1m aw Ks 7. The exceptions are that in keeping with the system used by Ignazio Guidi, the letters u, ch, 1 have been grouped together as have the letters #, 4 and %, 8. The letter 9° has been grouped with 2. ‘The order of an entry is as follows: verb — simplex, reduplicative, passive, reciprocal, causa- tive, conative, causative of a causative and where applicable, verbs with prefixed tan- and an-, ‘After the verbs, the derived forms follow: simple, prefixed +-, prefixed A-, prefixed a”- (including infinitives and instrumentals) and ending with the noun of manner. Compound verbs formed with Aa, Ai'¥ or ALL have not been placed with the verbs but are listed according to the non-verbal element inasmuch as they occasionally appear with the verbal element elided, ¢.g. when occurring in a series or in a truncated expression. Ilustrative sentences have generally been enclosed in parentheses while idioms have not. Sayings and sentences containing peculiar usages have been placed at the end of the sub- entry, e.g. a proverb or a sentence containing the verb Aftd as headword will be at the end of the entry for 02 and will be immediately followed by the sub-entry aan. ‘The transfiteration system used in this dictionary is the same as that employed by Wolf Leslaw in his Amharic Textbook and his Concise Amharic Dictionary (see table). Translitera- tions of Arabic words are taken from A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic, by Hans Wehr, edited by J Milton Cowan, 4th edition. Transliterations of Oromaiiia words are from the Oromo Dictionary by Gene Gragg unless otherwise noted. In some cases, the Amharicsource identified a given word as Oromofiiia but the word was not listed in either Gragg or in da Thienc. In such an instance, the word is marked Orom. but no transliteration is given. At- tributions, e.g. (KBT), (Ar.), (inf) indicate a certain amount of doubt. The transhiteration conforms more closely to the written symbol than actual pronunciation. For example, Amharic very rarely uses the glottal stop and where it does, there is no differen- tiation in pronunciation between a (°) and A (’). The change of a to A after the consonant w is not indicated. For further information on Amharic pronunciation, see Amharic Textbook by Wolf Leslau. XL Preface SYMBOLS + preceding an entry, e.g, "WHA - ThA indicates that the verb ias no simplex form. It is also used to indicate the root of one or more Geez entries, €.g. "Pand - P47 and for indicating that the presumed root of a particular form does not exist, ¢.g. "24 ~ 7A sigiill “when he kills’ (see 24). ina definition, e.g. ‘to chase (dog: tail)’ ts to indicate that the colon replaces the verb and the definition should read ‘dog to chase his tail’. [ ] Words in the translation of a citation sentence that ate enclosed in brackets indicate that they are tanslators’ additions. An entry enclosed in brackets, &.g. [@™m% miitfaia pipe — sce m/} indicates that the entry does not belong to the root in which it is listed but properly belongs elsewhere. ( ) Parentheses around any Ambaric letter or transliteration, e.g. (P)2+ or sil(@)iib indicate an alternate usage, i.e. the word may or may not occur with or without the letter within the parentheses. ORTHOGRAPHY The orthography used in this dictionary is etymological, following the example set by Wolf Leslau in his English-Amharic Context Dictionary. At times the orthography of the citation sentences reflects the usage of the source from which it was taken. Since written Amharic, specifically printed material, favors # for # and ® for 4 regardless of actual pronunciation, entries have generally been standardized using the labialized velars. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS abbr. abbreviation ABMQ — Amaroitia bamaroitia mazgiba qalat ace. accusative, according (to) AD. Anno Domini ‘Adtduiifia or Adduiifa bola’ (sce sources) Adiifros (see sources) adj. adjective adv, adverb Af. Men, (see sources) Af.Rom, — Affiwirg Romance (see sources) agric, agriculture, agricultural Alim siiggiid (see sources) A.M. Amita mabrat Am. Amsalu (see sources) AmB. Amsalu Falitote (see sources) Amb, Antharic AMQ Amarafiiia masabeta qalat (see sources} anat, anatomical AvdL. And Lannatu (see sources) app. apparently approx. approximately Ar. Anabic (An) Armbruster (see sources) Araya (see sources) arith, arithmetic art. atticle astrol, astrology, AWG Affawarq Grammatica (see sources) AWMen — Aftiwarq Menelik (see sources) AWE Afawarg Labb wallad tarik (see sources) AYMQ Addis yamaratiiia mazeaba qalat (see sources) B Baeteman (see sources) Bibl. Biblical a. irea Cer, Ceruhi (citation specified in Supplement) . compare chem, chemistry civil. civilian em, centimeter Cohen Gee sources) Cohen-Griaule (Cohen, Nouvelles Etudes, citing Marcel Griaule) culluquial conjunction (Leslau, see sources) Committee for the Organization of the Party of the Workers of Ethiopia collog. (see sources) isee sources) da Thiene {see sources) Dawkins (see sources) def, cefinite dej. Cafifazmat dem. cemonstrative der. na] no ¥ ofa | % ful tom |e Aa) te [A ta [F to na [ew wiki [A a [ee lh a la o no oka@ [@ mul ki [8 kal ke[h ka[ bh ko Wohi [® ful hi |W ha | he| h hal Bho owe [om wel e wile wale wel @ wal Pwo o a oo aoe toa me oa Poo o a [we win wv iy calm zla czlY zo wo wile et [wr a l[e eli @ | zo e oye fe wel e® wile yal @ ye le ya |e yo di [&% du[s dil da|& de|® do|% do £ gi [# HR |e glk gel Be | fo a gt [w guia gil 2 gale gel gol? go a @ [wmini la ala els le fo The Amharic Alphabet XXVI ot [am culm | ca| ae ce |e co | om co R pa |® pul& pi | & pal& pe|® pal po xR sl e ula gw |k alm cele sa [R so 8 sa > «wilt gs lt «| % se lo sa |? 50 a fa [# fuje fi |* fala fe |* fo le fo v ope |e pul t pil 7 pale pele pol 7 po LARIOVELARS @ ga [* qi [# aa |® qe | qa we a’d [® WM [A ha [oe he | We te kG wm OK a ka a ke w ka + gta nm eG A gta a gre tr gta * Reprinted from Wolf Leslau, Amharic Texthook v, ah, 4 ¥ ha from, al, on, var. of fl (usage of Dambaya, Gejjam, Shoa [Ar.]) (UaYee + AdCr we camped by the litle stream) 0 Af ba alii to learn the sounds represented by the symbols of the Ethiopic syllabary; to whin- ny, bray (donkey, mule) U1 4% bas bay braying donkey D+ hu or + h"2 Ist pers. sg. subject marker, var. of tr -ku, Only hu occurs when the perfect ends in 9 geminated consonant, c.g, fmu* sittibu, Ou billahu, ahFu- salicéiho 0 = AA bu aliito cry out, to bark at length %* hd hi alii to whinny, neigh (horse) (LLL H+ Me don’t whinny) v ‘at hdl ha alli to bray (Ac) twenty (Shoan variaat of haya) -v -ah matker for the 2nd masc, sg. subject, c.g. ANNU lihhasab, ‘you got dressed’, omy miiffah ‘you came’ 2nd mase. sg. object, ¢.g. 0-0 sittiihh “I pave you’ and 2nd mase. sg. possessive suffix, @R hota cheering of the winners in a ganna- hockey or soccer game Au2+ ahota to score a goal (in génnu-hockey} "1 # smabosa goal (IEF © 0% goal) - yoy vo + kA haba alé to whinny, bray (donkey. mule); to laugh, go ‘hat ha?” 0:0) haba ha (donkey's bray) vor? hf habe sti to learn the alphabet, begiv the study of the Ethiopic sylabary, fig. to start, be-, e.g. a process of making 0%, hai exclamation (of jest or of a tiureat, de- pending on the fone) ut habe or ¥f hal sorrow Wu +d. huhu ali to bray ued huhuta cry of woe or alarm (see Arby + na) %L hehe exclamation of contempt or of a threat, roughly: oho! (AFPAT + bo + aehay 1 4% oho! do you think you will get away with some mischief?) exclamation of grief or VY! AA haha alli to make a sound to indicate to the person wro is talking to one that he is being listened to, reughly: hm!, sot; to utter cries of sorrow or grief; to whiny (horse) UE hohe syllabary symbol, letter, speech sound; phoneme wr AA hoho alii to cry ho, ho! in order to make ‘swarming bees settle. to accompany a song with shouts of ho, ‘10! during celebrations of Qaddus yohannas (New Yeac’s Day) or Masqal (Feast of the Invent on of the Cross); 10 be surprised wee hoho exclamation of wonder, amazement; cry uttered toget swarming bees to settle; cry to urge on oxen WF AP haho bay person of little importance, ‘of small account vu > hobota clamor (of a market), uproar (in an assembly duc to a disagreement) “7 bohat blank space between letters (Geez hohat *gate’) PAE! Pee Levant, place where the sun rises “PAb tL entrance, doorway, entry, passage (0 the inter or of, means of seeing inside sth. “TALE hohayat in PAST + LLA dlank spaces between letters (pl, of hohat above) Yw"> hahan priest, var. of hu’? kahan (Supp.) vay UA hoh"ait (see *U@4) UU hohoy exclamation of anger ute halo hello, utterance used when initiating speech on the telephone Eng. Ute hallo a kind of acacia Wty hullu every, all (of a thing), everybody (@ NF | HPMEr bring all of it) (e9F7 all of us) (7 ARE NANA don’tbe selfish, til, don’t say, everything is for me!) o-A hulle always, all the time trie + flax or thax + univ everybody, everyone thie + 69 or wat hellagdin daily, every day U-te + u-te completely, in its entirety wie + Mawee all, everyone. indeterminate number O-te # (LE sponger, cadger; person or animal which has no home are +14, voracious, one who cats whatever food he can lay hands on arte + 796 everything dete 70% hulu agiiras one who adapts read- ily to new situations AL, hullizze always, everytime, perpetually, all the time Gtr hulugibh or -A7-0 hullégébb one who concerns himself with the affairs of others, meddler, intriguer; multifaceted, comprehen- sive, versatite GAB AINE + ONEIE | RAGA + em fuel is @ multifaceted and basic material) (0-4 + 741 + FU versatile [person]) O-A70 hullagib comprehensive; a plant se- sembling mint which is eaten cooked as a rem- edy for macé (a sudden and violent illness ~ see ech), ground creeper, also KU-A # 741 olmlla- gibh POAIN RAMEE # re + PANE cooperative association ROAM ahullagibb = VAT TesA + 7-1 onc who has sufficient knowledge to be conversant on many subjects WATE hulgize, UAT hullizge ot UA “Ini, hulliig(a)ze = hollizze ie?" hullum all of them, everything, every- one (OIF AeE + 7796 everything for the war front!) va (te + Adv they are all present, avaiable, at band) (OW? + ve nevertheless, despite all that) (ha? * OF everywhere) (te? * Nik not choosy) Av Vihullumm in any casc (huriee? © 910 in any case) oA hullahulla everything; all sorts of thiogs [brought together] QO-4-¢ bihullahulle completely, altogether, eutirely (obs.) AP | Ud everybody ATE | Ue cveryone, whomsoever YS. andi + infinitive + Ué hulu = inas- much as, just like, just as; instead of (Paws = IRENA stead of eating his lunch, he stayed huagry all day) {[proverb] AF&ee + Oty as they say {proverb]) hus #48. above all, more than anything hu-a(e) 114g. kihullum(m) biilay above all, over all, more importantly heir = flac kahully bifit first of all, to begin with, at once, right away uA common, universal, everybody's G-Pd¥ + ee all creation v-h2°% hullimiina + sulfixed possessive pro- nouns: Uhersar his entire body, all his body, every aspect of his behavier; all aver his body [adv.] (Uae ary + £0eP & he aches all over) AS’ her entire body, etc. O07 hullinta universe (neol.) OA hullintawi universal (neol.) OAtTS holliotina or UATE hulkintonna total, sum (Ar.); = hulldiména GAS hulliye always, all the time, var. of OA hulle U4 bulla everyone, every spot, var. of ott hull (anne | Rat hAM REA LMAPA TE Roar | te LAar + Tha intemal joy arising from thought, will fill him wherever it is lacking) ua + 4 bodta bulla all the affairs {EAR) YA, halle hatlelujah (VO. = hovr = YA, refrain of a song sung by old women in the olden days) Yh + &f hofle luya hallelujah ‘7A2* hafleta act of singing or chanting hallelu- wa aa jah: section of the zema-hyma in which hallelu- jah is sung Yaz-@- ty the ha used in spelling halleta (to distinguish it from the homophone letters +h and 4) %A hela cistern, deep well, var. af 4A uA tala in 8 + WA Ania confertifiora, possibly Kalanchoe sp. WA hola dark groy (sheep's cout), light brown (sheep's coat) {Orom, hoolaa ‘sheep’} ‘28 b%ala behind, in the back, Tater, later on, af terwards; exclamation of a threatening nature, approx. ‘I warn you!" (424 + Aa don’t come any closer, | warn you!) (AA APE foe | AAS well then, how many Siwancs are there?) (AQ NGS+24u-F as I found out later) a4 #4 to pull back, withdraw, to go back, walk backwards AA + A+ Al hala bala alii (0 lag behind AA HG? Ato um to the rear, turn around AA * NA@-F bala b"ilawn ditectly behind, right in back of [with verbs of motion) AAR v"alass and afterwards? ‘AA! @C backward, underdeveloped (economi- cally) A44@ for the future, for later (on) X...Aa behind, in the back of, after h. ..44 behind, ia the back of, after 024 bab"ala later, later on, afterwards. then (after that); behind, at the back (ASA * he>- by hisfits later name) fi... AA behind, Inter than, after (of place ot time) (Sb | AA behind you, alter you [+ fii is an allomorph of 1 ké-]) (hiv © 84 after this, after that) fi kai + perfect + bab"ala after [conjunction] GA-FAA bastih"ala behind, from behind, from the hack. after (RAFRA | 2-7-4 + Nile he disturbed [every- one] by coming late) R&A kih"“ala behind (HAA + (tea in the rear, at the rear) AA + AA to the rear, behind (NAA AAS PEATE ED | ARF Fe ber [pol. pl.] children [accusative] who were scat- tered to the rear...) @SXA widlkala backward, backwards, to- wards the back; behind, if the back OSA * LI go toward the back/tear; [to s.0. dsiving a vehicle] BSAA + aaH to come later 8.3.4 1 2.19 remain or lag behind, to be late, to be backward OSA + PePAN wo give up: to turn about (around), to go back @8AA? He to turn around @PAA | RIA to lean back @P-%A ' NOta0M to put [, | in the back OREN! ALC4 to put or set [] aside, to put [] behind @&2A* ha widih”ale alii co withdraw, draw back, to hold back; (0 delay, be Tate; to fail to Keep one’s word (ANCE 2 THA APO tO RAA ERAN they didn’t hold back on spending money for the wedding) (WFO NCERT OREN: HEAP he is unfaltering in the performance of his duty) (hit? me A= AA he changed his mind, he did not keep his word) OP AA = CPLA widdih" ala yammayal res- ol OR AA Hh later fh... @£44 of HOLA from behind (hagaa © Ams he attacked from the roar, from behind) a4 yuh“ala behind, back, rear PAA | ZR to walk backwards, to back up 44 + AA in the long run, sooner or later, final- ly, ultimately (CoE le ONAN | PA! FER! AATF finally she stecled herself, mustered up hee courage and said, ‘No. let her go!”) FAA: PAA = PAA EAA AAar +: YCH reverse (gear) PAA = Ac back door ick up! eAasb yih"alit [adv.], backward, in the back. on the back PARA | 17 to walk backwards, to back, back out (Ar) PARE +608 to walk backwards RAAF + AA to be incomplete. shori [of the goal, af completion] PAA * hid to tie the hands bebind the back AARA war FAA + @RA to fall flat on one’s back, fall over backwards @40% + 744 t0 become famous eventally ANF hMalbiifa tast (of place and time), latter, posterior; one who is in the rear or is behind, ‘one who arrives by following another (Anan + far the last person) TARY yah" aliiia posterior, latter, rear: fol- lower, one who waiks behind another (RAAT FH: CLE F = LUG ee the last shull be first [Bibl.]) AAC bYalayod in PACH # AFPARA, ret- rograde motion ¢hAAG halhal spurting or squirting of blood (person or animal that has been stabbed); the shooting up of fame(s) shah hathalta spurting or pouring out of blood Ad hollil At. hallala +dhAA- -tchOA thallBli to become light (dark place), to brighten up (acc), to beam (expres- sion due to joy) Ax. tahallata Ad halldild 10 be good (licit) {Ar. hallala]; to dry out, become dry (damp place) AX halal good (licit) Ax, halal 70.0, halele cry for starting the gugs-polo game (Orom.) yaa halal full moon Ar. hilal 76. h¥ bolle luya hallelujah (see 70.) ¢uie* hallémé to dream, have a dream (see also hac) 4°, halumi one who dreams, bas a dream AP? balm dream, fancy AA * 4.0.4 dream (as opposed to a vision or xan apparition) AhA@ * ALS: the dream Joseph interpreted for Pharaoh; charm or incantation used by sorcer- ers for inducing dreams 2hACTF” holmam one who dreams every night aaee halmiiiw = halmam hOF habim in 6M + dhA.F ataber bead (see car) HAPAPY | AA hotomlamm.alé to disappear, vanish (see also KAY! AA) to utter cries of joy or jubilation vaAore-toh halmélmelek star which is in the ascendant from 26 Taksas to 26 Miggubit, i.e during the dry season; one of the four planets (ABMQ) whoegar hulliminaw all over his body (see whe) uh hallfo a dish made of many ingredients mixed together ih? halbigi to create {Arabic loanword used by Musliros instead of Kittie] Ar. kalega chO> haliq the Creator, God [Muslim usage only] Ax. kalig “ant - om Ant mnihallig or 2hAP miihallay small coins), small change, piaster (obs.); 2 unit of measure for precious metals AAP holg connective tissue in the chin or the chest “Ad hYolg"a number (Geez only); Bible verse RAR OES + KAA@ innumerble, countless, immeasurable, lit, which bas neither umber nor measure "BAL | 2ORAETbooks Of church and school APY holqit destruction (see KAL) OB? APE ag halt Plantagy lanceolata AAb-E © SNF end of the world AAP haliogt = halgit 01 halib in 60 © 244 Atagi halih any plant bav- ing a milky sap, e.g. ficus, euphorbia, esp. Euphorbia tirucalli, (see also had) sh fet haloh sour cheese (Geez) ‘AGT holbiit Lenten or fasting dish made of bar- Jey, pepper, hulled beans and nug-oil (see nA) O07 huliitt two ¢ WA 1 Wr to break [vi] up, separate into two WAP ABE to cut. divide or separate [vt] into two ina + suffixed possessive pronoun expresses two of , . ., both of . wAX FY both of us Aa 1 UAT by twos Ware halitte twice, two times OA hulitto twin, doubied AbP halite both oar ne ute + Af hulitt Habh of two minds (unde- cided): duplicity, cunning wa + PAD hubitt malas one wino mixes truth with falsehood GA 1 we hultt sri the Chalcedonian doc- trine that the actions of the Word and the flesh are separate UAT + YF cight o'clock (becanse traditional Ethiopian time reckoning begins each 24-hour period at 1800 hours {night} followed by the daytime 12-houc period at 0600) U-A% | ACE bubitf bahroy the doctrine that Jesus Christ had two separate natures, Divine and human At © hei double-barreled [gun] ATH, hulittiigee twice (Ar.) Au-A% together (ABA S69 | ALCTOP and together we lifted him. ) Nat hahulatt wc 6 120+ Ne-At 1 wae she gave birth on the second day of the (new) month AY-A + Get in pairs, two hy two AAw-At having two (of, e.g. Awad + P-hC bimotored, twin-engine); one whose turn it is to give the sodality [mahohdr] banquet two months later AIF + WAT a couple of [dollars] ATE + UAT + PUA a few, several (sce hha) (VISE! BAF In MPM EET OT FA@-9 there is no doubt that it is useful, its usefulness is beyond dispute) heat = Ag in wo places (herd? + AR + 84.4 he was wounded in two places) North + AS one or the other; dilemma UATE bulfttonndt state or condition of be- ing two U-A+% hullittiiiia second (in order of prece- dence), secondly, another time, again; younger (sibling) (wtb + wm he came in second, he was sec- ‘ond fin grades, in rank) PALE O * FAP the Next World DADE | BLE FP UCT | ILE high school teary yahulittiiannat second (prize), referring to being second #AFS bolittayya second child born after the death of the first child; double relationship, e.g. if the uncle of ego is married to ego’s father's sister, their child is hullittayya to ego; twin BATE holitiayyo donble, double-layered angara-bread ‘nade by pouring batter on a fresh angara and baking it again, game having two players WATE hulittayyod double; game having two players; double thread; pair of oxea Wh hobiitii tobe double, make double 4 Ab tihollitii to be double, doubled or twin WA ballot twin, double A> ballets chanting halle!njab (see 7A.) ‘AY halkit sta, rod (Geez) Aad + OCP scepter Une bolita or Utes holota Holeta 0904N 383VE (now officially known as Ginniit [Genet] héve? haltit a plant, var. of AAE+ altet 146 hallina or 74 hallena [rare] conscience, mind, reason, intelligence; thought, idea (Ar.) AASom'} + DPA to be lost in admiration, be ina reverie AATar'y « Art to lose consciousness 4A. © 112 one who harbors iif thonghts; one who lacks conscience of compassion 40.7 + O.04r> halfina hisamnit state or condi- tion of lacking conscience or compassion 4A8 + avi narrow-minded, mean-spirited C40. § Aled prayer said under one’s breath, silent prayer CHO * AAS roto'ati hallina good-hearted, npright AEA | 1A5 lost in thought, rapt, absent- minded; mind fixed on spiritual matters Al * 4A, conscientious TA. = 44.4 keen of intellect, good student or Tearner ‘42+ + 40.9 nagati ballina (political) con- sciousness $871 40.5 magination Wd. | 4A. journey made in one’s imagination hm + 4A. wusté hallina subconscious “10H | 14.6 state of the mind (in which good or bad thoughts ace conceived, means for expres- sing those thoughts) A.6% ballinat concepts (810! PAH | PAT ar! PATS! ATF + HVT aee LE BAA ARRAS HATH wats 6 on (O70! ANF) + Coyne | CLLALAET: PePDAA it seems that more than ever before we need words and phrases having a Geez ap- pearance to express new concepts) 0-03 hullinta universe (ncol.) {see 0) *hANF hollakiiiia stubborn (see ANF) %ADT+E helicoptiir helicopter dA? hakiwa sweets, candy Ar. hala VAP hallowe living u long time, manner of exist ing a long time; place where one lives (Geez) UNG hallawe essence, nature, state of being or existing (Geez) Aled + UAT unity of being, e.g. a tree which consists of roots, trunk, leaves, Nlowers, fruit and taste (KBT) VAOm hallow existing cternally (Gad) (Geez) UAers hollewonna being (the fact of being, cx- isting), existence, nature BA hulliizze always (sce OY) FAN hullizge always (sce HA) “1N€ halkyd to think, cogitate (Geez only} “WAL hallaye theory; mind AAS + oo FACH care, thought of life (ef, Luke Bild) Ret | WAS silent prayer AS halaya reasoning AAP haliyii to sing (Geez only) MAL haliyt in hOLt + GY singers fashioned of metal (from the Zena Askndar or Story of Alexander); radio or gramophone {obs. neol.) “ThA maholet sacred song, hymn “Tt: 190 mahaleti plimbo cxtemporized bawdy songs sung to church hymns by tradition. al church students “VAA+t | F% maboletii sage Canticle of the Flower, verse hymn composed in honor of the Virgin Bat Tas the western part of the outer cor- ridor of a traditional Ethiopian church, lit. place where hymins are sung, KCI! THAT dorglitatii maholet o:ganiz- ing the various musical instruments so they will provide a harmonious piece of music ooh? + ob mihalayd mihaley the Song oT Songs or the Song of Solomon shATH halgiiz blood vessel (Geez) ¥A4. hallafa’ to pass, pass away (see ANZ.) wad. + A°7@ hallifs simayu lit. his heaven has pussed away - a reference to the Ethiopian al- phabet which begins with ¥ and ends with 4 (Supp.) BAg, hatafl one who passes, thing which passes away, transient, transitory, ephemeral BAG. + ATRL passerby UAL * 2H past [1], past tense UA&S+ halafiyat mortals; transitory states or coaditions VAL halflit act of passing, passing away (QUAL + PACE who departed this life) Dash + GAP end of the world “1Ad. halliifa"' (see AAd.) “184 halafi one who is in charge of, re- sponsible (for an enterprise, a group, an instal- lation, ete.), enrator, head (of a firm), keeper (444 + 64 to account for) “WAG 4+ halafinniit responsibility, charge (re- sponsibility) 40% halifa Caliph Ar. kalifa Am hal(af left margin (of u page or book); par- tial parchment (page) (see. hit.) Ad halfit act of passing (sce IMA, KAR) ve" amu father-in-law (Geez) 41. hami five (in counting the strokes while bat- ting a ball —sce #964) shF hamma to stander (see A?) Y7" hamm bite, chcwing (see U"UF" + AA) sh” hamm red glass beads which used to be worn around the neck (Gondare usage): flat, white sass beads worn as above; red color for cloth (AMQ) ah? + #8, dark ycliow beads (Gondare usage) a? bam trce with whitish hark (AYMQ) wet home a kind of tree We7 hom(ma eve of the wedding when the bride leaves off wearing the mé-helt worn only by un- married girls (Gojjam usage}; steep cliff or AP AL tock stide 49°A hammita' to gather, collect leaves bord hamal, pl. 42494 abmal various kinds of leaves, edible leaves; edible plani(s), veg- stables ho hammala! ty carry a burden, ¢.g. porter At. hamala 40> hamiil porter; Aries (also written AA dora) (see CZ) 4%0 hammal porter Ar. hanunal 4°LA hamil heavy beam (used in Harari house construction) cf, Ar. hanimala «k*t, hamle a kind of plant with whitish leaves (ABMO); plant (Geez only) ht hamle Hamie, 11th Ethiopian month (8 Jul.—6 Ang.) (beginning of the Ethiopian fiscal year) Sratahamimal green, verdant (Geez); pera herd + ae hamilmalé wirq pers. 0. 68 © ho>RTA agli bamalmal a plant (Fudea schimperi) POA hamiitmil green, verdant (Geez only); spotted, striped, multicolored (RBT) 68 AMMAPLA esa hamélmil any evergreen plant, (csp. Eudea schimperi) (abv 08 STA asi hamélmal) "14% hamelut headeloth (Geez) chow” hamiim illness, sickness, disease, ailment, ort ache, pain (see howan) PhOPe | 2S sick leave thew harmum sick person. patient (medical). pl. ho? hamuman Ahorg-+% hamimeiiiia sick, iil, patient 4°19" homam pain, suffering (Geez) ete hamamat (pl. of Geez 099° hamam) Passion Week, ending on Holy Saturday 40°C hamiir ark; basic number (Geez) dG + ch the ha used in spelling hamiir (to distingnish i: from the homophone # and 74) heed, * 4 Noah's Ark how + Avec kirsi hamie altar on which the ‘abot is placed; ship's hold (Geez) 2°C hamir reddish bay (horse) Ar. ahmar herd + Hes hamir zirraf warrior who cap- tured a reddish bay horse in combat (obs.) show + 4.2 reddish bay horse aud hama bay (horse) Ar. harera AP é® bamrawi pink, purple; ciear red colors bay (horse); a kind of cloth aPe8. hamray = hameawi Ar. hamrdyy 4G hamr kena (see also ch. § AAA) weec homiir or UC hamor tamarind (fimarin~ dus indica) #16 homer asphal:, pitch “12-0 hamus Thursday (see also hemi) [h9z:] ! 28h © €PCar on its last legs emf + CR hamus ziiq’arham Maundy Thursday “emf + 108 hamus githiiya the name of several towns in Shea and Gojjam. 4.0 + Yow Maundy Thursday AAP t yom a odaga hamus Idaga Hamas, town in Tigre 241. 39348 (Tita, Thursday market) O41 + Ya"A abd bamus The Thursday after the Fast of Nineveh, i.e. one and one-half wocks before Lent Reet + “emf Jesus’ prayer at the Last Supper; Maundy Thursday 7994 hamsa fifty (see also APA, AFA) P94: KAP sergeant oman, + PAPA: KAP quartermaster sgt. 371 hamas fifth order of the Ethiopic syllabary arnt which indicates the vowel APN} bammest five, archaic for APO 470.7 hamasea Hamasicn, a province of Eritrea in northera Ethiopia the capital of which is Asmara ATE F hamasenoé people of Homasien, euphemism for Eritrean soldiers serving the Tealians 1935-41 horTN hamiisikA to viturate, to mince, to reak into small picces by rubbing (see Mavi ht under A) 7°0 homba bird which has reddish yellow plum- age, red cycs and possesses a flutelike call h7-AA. hambili Hanbali, member of the most conservative Mustim school of jurisprudence At. hanbali sh? hambill Ieader of 50 or 100 soldiers (obs.); breastplate for a horse, ceremonial dress worn by a captain of troops (obs.) (sce Arna, ¥na) &PNAL bambiilay grey or white horse; kind of whirlwind (AYMO) (see AP*MAL) POF hambiiS$a a flat, round bread popular in ‘Tiere and Eritrea iheete? hombut ull green fruit in a pod or hull, green ear separated from the stalk (see arr) dhou-p hammita to make gall, to pot gail in ment: to smash [vi], pulverize, crumble up [vt] shP-# hammate tripe prepared with gall [Tita,] (see aor) hor} hamut in-laws (Geez) he: hamat father nett) v1 hamet sander, calumny (see A*?) AS hametam one who spreads much slander, one who is the subject of slander h°L-b# hametirifa slanderer sh P- bamot gall, bile (see APT, dort) (APA + 4.fte his courage failed, he lost heart, courage) CAPT! 2% gall bladder avPP+ * (Lit Incking initiative, dull (person) or motherialaw (see the. PAE hamotani bitter (liquid), bittcr-tast- ing (drink) ho} hamit ash from incense (see Ae) 49% ham(ma)é many glass beads (KBT) «kL hamina singing beggar, minstrel (see also 77, 4A.NA) LSP haminam hamine-like, having hami- na-beggars (district); chief of the hamina-beg- gars 15° haminamina song sung by children during Buhe Agra hamz poison (Geez) 66 + PA esl hamz Acanthera schimperi ALE hamig inability to express 0.5. youma homittiti to be sour, tar or acid, 10 turn sour, go sour (see also teeeman ? hemkR) Avremanin abomiittiti vo cause to tum sont havea ashomiitdilii to cause or allow 10 he or turn sour Use + KA homtiit{ ali to become sour wrerm homtatta sour, acid, tart; vinegar, pickle (Ar.); fig. harsh of manner; one who does not readily succumb to any kind of trial rerany® homtatfanniit or FFF hom- tattannat sourness, acidity UPA, homtatte vinegar eur mihomtiga reason, time or place for turning sour Areva” abh"omatit or Au'eom mt abh"o~ malitatiit manner of being or turaing, sour, et. homiit titi to cause or allow 10 Vereen homaksigti Aiw onan. ashomnii be or to tra sour (Ar.) VPAA homiagea or UI LE homiag sour, acid (UP20> the repeller, the brave or intrepid one) VP RASt homkadlanait or UP AE homgag¥onniit sourness, acidity (Ar) Airave. ahhomiéaé or AU aLE abe homagagié manner of being ox turning sour, ete, dé hara army, troop (Geez only) «hd. + 0978, hava slimay the angelic host; the celestiat bodies: the 40 Martyrs drowned in the ae. act sea by King Elpbinius (see Synaxarion, 13 Mag- gabit) aide * 119" the twelve stars of the Zodiac, z0- diac: the change from the old year to the new Hay + chads hard times (16 2 LU + tomy + chee today, in these hard times...) shé hara in did | TH heretic, schismatic Gk. airetixot *hG arr silk Ar. harir 4AG 1 "PPA cord of blue silk worn about the neck only by Ethiopian Christians as a sign of their religions affiliation NA+ chG one who bas silk; silken (garment) (94+ hG #42 Fo sil merchant, silk-goods deal- er) (obs.) YA * AC skein of silk @A4 | hG wax from which the impurities have been removed FehG silken FehG * 3A silkworm dvC hurr free, being freed, manumitted Ac. hurr du A@M to free, manumit dv} burronniit state or condition of being free, delivered from bondage, free state or con- dition Ye hare valley subject to seasonal flovding (Stitz) “AC her generous, magnanimous; name of a neume in the chant or chucch song Ar. kayr NG + “kG giibor her name of the 6th Sunday (and foliowing week) of Lent she hotii to go (Geez only) sn 1749" bury biisalam ‘go in peace!” (bev- ediction said at the end of Comemunion) “AG 1 Ae hors agate kind of shield (from the Ethiopian chronicle of Malak Saggad [XVI cen- tury] apparently derived from Kambatta agira ‘shield’ (Supp.) We hora mineral water; spring of brackish water frequented by animals for its salt content (Orom. hora) @iC * AC * AA barra harr ali to clear the throat, to make a rumbling noise or guegle in the throat ‘hée® harrima B to ban, declare illicit, forbid Ar. harama hé¥ huram forbidden, iDicit, negative excla- mation: no! Ar. hard 2-9" + hf haram alii to refuse, declare one’s opposition -o or state that is unac~ ceptahle 4Ce°% hermit prohibiting, declaring illicit PAC} taharmit abstinence, a kind of fast Ancown hacmila (sce $0 | COMA agli harmilla, 68 + &CV4 harmala or héaeA harimila Pelargonium muitibracveatum) x74 haramat district in Tigre, south of Agame, north of Geralta and adjoining Lake Assal 4Cart harmit leg of a letter, single stroke made in forming a etter, word set off by the double dots serving as word separators, e.g. ' fa * yar = C2" bormiit prohibiting (sce * haem} shé“78 harlimaya lake near Harar 0924N 4201 E chéG aris Harar, city in $.E. Ethiopia 0919N 4207E, shdCF hucirattia person from Harar, the Harari language GC1 harirge Hararge administrative region in S.E. Ethiopia of which Harar is tbe capital hd ® bararawi man from Hacar, Harari aveC harur intense heat (of weather); charred wheat used Zor making black ink (QP7 ! het | MAAS ! #C in the heat of day, in the cold of night..., ie, in all kinds of weather) ahkéc harir silk, cotton Ar. harir shed: hurara craving for coffee or tobacca Ac. harara (chided * Rita he has a craving [lor coffee, etc.) A661 hariirge administrative cogion (see hac) iné41, hucariigsi a kind of plant? dhétt aris chinoceros (Geez only) “14i* hardé(@)u crested bird of reddish plumage which eats insects (KBT) «hi harié bid of the hot lowlands which has AGHA et golden plumage, grey cyes and makes holes in ‘trees [like a woodpecker] AeA hargal Heraclius moo + CA Fast of Heracius which is ob- served the week preceding Lest chC+9" harqiim grinding or mashing the teeth ah@A hath spear (Geez only) 119A + ACA a kind of court official (obs.) ACK harhiihia warrior (sce ACN) ACA) harb large skin bag for transporting water Ar. girba * 20 - A241 madhardh handkerchief As. ma- haram dvd huriit course (ncol.} (see hd) (Pakarck + dre the course of her life...) dhe haret wsbid, muddy water ‘46 hinut fem. pers. 1, lit, chosen (irom Gece "16% 10 choose) A€® horit var. of 26 Aue} harat dinner (Ludolf) (sce 6, RE) WCF horka kind of plant (Erythrina tomentosa, Erythrina abyssinica) sAC'? harenaiit freedom (see ACY) wr + Ab? to free, manumit ACI: ALL to free, manumit ACE ¢ OM ty be freed, manumitted CTE! had to free, manumit ACHE | AT to be freed, manumirted sh2742, haring”ade green silk (see also he Af) sé haveaitiia fastening like a rope which holds in place by being wrapped around it, chain of interconnected rings (see also at é-"5) she} harrait stubborn person (Gojjame usage); tenacious; one who does not let ge, person one cannot get rid of; pl. onc who loads a trader's goods on pack animals dué.ar? harawya wild pig (Geez) “yer - AdTUCE astiharniy’ (0 (Supp.) 42 haruy masc. pers. 2., lit. chosen (from Geez compare 42¥ to choose} 4427 homuyan God's elect, c.g. prophets, righteous persons, martyrs (Geez pl. of 42) dvé-P hurray leavings, rubbish, person of small account (Gojjame usage) ACH hori salfron (Crocus sativus); muemeric (Curcuma tonga) (see BER) s2-F haraganction Ar. hardg (Qe B * ohm sold at auction) AGE + AA harag ali to auction off AGP + Le harag Siyyaé auction sale. sh27 hariig or hE aniig creeper, vine, withe {used for binding), design of arabesque style formed of interwoven lines or bands; tincage, Gescendance (family tree): phrase, clause (gramm.); rhyme, hemistich between two vers- es rhyming together; fig. for stim or slender (O10, | he? * Pa°AA her waist was slender, she was slender-waisted) 424 # ePtti to reckon, tell off one's lineage [in claiming ravt-land] ChE OOP OPeob EO TETT | PUAAA he recounts his lineage and the land is redivided) shard | end to reckon one's descent 27 © MA to draw hardg-designs, decorate with harag-designs shed + wea orate processional cross deco- rated with designs or complicated patterns of perforations 27 + QA harig resu of Ad"164 ariigresa a vine which climbs trees (Melothria tomentosa ot Zahneria seater) shed! @8-% harigi wiiym grapevine (Geez); fem. pers. 1. $29 + N00 yitariig abab snake which hus a pattem of colors resembling an arabesque on its body P98 Aa? qiindo arig a strong of tough vine Oh + AZ? boha arg vine similar to Melothria tomentosa AA + dd? bald harkg, 142% halirdig or 1A * he*t bali arg baratle-carafe which has a design of vine leaves; person who has many family cou- nections, relutives; book decorated with ara- besques A+ he? + 1G hak ariig haralle bavatle- carafe which has @ design of vine leaves “Fhe thee? ma’us harig dependent clause *éhe1eT- hiheI 27 WLP + heed ahiyy hardig main clause Ab! Kee) pez arig a climbing vine the leaves of which contain a powerful acid (Clematis hir- suta) fee. + hE yiiq’arn ariig a plant (Stephania abyssinica) Pharat | Ad7 pedigree, linc of descent $e" he yiiwityn ariig grapevine mE | «hd? taro harig creeper-like vine Pik + avg? fara” hardg tall thick plant that splits into four pieces (KBT) hoo hariigat Geez pl. of hariig Aahé-9 seag Geez pl. of harig +2121 - he1d9 abrigiiig’ to draw magic designs or pictures; to interlace, intertwine #4694 harograg table for the computus o calendur computations for moveable feasts: in- terlaced or arabesque decorations; the climbing of vines (HOIST! ACA. baralle-carafe having a vine leaf design) CIF hor(ra)got red soil; allotment of food pro- vided s.0, oma regular basis ‘hé2@ harigawi the name of the first of the ‘Nine Roman Saints’ who came to Ethiopia in the VI century (see also Aé.7®) chem hortifi to be properly hot and salty (wef smuce) Aahdm ahomitii to make the swiy-sauce prop- erly hot (by adding barbarre-peppcr) shévt horrat properly hot (wai-sauce) decor © £4 hurrltt yali properly hot ACOH | AA horakras alii to make a grinding ‘of Stating noise “hA hesii to criticize (sce #484) 49" hasiim ugliness? “WAL hassiirt 10 be hurniliated, to go broke, be- come bankrupt, to depreciate At. kasara “VAG hasar tribulation, suficring (see also bA) (PoeTA | AAAAE the Resurrection, Judgment and descent into Hell of the damned) chaff, peel, fish scales (Geez) i to dust, wipe clean, wipe off the dust (see KAN) " hot hOA hassiitsito think, cogitate (Geez only), (see nan) #440 irassah opinion, point of view, idea, no- tion, thougat, concept; stand (position), mind (opinion); proposal, suggestion, motion (par liamentary); worry, concer; computus (see also Aaa) AA + ECA 10 move, make a motion (pro- posal), to suggest ANd © COALS hassab yiiwilliddiw imagi- nary, fictiocal ahOW! BeP hassaba q”aeral deternuned, res- olute +hAQ +S hascahii qiiana straightforward shAtl | 100 hassabd gattor headstrong, buil- headed, willful, opinionated, intransigent AAG © RHF hassabi ganunniié consistency (of stand, actitude, opinion} Adv + FON bihassah nawwiizd 1 daydream haat! AAG kihassab asarriifit to puts.0."s mind at cest, free s.0. of worry or cares ANE hassahawi idealist (neol.) 4024 hassahawinnait idealism (ncol.) «AM hisab scithmetic, mathematics, calcula- tion, figure (number), bill (account), check (bill), account (accounting of funds expended), checking acconnt, amount of rate (in figuring sums) Ar, his Al | £02 he’s good in math a.Adl ! LCT to calculate sual © Kale. to check accounts 4441 « héa to pay a bill AN: C948 auditor sh Al = FROME comptroller sh. + P+ accountant; mathematician AN = £7 bookkeeper Fe sO717A accounts, account book(s} Pah AN* II | ALL bookkeeping} SAA! NEA accounts department (PAR = NEA | FI" chicf of the accounts de- partment) PAFh : dA bank account shal hisahthiiia accountant sh hassiit falschood, lie (see AGA) hae * Corde perjucor Nati + aarAhe perjury Gea? fraudulent, fake {ad], false addr = AF alias PaO? © THA counterfeit money at 12 ate Ahtt# bassitditina liar, prevaricator, menda- cious or untruthful person chet haset joy (Geez) v0 hosa'ana Palm Sunday, palm tree, (Phoenix abyssinica, Phoenix reclinata); town in southern Shoa 0735N 3753E_ NGA + weds Palm Sunday chivtt hassiie (o become wormy (meat) (THa.) +o - AAT hassawt in AA + ON, A hassawi misib the Antichrist shf.49° has(s}idam a kind of crane (KBT) «nO hasag"a governor of Fatagar? (medieval title) Supp.) VATAA hospital hospital UWATAA | 4% tobe hospitalized, be in the hos- pital for treatment UAEAA 1 M1 to be hospitalized sntiG hair colle bean hulls, low-grade coffee made from huils Ar, gist ahiiC + ARC | Reh. poor copyist, scribe (see alc #97) AWE hadis or chiA hasis hashish Ar, hasit eh had(®)a¥ spendthrift, profligate (KBT) aT ‘Tagamet an Hebrew month equivalent 10 ak hagq truth, fact; toil; payment or recom- pense for labor, bonus; measurement for cloth of approx. 3 cubits Ar. hagq (avb7 #940 toll [me] the truth) ho? baqgiitiia true, truthful, honest, person of integrity, just (righteous), straight (in busi- ness deals), square (business deal) AES haggiitiiannit honesty, fairness, in- regrity, probity, truthfulness y% hngq"a snuif-box, small container for per- fume Ar. hugga AP AA haqq alto hiccup, to sob, to be in one’s death throes, to give the last gasp (dying man), to die suddenly, drop dead an® + AA(@) hogg alii(w) to have the hiccups (a +08 even if you were breathing your last [I would uot give it to you, tell you, etc.}) Gh? 4G PAU: + AA to refuse no matier what) (av® | 1% + A7% * AA to Lry 10 be present) Gn + ANF haqq astiiiid to cause tostrangle, to choke . ANF | NAOT hogy assiiltid to cause s.0. to choke APP" baqypta death rattle, death throes: hic- cup, sob a? | NCH + AACer) haqga sarragq alii(w) 10 have the hiccups ave = 2% | AA hago soqq ali to hiccup, sob &® hoqg giddyap! Aba hagl wilderness (Geez) SA haggal guerilla, robber ah FA@ baggalawi political bandit *AGe~ Aird. astihaggirii to deprecate, to belittle, hold up to seorn (KBI) (Geez) + hb+-tAOS Gibaggiqi to ascertain, verify (Suppl.) Ar. tahaggaga (hata tor Tdon't know for certain) Um habba cape, var. of h vf habba term of endearment used by children for their mothers or by a younger sister to an older sister o-7 hubba tall bird which has a lot of eggs in its abdomen, @ pointed beak and the wings of which stick out from its body rebel; robber, defi) habhab watermelon, melon Ar. hablab valvdl | AA habhobabb alii to mock, deride; to shoo away; 10 become friends with anyone one meets, strike up a warm but not lasting friendship sla habiila cataract (eye) (sce fla) av babl (Geez pl. sla hablat) rope (for ascending an amba); chain of brass or irou, watch chain, lectern chain, chain necklace, small chain placed around a mule’s neck which jingles when the mule walks At. habl £714 + aA chain necklace dell! /7A0. habli sallase masc. pers. 1. ADA + Heft saddle-strap which passes under the mount's tail fara? + hAA yirniilhag habl anchor chain (Supp.) “M42 hablay whirlwind (strong enough to knock down tees and blow houses over) (Geez) OAR 144A whitlwind “AC habs combination, association; agreement, concord (among persons); word which has two ‘meanings or senises, pus, metaphor: having var- ious kinus of colors (object, garment), &.g. spotted or striped cloth. color (PLATE © TAG Efe = Sat: dort ALAA the colors of the embroidery they were wearing were indescribable) (ARAG RNA # AAC # Fo so-and-so and so- and-so get along well together) AAG + F774 to say double entendres, to make puns “ft, Ad babri milk primary color(s) ‘fld, + W998. habrii siimay vitriol blue (also ne + ho7e) “fle + Aft babrii sib society (care) (Pte + Aft social frare]) “ld PAF habrd qikim (or +0 giliimat) various colors, shades, bues or tints tfl2 * F2°UCt habrd tamhart social studies ‘fle + YONA habed tenbit concord of prophecies foretelling Christ’s birth Ald + 74.0 habe nabab table of words and phrases for learning communal Prfldt * fl social RAG + AC couperative farm PAC | LCE cooperative OAL § 4114-4 Soviet Union “FNC mahbir association, society, sodality (monthly gatheting in honor of a saint), congre- gation, league, organization, corporation FANG + a7 co participate in the manthly so- dality meeting Fille + 6077 mabbiird ligawont church council We | 7°4. mabbara sallase name of a monastery some 50 miles southeast of Metem- ma "TINE + Nie mabbid bil"ar Feast of ALL Saimts, celebraced 10 Nahase (6 Ang.); in Tarra ReTANG + 4A Feast of All Saints fw eb? TE + $F union (workers') FANG +-74NC peasants’ association “94% mabbaraiha membcr of an associa- tion, sodality, ete. °F +S mahharataitta member af an asso- ciation; subscriber VINCE Fe mahbsritditianndt membership inan association defC% hubart bridal couple attired in garments of gold brocade YMA Dabiisa transgression, sin (see also AMA) (NIRA: Phar: BC OA Salts AON ONS* AATi@ + Pb how could such a splendid young man die without [being guilty of] sin and anne before his time?) aafitt hablst Arab who emigrated to Ethiopie, settled there and began many offspring and from whom the name Habata is derived, i.e. Habeshat, an ancient South Arabian tribe which settled in Ethiopia “e+ babast sacramental bread, Host (a round, flat wheaten bread which has thirteen crosses imprinted on the surface, when given at Com- muqion, it is broken so that cach communicant receives a piece wilh a cross on it}; bread, lonf (Shoan usage only, clsewhere such bread is knowa as dabbo) at | hxc habastii baywiit the Bread of Life, §.c. Jesus Christ: grain, mythical period of plenty when even stones were bread Aad + omg bobosts mina manna (fom Heaven) AME + 0°78. habasté siamay mansa hf habiiéa Abyssinia, Abyssinian (see also afl) CANT + 9" yiihabaéa Sum fem. pers. n. Pah + -FeUCF traditional Ethiopian reli- gious education provided by church schools and Icarnéd scholars ‘dif babiié bunch of grapes sh habab name of a Tigre-speaking, largely Muslim ribe centering around Keren, ANA habab archaic spelling of A441 snake +114 bubobula a whirlwind caused hy the sun's heat on a hot afternoon VA habt wealth, riches, fortune (wealth), prop- erty, possessions, treasure; products (of a coun- ary}; resources (wealth), affluence: good hick (Ar); gift, hounty, generosity; property (phys- ical) (Para | PemPHAAA + UAT | Phar sth, which has the property of falling or rolling...) vag + #5 she's gottem engaged, lit. her luck succeeded UAV + -A7F to obtain wealth, acquire posses- sions vit} PSC habté medar wealth or resources obtained from the earth such as minerals and crops VALE + ACT. babtii simay spiritual wealth such 1s ante as good deeds, virtue BALE + ANG habti sfibara one who Laits 10 prosper despite much hard work, one who has Tost his wealth YALE © 6-0 habti sibsab charm for acquir- ing wealth GALE + AFA DadEd soukel one whose pros- pects are ruined, who acver becomes rich de- spite hard work, one who bus constant bad luck Ua © #2 habti saga good formne of luck enjoyed during this life eft © ALA unfortunate, unlucky or im- poverished person Dali + YEA spiritual wealth; righteousness, virtue ALE! @ART babti waldanna spiritual grace allowing entry into Heaven, obtained by good behavior, piety, baptism and Communion vari + Qutre habeas bihahte a marriage type in which both partners (who are usually penniless) pledge to hold in common the prop- erty they acquire during their marriage Element of personal names: ok hahtu, VALE babte, OUME bahabeu (mase, pets. names) vat! 7CRF" habti maryam lit. gift of Mary DAE + /°Ad babtii sallase it. gift of the Tinity UAE + LSCUN habti giyorgis lit. gift of St. George BAY + BoC habtoh yamir masc. pers. a. Navy baléhabt owner Mt | UA mattane halt economics Prere | VALE natural resources var? habtam weelthy, rich, well-to-do; for- ranate ult 94? habtamamnii( state or condition of being weulthy, well-to-do VAY habtatin UNA | 947 worldly goods ‘or possessions VAT habtiiiiannst neal.) capitalism (obs. O17 hhub(byam Tuckless Nt babbame a headcloth ot hood worn by priests, monks or auns in such a way as to leave. a triangular patch of the forchead uncovered ante aie e and which comes down to the shoulders ‘ire habu’, pl. 444% habu‘an concealed, bid- den, subtle (Geez); holy hermit who lives iu oc- culation (like Enoch or Elias). Popular belict credits many such with inhabiting Débri Libanos where they may perform snpernataral acts Supp.) (P48. 1 P4099 | FE that woods being a place of the holy saints...) “ito + NF magic names (used in sorcery) NMA secretly, covertly FP UCH + Ae44 tambartli habu'at Mys- tagogia [with Geez. fem. pl. of babe’), lit. teaching of hidden things “2, hahay bray of a donkey was. + ha bobay alii to run away fast, escape by running WOE FAL + RA hohay hobay alii to run, leap sANKe-f- habiigoray spotted; sore in which bloud is mixed with pus dif habbiiti to swell (see An) vit Eng. but ‘one’ (in marching drill) ut + wd butt bulitt (repeated) o one-two, ete.) sh hatta chant [n.] dv het the Hebrew letter 7 24 het or v4 hat where, dial, var. of f% o-t hatw which? 249° 1 42 wherever (Supp.) Ob" + 144 wherever “bY? betunomm anywhere, (Ar) EAP + Wr wherever it may be (1H is Jomorph of kii-) WEF oF hetaitiiaw or Ua" hataittiaw which one? everywhere an al ud - hurd ahota to score a goal (in géinna-hoc- key) (see * ha) “WF mahoia in “WF + 09° gout (location) (ganna-tockey) Uh hotet hotel Fr. fav -LA hotel owner “Vbem hattimii B to seal, to stamp, mark (with a sign, symbol or seal), to print (see Aram) det hatimin deo” + PAM finger ring, seat ring At. karim “bon hatmiit publication *94-bF eahtiim seal, stump, seul impression or mark; note, official letter (Supp.) Ver°LS mahatamiya seal, stamp bt} batita or dhtt hatit illustration (of a point, a subject}, presentation (of a matter), exposition, detailed explanation, commentary (see AHP) ate hatiitiinia (Am.) avF hav down below, yonder AILS + 7% ozziya haéé right down there, yon- der, over there [some distanice away] hinu + ah right down bere h.? + ch right down there, yonder, over there [some distance away] av = 9S bade amna year before last (also hte) 44 banaa Hannah, fem. pers. 1. Af + a abba hanna custodian of the Em- peror’s privy purse who was killed in the 1960 coup 60 + ch@ asi hanna henaa ALR * hT willl hanna mase. pers. v. PSs # AAT | chG shifting the blame from 5.0, 05.0. else, showing generosity at s.0. elsc’s espense, Hil, giving Hannah's to Hannah's daughter disenrsive, —digressive sh hane short, curved saber (worm by Adal men) +h. hinna or aT hanna henna, (Zaxvonia in- ermis) 68 + 4 asi honna henne hansiit ensere or false banana (see NFAT) AvFea hangeb basket used a3 a measure which holds from 10 to 14 qunnas (see A's) ANE} hangat geucl or porridge of grain and but- ter (sec A¢?-F under A) aA, banbabi Hanbali, member of the most conservative Muslim schoo! of jurisprudence *VAG-AE-eHPSHVAE'* spotted, multicolored, compounded of several elements (Geez) AIC banbort navel, pl. 77-1C2-T banbartat (see APAICT) 5% han(a)at palate (KBT) 794 hanat sinciput, top of the head (see AG) aT hanot butcher shop, shambles; establish- ment which retails food and drink, hotel Ax. hart 9% huniit state of being, condition (see *V@4) wa?) huneta or UTE hamate ciscumstance, state, condition (see *vm') htPey> hantawinnit monism (neol.) [app der, from Tia. hand} 29° henon in Od + 24 asf henon Euphorbia petitiana and other small, leafy euphorbias (M) YEE bonana fool; very forgetful person ahS18 hananaya Ananias (Bibl.} w+ humdi trustworthy, dependable (see “v0 “'rtide hongiea a kind of hostage? (see AHLe harp} ANTI banziz or AFA honziz, beetle (see Aa) avP% hand oac (occurs only in hed + hv F2 as- ra hand cleven and #9 = «hF% twenty-one) v8 hand India 60 © WE Petamenes latifolins 74, handi Indian (person); Indian cloth, pl 22% bandos v7A® handawi Indian (person), pl. +40" handawayan v7ARF handawit Indian (woman), pl. v4 Aa £4) handawayat VIL hamd’ke Queen Cundace said to have ruled is classical Ethiopia [not in the area of present day Ethiopia] at the beginning of the Christian Era; dye used for making red stripes or lines on Samma-garments (Supp-) av).9C hangar hangar (plane) Eng. “142% hangat completely black crow [there isu variety of crows in Ethiopia which is partly white] 4} honta building, structure (see AFR below) 2x7 honto new-born child 2v7. a1 honfib extra finger, attached [to an- other object] Aba ante litle finger (KBT) AAG hannay name of a body of troops com- manded by Ras So'3Hi krastos (XVII Century) 47a honsa building, edifice, structure; project {obs.); wall of natural rock, cliff (At.) (see ayn) (PDE Ute ROE! PHD de FT AP 4a while all these ideas, all these projects were in his mind...) (AWMen) faFK © hurZC architecture [style of building) Pa7R + PAA architecture [art of designing buildings] PY WTR (KBT) «hod. hamafi Hanafi, one of the four Muslim: sehoo!s of jurisprudence Ar. hanafi avr4.$ handflya spigot, faucet Ar. hanafiyya -? #hoiiio tavern, inn. hotel (B, KBT) 42h hi'a hiccup (see a + ha) 2h = 1h © AA hia hi'a alii to hiccup, have the hiccups aie hakim physician, doctor Ar. hakim (see ner) ALP + ALY hospital ANFS hakmanna medicine (science), medi- cal treatment (M65: ANS advanced medical reatment) tahes medical (school) Pabhert yihakimamn’t (4 buildiag ornamentation medical (protes- at sion) viet haket sloth, Vite haketiiiia slothful, indolent, idle, one who deliberately works slow because of ill with of resentment Ut} haketiiiiannat slothfulness, condi- tion of being deliberately slow in working, O-N> hukiit disturbance, disorder, violence, in- surrection, agitation, furor, uproar, clamor, tiot (ee Ko) O-NF hukata row (nose), uproar, racket, tumult, commotion, turbulence whe hnkitiilia troublesome, brawler naughty, anh haliciki archaic spelling of Ah to scratch, wh. hakkay slothful, lazy (Geez) (see UL} Yor haww fire (Geez only) Ao + hd haww alii to bark (dog) ve howa atmosphere, space (celestial) Ar. hawa? (21 + U® clear sky) thor «WA haww ali 10 he boundless, endless, in- terminable (plain), to extend out of sight; to be sheer (cliff); to hurtle through the air (bird, etc.) (see hart AA) tho | 2A haww yali limitless, boundless, as far as the cye can reach; sheer (cliff) (or = $A + 4% endless plain) (Am + 8A 98.0 sheer cliff) Aaarch howmata being limitless (plain); whis- ling past the ears (object, bullet), hurtling (bird, etc.) wP* AA howwa alto exult, to crow, boast, tabe tumulmous (TA, AYMQ) (sce + Aa. above) U® howwa cry of victory, of exultation AP haa interjection expressing surprise or fear {Ar (see 44) P40 hawahaw pores (of the skin), open places, spaces or gaps, gateways, fields (Geez pl. of T4% ‘gateway’) APA hawwala money order, bank draft, bill of exchange Ar. hawdla #7-AF + PA postal money order aPCe sho-A% hawalt stela, obelisk, monument, stat- ne; blank space between the two (or three) cal- umns of text on a page (usually a ms.) a 204 hawiliyte firefly (Tia., lit. fire-of-the- night) hod -FbPC mahwar orbit, crossroads, point at which several streets come together; colander, st-ainer or winnowing basket (PaPS + AM | PKC tunnel, subterranean passage) (KBT) (PAPE « Rows is current) (KBT) (APS | HHA ordit[s] of the planets) (KBT) ‘PC hawwar interstices (of lattice work and the like), gaps, openings, e.g. between the leaves of a tree Which permit vision; small staircase, scries of terraces; square, area around a cown; table-top (KBT) APCS hawarya apostle, pl, APCS hawaryat, av eF hawarocd of AP CPF hawaryatocé, +O 4+! APCS tawtita hawarya the tradition of the Apos.olic Councils TM + FCF gobs hawarya book for stu- dents of the traditional church schools who have advanced beyond the Psalter AW + APCS gilhlita hawarya book contain- ing passages from the New Testament and the Apostles’ Creed which serves beginners as a reader for the third stage of the traditional read- ing process 420 * d&PCF the first seven verses of I John (Epistles) which children in a church school usc for learning to read after mastering the sylla- bary (see & RA) Afb + dvPGP% teachings of the Apostles, Le. that Cluist became man and came into this world 2h + hYCP A gali hawaryat teachings of the Apostles, formula uttered by priests when plac- ing s.o. under aban te + PCE? gabrii hawaryat Acts of the Apostles; their teackings to the Gentiles after the Crucifixion ma + aPCEY toma hawaryat Fast of the Apostles which begins the Monday after Pente- cost and lasts until 5 Hamle shPCL47 hawaryanniit apostleship a&hPCPE hawarayawi apostolic awn 18 s0m4- ws shoot hawwiist B to move [vi], stirfvi], to tremble (Gomdare usage) (B} FAON Gihawwisa to move, stir [vi], 1 move from place to place, become mobile (KBT) Fd\6r0. tihawso motion (moving about) (090 + -tavard the day after a major festival) F4sPA, tihawwasi moving or mobile creatures {man, animal, insect), pl. hah P02 tihawwas- ayan AP hawas, pl. PA hawasat the senses, oF- gans (of the body or fig. for organs of society). These bodily organs arc: sight (4-9), hearing (He), smell (AP), taste (NE), touch (AB), motion (A7C), genitalia (AREF 1 79) [ethers count only those above the neck, i.c. ‘eyes, ears, nostrils and mouth]; cell {political) (Chace tb | av PAR | TER s TROTID APA + EPH : Cede horde | TAR * Peary + RTPA bor the conference on ‘operational methods for the officials and heads of [government] organs of the thirteen prov- nces is still in progress) Gs § PA microbe, germ (neol.) MPAF | Q627% howasata ba'adow parts of the body which have no fleshy character, ¢.g. teeth, bones, hair, nails MPAb ! AAP EC hawasatii wamoro perceptu- al organs, e.g. sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch and those for sensing heat, cold, health, pleas- ure, gricf, pain and sadness (KBT) APAt | AGH howasatiafa organs of the body which are visible to the naked eye, e.g. head, cars, nose, lips, neck, shoulders, chest, arms and legs (KBT) PAT arr hawasatii wust internal organs, e.g. brain, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, stom- ach, intestines, etc, (KBT) PRP + PAT yadoms hownsal vocal chords PALE hawasatawi perceptual (sensory) (neol.) “A®} hawal in CPA + 8% person chosen to act as an informal judge of arbitrator for a dispute or altercation char 3-3 hawiatta fickle, unsteady, inconstant, vagabond (sce honk) *ym>- U's homa to be, become, to exist, 0 0c cur, happen, come to pass, te arise, take place bh + uy he became a doctor vot | U's it is triple, three [in number]. it is three [o'clock] fiw + u's he recovered his former condition: he acquired good manners O20 + PIKT + IPF the place is crawling with ants, lit. the place has become ants CPN! u's a famine occurred Oita 142+ WALA the meeting is scheduled for [or postponed 16] tomorrow Att # urs night fell Rha + > it happened as he said [it didit would) v'> honda (linking nouns or noun phrases) ex: presses ‘as well as’, ‘or': (DOG | RICE se | WAM + on 9- 8179 f+ 26 with Western countries as well as other nations... .) (OR ue PE RIAA + APHIS they won't Jet strangers in, men or women [or ‘be they men or women") [noun] (#*) wy | MRF + [noun] expresses either [noun] or [noun]: (MeL ke | hha + KEI FOr WY! wLIF + Nem ty among the commissit crs, cither some of them or all. Lue ry: MLE hézzihom hou: one way or another £09 1 vr * & yahom honi ya this as well as that P£P 80s «20 yamm hond yok at any rate, whatever may happen, in any case, somehow or other, regardless, for one reason or aother ztiys in 04 § ite hond balo or UF + flée hon balo in- tentionally, deliberately, purposely, com sciously Ua flee hon verb) ir bondi + suffixed pronoun may express time or the suitability of to 5.0., ¢.g. to fit (clothing), to favor, to be on the side of: (ALY? hora ARNE OC TTA it has been six months since he came here) (Pett | Ate | Uoar the sweater fits him) (hHUe EAA OR? RAFar + Cured: bere + me eae + AAO after this, he brought together the troops from the regular army who were on his side...) (ALY! KAMA | omy Gury the reason [have for saying this...) (94 PS em AR! AAUS TP it fjournal- ism] is « good profession, it [just] was not good for me) (04 # NF © BUF A cough, enough, | have plenty [rural Ambutic}) WF? bonii + prepositional suffixed pronouns w(At) hona(Uat) it suits him; he succucded (in it), it went well for hin CASE NIT ETE RAD AG Ted 5 ha PAF er: bbowar my grand- father sat down on a small couch there being pillows on it for him) (Pa 1 CLS ORNTA © OH Aer why, when did it ever work for those who knew about it?) 174(N+) hondi(bbit) [with infinitive] expresses he has to, he must; with a derived form, an on- favorable eircumstanc: UNF hondbbaii iL did not turn out well for me, I suflered adversity (mee ae 1 ues | had to go) (Aut ee © Wh Ah | UTA this cloth is tov loosely woven for me) (VS # NOE PTE TANT: CTL PAT | PNT he caught a disease and the doc- tor ordered him to stay in bed, lit, the doctor's order that he stay in bed occurred to his disad- vantage) (or ROMY, 5 PHT he rad bad luck) (MASE | PNA LEC Fer when they opened it, the one containing barley tumed out to be sinnar oats, unfortunately for ther) (AICI MAM ALD | 36 CEN: TSE the reason they wens over to the alians to his detriment. ..} > hong with interrogative pronouns COMB NGk | CLNEAAT FF ES « 4a just whom do yon think is paying your rent?) 9 (7 « wt what happened to you?, what is the matrer with you?, lit. what did you become?) (PPA what happened to you? [0% indicates personal interest on the speaker's part]) (P79 | AAU'HE nothing happened tome, ['m, all right) (9+ OF | 4@> what happened to bim? i what changed him?) PHP): ws be thar as it may wit) #2 honiim qirrim ar head of phrase] expresses ‘in any case’, ‘at any sate’ (UIP PEE HADEYY CORE w EAA at any rate, we'll have to make up our minds) + honii with prepositions Aur = 910 Zor unknown or imexpected (Ard 1G RAG they jailed him or other) “EU'> granted that, it is/he is, mase, pers. a. (ot tais an allomorph of N kis) (see aiso the verb tihond below) TU"): 4° tihoni tihonit if at all possible ATU andahoni (see XP.) 278.0 andihon (sce K7R-) 47% ondii = pronoun or noun + tir’ kiihond expresses ‘according to": (a'P24 + hus according to me, in my opiaion) hu" kihoni granted that, if ithe is (ha + hur’ as for me) (NFAY + hers if that is the case} (920.0 = hu’ if it is lixe this) (ChUPEA = 288° + BAe but if possible, lic down!) (HUPY + (14 #99 = £2424 once it happens! comes to pass, what can be done [here it is kil + yahond]) (HUSA? | 209M) 87 if it turns out well for us, we will come, i.e. we will come if we can [ki if? + hona (lity) 0'y hon with the relutive marker yil- (fu # ho» yabo some stranger) (m.)} (ue@ + meAA + HC the general events which have occurred) (AU-T9 + fu + RA well, what’s done is done) (Herge + Pur t fac + age modem "yor vt weapons) (NOG # @P.A ACAD | F4.0.20U Q: Do you want a pen ora pencil? Psa? A: Bither one [of them|whatever is available) Sut Sau yihond yalhona unimportant, all sorts of (err FA Od PHIL tabs don't give me all sorts of excuses) (AP9 ret AUS | FROLOPAT why do you beat him for unimportant reasons?) (fut@ + £u-7 let come what may) (8u's = 1LU'F whatever happens, in any event) Puro « fur d7*yihoniw bihonamm whatever happens 74+ UF yilhonii buno nevertheless, anyway, however ¢urr@- * UT yéhondw bone be that as it may, nevertheless, however Pura? | PUA as much as possihle Pui * w+ yilhoniiss honiima by the way, be that as it may (PES ES | LEA LAT! PNEAT by the way, whatever happened to that wite [you had]?) (CUTE UT MEE ATH DF: Abe be that as it may, though you are only slaves...) ¢ ya [noun or adjective] + AKU “if” (see nee) (ert + 470 2 fide’ = YC be said something [thar I don’t recall now]) the negative perfect of U's hon with or without the relative marker ya- expresses unsuitability: (ne Fs | te | AAUP all onr efforts isiled) (here VS... moe + haw Tm [only] a stndent. T won't do as a lawyer for you, isc. 1 can’t defend ot assist you in your coust cases) the negative perfect of #4 hond with the conjunctions fl bit-, ki- (fav's + -PP4 an improper question) (day's | 472 + 48 he went the wrong way) (MAU sem # AA + wes + AGHA remaining fal- ien in an nnsuitable place) haw't kalhonii uniess, if not, except (rm BP AUD | Nowa CR POE TT! ANd HAA | PEA | AAU" other than falling off, dismounting was impossible unless 2% Tora [the horse] eased up a little) (HAUT ATES + h@e + mare: LAA | known enemy is better thaa an uncertain friend [hii ‘than’ + yathondi ‘unsuitable')) hav?” kalhoaimm otherwise hav | NPC outside of, unless hetit is the compound imperfect RU'SA yahonal expresses ‘it is possible’, ‘it may be so’. It may serve asa noun meaning ‘conjecture’ or serve to express ‘about’, “approximately”: £0rS& yohonal with the imperfect or gerund indicates probability: (£20 + RUPSA be will probably come) LUG! dé yahonat halo thinking that it will come to pass, happen (20) BUSTA © es PAN: PAP nobody thought this would happen, lit, there is ne one who thought saying, ‘this will happen’) (BF = LemAde © LerSA they might come back suddenly) (2u cd | RIFhw@ | BUA this poison might kill him) (sce also £07) (2B! CH! 1S | LUPTA this poison might have killed him) (AB-hat + £09 they might have scen him/ it, they would sce himyit) FUTA yohonal wit or the suffixed object pronouns expresses ‘to favor’, ‘be suit- able’, ‘he fitting’, ‘suited’ or “goad fo1 (CLMAS Fe | AYR | Reto + ORE + LUG ie FA |-bAG + ALCOAD: Lope that if they find someone to protect them, they will de- sert und come over to us) (AAG E'FAD | BSA 8 het if he tells usit [a location] would be suitable for planes...) TV¥a@P + Les anything will suit her, vill be good for her the simple imperfect 2U) yahon indicates un- certainty, hence a question: £u'F could it be? (see also BU'IA below) (ate BUFF hie GF RA Fore Lbegan to say [to myself], ‘This might be it! This might be itt) (FY = Rema | her> what am I going to answer?) ‘varus 2. (29 + onEw + BARA + LUT might this poison kill him/it?) (see also £0°S A above) (ORME NET Fem 2 LUTE NC she could have been eighteen) £0 yabon when followed by O.9" wiyom may also express the meaning ‘or’ when linking nouns or noun phrases: (incerta + 207 wf: nANAAEOr = APE + oMhAar + LILer on account of his paunch or on account of his dress, he seems short) SP) yahon with the conjunctions Alas, 82, Mba $F + AFA itcould have becw/have Aappened (Lv sthon ‘while’, ‘at the same time that’ but may imply a contrast to the following clause aad. mean ‘whereas’, ‘notwithstanding’, ‘alchough’, cg. APE RACE 1 ARLE O + AE PUCT RGM | ARF * OHA * CEP UCT! OPA! LIF tet PAAGe LOY 1 00-b t OP Gt RPRE MOE OF AAU OPT Ly PEC OL AAAI OT Mov hs ‘AE + 49,A alshough in pre-Revolutionary days only 15 percent of school-age children were as- sumed to have obtained the opportunity for an education, this number has risen io 35 pereentat the present time £09 § LU and when this happens, is so... 7 bibon if, perhaps, (following 2 verb); even, as for (following a noun); mase. pers. n, One + hem + 1 even in that direction QPS bihomliti masc. pers. n. OL = se hihona niiw because (PAU LUT: Ts Pom se. SAMAG: OTEA LEP 1.0" t ror as for Tolabun, is it because he commitied a crime that he is so hated?) NU + NL? at loast (Led = LUD: ADE § AD EPeray at least come yourself) 0.7 * +YF nevertheless, in spite of that 0.0 + 99-0" hihom hayhom no matter what 99" | 0.0 manomm bihon in any event, whatever happens, om any condition AU-77 * 1L.U'? ahunamm bihon even now 784+ MU andet bihon how? (RECTOA | AIT UF AIA! Oat ‘What about your hair? How did it fall out like this?) [noun] (7) = 0.4% = [noun] (A) = A.r7 oF [noun] : [coun] A + for expresses ‘either [noun] or [noun]? 6°79" dihonamm [at bead of phrase] hawev- 1, still (nevertheless), notwithstanding, all the same, anyway fur: 0.079" yéhonii bihonamm in any event, whatever happens reative imperfect PLU (feria + m4. 1 don't know what will be- come of me; I didn’t know what to do) (AU IE PLE | ALOAAP this master does not seem likely, probable, lit. this matter docs not appear that which may come 10 pass) (#2 + PeLu'® * OP'F about swenty peopic) (PF NEL + AakeAW do you know what is going to happen?) the negative imperfect A£U7P ayhowam it cannot be, {it is} impos- siblel, it won't do, is inappropriate, unsuitable (AST © TF ATT” we will not take any- body’s side/we will not side with anyone, lit. we will aot be lor anyone) ALU EF” ayhondinitomm it docs not suit me (20 1261! KLUYFT these stioes do not fit me} the negative imperfect with conjunction ASu'r | oor | KU YI as many misfortunes befell me ALIASH ayhonallaiiiiomm I can't do it TEP RTA APT ALPINE OP poetry is not for some people Agr rater * $2 they failed, lit. it remained without becoming a thing favorable for them 20°F bayhon if... be impossible, at least (at head of phrase) (LUFF REET ORT REE ONE ook bme AAP: 29: KAILA + #40 at least until he gets w be about ten or twelve years old and his mind hecomes set- ted...) (RAPT! NOME ME. BATE HOPE t ‘omy - wy 2 Ae AAPT RAKE ALCO | AOPADE HIRE PER | ATOR! PAF she sought a method for killing her husband. At least she tried to find out how she could drive him in- sane) Qgu's9 | Pe bayhonamma noro if this had not heen the case, had not been so Puy + 02077 and if this should be impossible negative imperfect with the relative 12°F yimmayhoa impossible, imappropri- ate (Qe1gArF | PAL | LOR + ONY he wasted his time on impossible) (HANZELAY + PTLU'F Do 1 rar naless you are hard on bins, he wou't do ityow can’t count ‘on him) FIL + FIC yéimmayhon nigir, inap- propriate, unacceptable, unconventional (RULE PUT! NLU F ifit should noc be the care) (see also AFRIPT) (Per. * buy? ifit is not going to work out/ turn ont) Qv9R6180 > | PAF there is nothing that does not happen) jussive £0") yahun so be it!, very welll; ali right, o.k, 2U°FAU yohunallah as you wish, may your wish(es) be grauted died = Luvs that may be so (ore Lub teehee | NLU if you touch it even a little} PF + A's what was T going to do? expressing uncertainty regarding a course of action} expresses ‘or’ when linking two nouns or nomi- nal phrases: (We BOT or tomorrow) (HIRE ADIN, | Li TE OL IP? Neg et hadd # @2F by coincidence or because of fear, he got off the horse} £u-FF ysbunanna ncvertheless [at head of phrase] + Been & hie may come today ues ©-NA yohmn alii to assent, give one's con | sent {see also £0632 below) PUM} + bate deliberately far} = + AA yohun yohan ala to agree £07 # AR yahun bay yes-man, conformist £07! SF +AL yahun yohun bay hasty, pre~ AWA in many instances) CREE 10729 0% NYA in a lashiowman- ney never before seen) (FULO-) | AAT | -barAb-+ observing the state/conditions of the times ...} du? hewan Eve (Bibl), fem, pers. Obao s AP in AVRO APT! LENT to reach puberty, come of age (woman) 60? cP esd henon Ficus palmate choo hawk, oh hukiit or hob? hawkiit agi tation, uproar, distirbaace (see A@h) dv@it? hawzen sereened-off portion of the house for storing grain (Harar); Hawzien, dis trict in Tigre 1358N 3926F BILW hazailt here (var. of hil) (see -HLY) dvd § kA hazhazz ali to bark like a dog, to pant ch. We- hizra in bed * ah, 1é a large, snake-like aquatic animal which has a rough hide and which swallows gazelles (KBT) AUP hazqa‘el Ezekiel (Bibl.), mase. pers. 1. dvi hizah plaited rope (part of the mule har- ness) (see RUA, 4-0 reins, bridle) AW hazh people, public, crowd, mob, commu- nity, masees, pl. an havhotd, havi abzah, AJWN0% ahzabods, AAI, alvzabi or Dw arzabi (A4.0- + AA broad masses) aA secular, public [adj.], popular, national (holiday) Fa UA) ! e4e"C cational anthem £&1-1* 19 nmional holiday, secular holiday AO + ALAMALG the Israclives ae + WCHEL the Christian community, Christians aye t (KBT) té + AWA crowd, common people, masses ehbe? = awl the urban populace. 86 * a7 anti-people W054 hazhanmit nationhood Ae04 horbiit = hazhonnat AWE hazhawi public, civil (liberties), civic (dury), lay (AMG | CRA mass organization) Avwlar 2% hazhawayan peoples (races); laity M1 constitutional monarch (AUA@ LF + IF bear the laity through their udvice ._ AMA abrah (Gees pl. of hazhy pagans, peoples Mlé * havi non-Christians; animals slaugh- tered by non-Christians and beuce unfit to cat hayawanniit immorality ASP hayawan living, quick (persons, be- ings) (MASP? + oWHA among the living) (2m 94 | LPI + Dae Indge of the quick and the dead {Gog]) 3A + arhPa- ag%alimmib(alyaw mostal mma [Geez ag"al + amm + hayaw] (NCO = KA + wala physique, posture) (KBTT) “1A"® mahyiiwi Christ the Savior; food (means lor keeping one alive); paren ALO haywiil lile, existence MEO-ES * HANS w commit suicide, kil o.s, FEO! KAAE § Aen to sacrifice 0.8. AE O-b's * KA to lose one’s life AhL@ + é to recover consciousness, come to MLW + $F to be alive, stay alive NALOt + Fe to stay alive, keep alive MALO + 4NC he was alive fALOT + 22h biography, curricutum vitae SLat ? #9 + Hee ifetine Bot + 9 corporcal existence, earthly life Lot * 4G state of grace received through Baptism or Communion ANE + ALw earthly life, cxistence 00? AL asi haywilt tree of life (in Para- dise), (Ficus patmata, Verbena officinali) Pr + ALO sustenance, drink and air (which make life possible) EPO% ALO life-giving drink: crock comuin- ing the saffa-beer served at sodality mectings iaLad®, haywitawi animate, having life ASP hoyawan pl. of APO "UES. - ER hed to go, yo away, to depart, leave; to dic (euphemisin); to be taken away (object): cp to market or to pasture): to “Alba-) (OR | ETE FO + GAP # ¥K to die. pass away, lit. he went to the real world) (AIR IG + BLAA it sells like hot cakes, hit, honey) CAUSE ETEK AL PEC E ERE ALS AYALA * yor but the reason that 1 wrote down this fincideat] here is so that when I die, it won't be forgotten) hm 78 © LF to consult a fdng"ay-sorcerer 46+ MAN | 1% 30 10 yous neighbor FURR Ue rx hd. | PE EK where did my book gct to? [pezson searching for his hook] ¥ecu- bedhu I’m leaving [said by a person as he rises to leave] OP AFT NI be right back, lit. let me go and come [back] “8 hid [imper.] got, [with rising intonation] is it really $0? [the answer is 24 I swear it]; can- tillation sign 114 © ES hiila hid so go!, go to the Devil! floye : 12 travel, go along the river ALS fobid go? UAH) hes ) in PIR AR! £A- BRAT ett Rte bP PAF a woman who has not passed the afterbirth will soon dic ‘4E£(1+) heda(bbat) in Pane + mr | AA- ELUM + 14+ he rebelled since the territory of ‘Wolo was taken from {or lost to] him Ae ayy + perf, + 2% hed expresses pro- gressive action: AGETTA | ZK it went on improving, it im- proved more and more, it got hetter and better OP 64s in Per! OFLCT hat SRE ALE if you do that, itis as chough Tam not alive {threat equivalent to | won't cake it lying down) Pit + %L to wake away, go off with or make off with (2My + £28 [insult] ‘may it [death] take you away!) AC © 8 to anticipate $.th., do in one’s imagination lt #42 to go one’s self (instead of sending s.0.), to go somewhere in one’s imagination het, + ¥2 icslipped my mind, T forgot it lemctar : 42 wo die young, die prematurcly 14-7 (also 1#7, 1&2) 1 BL to go towards, walk forward to mect a friend, welcome one's master PAT # dite | ¥8, Sallatt bala hedii to go away ‘completely or for good, to be lost to view, van- ish from sight B28 hchedii ro watk, go a litile Supp.) ‘P22 tihedii (imperi. £18 yokked) (impers.) ‘one went; cp be gone to, to yo (habitually); to be threshed (see A¥L); to be interpreted (see 2) (MerKorge O12 PVC ARE NAC! Hyder PH = 2CAm : ate + Ur after they a7 arrived at the cave which had been the camp when onc was first going up to the front, the day was spent there} (Mek + PHF the Old Tescament was inter- preted) ‘@WY#. tikahedd to be administered, managed. to be conducced, carzied out, to be ran (man- aged), to be handled (affairs), to be operated {factory), to get on (task) (Ute Ove | LUT CAMEL everything went well) ANPLL tikiyahedii = tikahedy (Ate! WIR MEE TE APTI | ro the new building is progressing rapidly) ALL ahedii to thresh grain (by deiving oxen around the threshing floor); to interpret a re- ligious work written in Geez (A&P. * NLL he interpreted the OT) CRE ARM Ia ! mRA. : TOLP OBE: PAN: ESP | ALFA Far cecice for hien from, the Waddasc Maryam or the Qaddase Maryam which you [f,J have down pat) (AVE + ALS whea I finished interpreting...) ‘ANZ akkakedd to manage. administer. to conduct (aifairs), to run (a business), handle (a matter), to operate {a factory), to carry out (a project), to help go forward (PETS RED RAMEE: 69 PODER wat sar = he is a worker who, after finish- inghis own share, helps the others’ share [of the work] along) AdNL asked or NOLL ashedi to make, cause, let or allow to go; to drive [vt] away; 10 ead (to) (way or road); to have grain threshed as above; to have 5.0. interpret or have a text interpreted as above: to indulge in love affairs (UTA tt BY oI LAL this road is impassable in the rainy season) (VV | PLLAE | oF IF + o> this road is traversable; this is a workable method) (249 | $9 PARLE A you can go this way or that way} (APARENPO | ACPRVT Ad Reb LN}! ANtLar let your stride keep co the same kind of pace lest it [walking] tire yon) (Noor + RIFT | AHA he let his pen course [over the paper] again) (ORF! hers len Oo ERP oan! Levant | FaiLAA if we consider it [a word] from the standpoint of meaning ‘member of the twa -4e family’ and ‘individual’ it will be valid) (ORME OOHNA! Tne Sard? KEE hers 2k? KONE | OM he weut out after passing the comb throngh his hair three or four times) (aren, ! £ALAA + N78, can onc walk outside? [isit dry enough, warm cnough, etc.}) (8 ND te AAA: FF: PAHAA that mule can carry one for [only] two days) (20 EF ANTE PY: LALRA these shoos will last only a day) (UG! Meo hey Ae Eke sd MNT! £OBAA on foot, it is tem minutes [or ‘it takes ten minutes'] from here to the train station) (474%) APONEP this matter is not valid [does not lead to the sight conclusion]) (09 = PA%AA he recites the passage Wihout hesitating) 2S 1 AN hedd ala to go, walk a little {AMY FER + AAU * -FoPAA please, go just a little way and return) PF hayay, LP hiyak or 42°F heya one who leaves, departs, outgoing, departing, one who gocs on foot, pedestrian, totter (horse); profligate, libertine, promiscuous: top copy of 1 receipt, form or official letter [as opposed to the gari or retention copy] (G4 * 98% skirt chaser, womanizer) (LEE! OAL + HEN sceing off the outgo ing generation ...) (4G0U Bee? Fie! 22% + boris your horse a fast troter?) LS = hh hediitt alii to move away, go away a short distance UA CLEA WA hediif hediitt al = hediitt alli “L7 hidit process, progress, progression (neol.) ‘UH biga threshing by means of oxen; harboring a grudge ‘¥B hag one who goes, leaves, mins fast (B) @% © 7% one who always says he is leaving but does not get up and go DERE shed bay in KER AL AE: RE one who always says he is leaving but does not get up and go. AADNLE | AA alasked ali to be impassable (road) AARS askiyag administrator, manager, di- sector 28 PEt pd! AOREF general manager Phra: erhbh He | AARSE deputy politicat administrator Pe WORLD sora askiyagonniit manage- ment %R mihed departure (fot + 1% + eM LA, since the territory of Wollo was taken from him ...) 42 hOM mithed ablizza to run after wom- en (ator: PILE Nomar | owned: pa: 406 since the husband was licentious, he used to run after women a lot) UH mihega means for going somewhere, place where one walks, sidewalk; time for or place where one leaves (#45 = Paws be has no means with which to go anywhere, he has no place to go [to]) (OL * Yd > PAS T have no money to go anywhere) (Pooey : $31 eh the day of departure ar tived) (N¢% + bor = e%3a which way does he go? what is his route, path?) 12% mahega place or time for trampling the grain as above; wine var (where grapes are trampled); means for interpreting as above “Ih makkahega means for conducting, car- tying out work (Pleé + THEF workplace, arca where one perfoms tusks, office) “7h. maskega means for having work done or managed (8/74. + “ThE operating expenses) AnES akkahed, ARSE akkiiyahed or Ah.- £4 akkiyahed manner, way of walking, gait; manner of doing, conduct, procedure; de- clination or conjugation (trad. gram. ); route, ie. the way a road goes, the way an affair or project develops (ahi22. = ASPET his conduct is not good) (ANZA + oANP actractive gait) (f7"é + WAYS conduct, operation or manage- ment [of a task, ete,]) (#296 | AES tochnique(s), method(s) for handling, managing a task or conducting an op- eration) (faue* * ANS orbit of the moon) YRECEY ue YRRCET haydrogiin hydrogen o% add measure, proportion, limit (extent) Ac hadd 48. hedii to go (see *VPL) we: hod stomach, belly, abdomen, inside (of the body), heart, mind wes. bode term of endearment ue + 247 hod hodun kind of bird (so named from the similarity of its ery with these words) [mourning dove?] vet 98% + 14% bed boden bill fected me decply URLFAN bod hoden alii hefichitme right in the stomach VF AVE intimate, mutual (understanding, acquaintance) (US! AUS FP wt to know onc another inti- mately, co know cach other's intentions, thinking) WA: PS. * yo hisheart isin the right place, lit. his belly is red (Ar,) A + PA to be full, unable to eat more UP | eed to stain, spot, to cause to bear a grudge (ri | PAF + omenar the matter embittered him, caused him to bear a grudge) VR! Min heed! CP aANa EAE am not oe to forget you, lit. [do not have a ‘heart with which I will forget you. 0A. + éfe to be ploased VAY het to slake one’s vengcance, to gorge ©.s. to the limit, to conclude an affair to one’s advantage ot satisfaction WE! hed to estrange, render 8.0, cold (to- ward 8.0.) ve + te to tell one’s thoughts, tell every- thing, not holding anything back, to be open (ia talking to a fricnd), to be obliging, give one’s assent readily WE + 41M to be upset, apprehensive, have ‘butterflies’ in the stomach due to fear u's + Fhe to be mistrusthil, be suspicious of s.0., to harhor resentment w+ 44Thd to harbor mutual ill will, to teel sort of downcast, dejected or upsct UE ATHE bod adakkiird to cause ili will, ill- feeling (by saying offensive) VAT | BAL to keep a secret; to be unable to it at- cat due to disgust at the had quality af the food UP 2&0 to need to relieve one's bowels, to rumble (stomach); to be upset because of one heard or was told 4, + am to give up hope (of getting s.tb.), to despair (uf? 2Ca.A Pve made up my mind) VAY £4mo- tobe very sad, sorry for s.0.; to have a stomachache (8.0) Gan my stomach aches; Tve, Tm cager to ll) v1 PA-b-+ to have a swollen stamach US + +Pb0N to bulge, protrude, stick out (stomach from overeating or from pregnancy) U&T: tb< 10 have a swollen stomach wR + MA 10 distwed, haunt, wo prey om one’s mind (thought, event, etc.) WA. # fma- co eat alone (socially unaccept- able as one should share) (WS! AEMAMa|r-g one who does not cat alone [who likes to share]) v8 NG + AC + halo) hodun bar bar aki(e) to feel trepidation. have ‘butterflies’ due to fear FA: dhet 10 become distended (belly) w# + AN(a) to be offended, to be unhappy, aygrieved, tv indulge in self-pity, fecl sorry for 0s. UA § NAC) to take some food for 0.8. (good, manners reqaire that an offer of food be re- fused) vee = NAA asin Mer +S. | NAA to burst with laughter, be weak from laughter UE: 49 to be afraid; to pine, sigh for UAE iba! Af hode bugga bud alii to be moved to pity UE! FA te keep to 0.8.; 10 be able to stand (8S PE ALR AIS because her maternal heart could not bear [such a thing)} FP PRET RATA! At and we couldn't stand this) WS + Aflm io swell, become distended (stomach); to take a purgative UE OM? DUR A PUrP: Res IF saidto 5.0. who says he will nor really do; to de- ceive o.s., indulge in self-deception va = 272)-0% hodu yimmaytawwigq one who hides his feelings, whose intentions cannot be guessed PS Pom, nh MAF ws + tome ve he was chock full of lies, lit. his stomach was distended by a sack of lies USD net to slit [open] the belly 94. +b? to have no appetite UA + £64 to be constipated UET! ALLE to constipate UAT | ear to have stomach pains UA. > HT bodu gosSii to be upset by UP% 2 401 to forget, lose sight of WR, + Mit [name, etc.] was on the tip of my tongue; 1 was deeply moved WEE PTT in TA + ASP he can't be figured out, his intentions cannot de divined WEF 1 AY to figure 8.0, out, understand his motives, intentions, discover what kind of a person he is U7 = Avenemi to upset the stomach {(ll- ness) VED + meni to be forbidden or prevented from accepting, to hear bat refuse to accept it UA! Age: he is still nursing a grudge, a grievance URT* kine to take a purgative Wf + mO+ not to be hungry, to have no appe- tite 08. ALME or ALMGar + U's he doesn't harbor a grudge, he doesn't stick to his deci- sious UH 1 PIL an to be pleased, gratified WAL! Fant (o be depressed, anxious wes + aah? tosteclo.s. (for unpleasant), to be hardhearted (894 | FF + ALMLHIF a motber cannot be cruel to her own child) WA. 2¢- to be apprehensive, anxious PEF + AEPATA Lo upset the stomach (food which disagrees with one) PRIA inhIaIk APF ates wes BEKer certain people whom fd rather not name WF = AR 2 ws to be empty (stomach) fur & = A827 to conceal, hide (Feelings) (At>? + U4 | AKC concealing his grief. AUS + F710 keep s.tb. 10 0.5. hus (oat) * ASM4F" it sticks to your ribs (food) NW #* +omwé4 tobe impressed on one's mind (thought, idea) fre + Beng to count silently 30 M2 * WYNN to read silently Des? F946 to talk to os. fur 4, + +24 t0 fall flat on one’s face YI = MPS + AAT have a secret; is trou- bling me he's Awa in Anes «hrs. | horPoaw I'm through with bim 416! ho & + a to be preoccupied, comcerned with, have it on one's mind fuk + dim to open one’s heart, speak frecly PUT * 1972 to say what one has on his mind FU S7 + APM|r to give vent to one’s feelings, unburden 0.8. PUA + RENE to unburden o.s., teli everything ve | 7°40 bod mallu’ diarrhea; vomit, von- iting U8 + oan sclf-pitying US + o0'y4.5 abdominal distension (neol.) U'% + HN abdominal discomfort (neoi.) Uf + *DaMLE enema (neol.) U8 4% hodwa qarrit pregnant + PSF hod gibtaé one who has a bloat- ed belly vss t ZEA incompatible, irreconcilable w+ hPA one who will do anything for moncy or » good life, one who lacks principles, sernples TECH hoddargiit constipation (for wR! PeHH) Ue + WT diarthea UF + Hees. one who cats alone, does not want to share n@g + v4 around the middle (of the body), around the stomach fu abdominal (ep) © # ca stomachache, colic, abdomi- nal cramps PUR + MATT a stratagem one keeps to 0.8 $US * $E8% longing for food (f)y es | entrails, intestines, guts 4% RTA dear friend fu + SCH constipation PUR + sw? rumblings of the bowels UR = és patient, generous, one who knows how to endure and keep quiet UL + e271 crocodile; vindictive or vengeful person WR! HC paunchy, bloated body wk * aM sulky, sullen; scasitive, easily hurt or offended, self-pitying we UF + Alt hodii babhu easily moved to tears UE. | 44 hodi tofa pothellicd vt nf hacdhearted, unfeeling; one whe docs not forget a wrong done him s+ 70 kind, meek, gontle UPS + aud# having a white spot on the belly (animal); liberal, magnanimous; loyal, upright (4 dt 8 08. * ane# baving a blaze on its abdo- men [horse]) eo + ve migabar hod one who keeps things to himself; insatiable cater omen + Ur grudge bearing, vindictive, Liter ine rR obese ern +: ure big-bellicd, paunchy PerAF + vr having a small belly (like a gam- bata crow) €e-4 1 S qMarrat hod one who realizes that a given course of action is hopeless and shoul be abandoned PAK + FH dig-bellied FArx + FF bloated stomach #2: UH one who cannot eat his fi) "Ft UP: one who cannot cat his fill 0G + we Ican-bellied (like cattle in the dry season) OFFA | Us big-bellicd, fat hile + u' having a distended stomach wart + u'& havinga belly ‘lean as a stone’ wets wh diarthea tre? + FF constant eater, one who is always eating Fem 1 UST one who has a very large outgrowth on the belly ES | wR guma hod fat, obese (Gondare usage) 4d + w& potbellied avd. + & insatiable, big cater ‘rant 1 F& guguma hod having a big belly though eating lite 244 | U'F glutton, voracious cater mF + Uk having a sunken stomach 9% | oS small man with a big belly aves |S tud¥a bod having a small belly, the size of one’s fist (9S ax? MPA | POMA what the mind has hidden, baga! [a prime ingredient of railfa- beer] brings forth, ie. drink loosens the tongue) (hart ye PN «ALLE proverb indicating that pcople find it hard to keep a seeret, lit, but- AG ter does not remain ina dog's beily [because he vomits it up]) (O84 1 Et edt the children born to one womun have different characteristics, lit. a mother's beliy is spotted) (PREPARA bod yer 74 the thing is [char] he who thinks of [filling] his stomach is pierced in his stomach. i.e. pcople who think of nothing clse but how to fil their bellies are trap- ped [by those who take advantage of their con- cern}) (Rho | PAF + CMA | OHA nobody knows what goes on in a person’s mind, aobody can identify a male bird) (PE ALSOP + RE 1 OTE self-deception, ic though realizing tbe situation, tells himself thaz things will get better) V4" hodam corpulent, stout, greedy, glut- tonous ¥Ag4> hodamanniit corpulesce, rcediness, gluttony ’Afre hrodmo fence of stone constructed uround ‘a dwelling: flat-topped stone house (see A&P) *12¢- e°49C0 mihdiie Age) “F926 mahdir leather case for carrying a book (usually a parchment copy of the Psal- tery); book-cover, portfolio; dwelling or stay- ing place (see AE.) PVRG | ICSF makdirh maryam Mahdere Maryam, village in Gondar Administrative Re- gion 1143N 3755E habitat (neol.) (see ‘URS -@bSC yébadar tax levicd on certain mer- chandise ARE hadari (sez AF-<) defi. hedar or eFC hedor heron: “446 hodur one who spends the night (see AL) AAC hedar 3rd Ethiopian month (10 Nov.- 9Dec.) aC t Arend to celebrate St. Michaelmason 12 Hadar (due to the belief that on this day, God’s throne is perfumed with incense by the 24 heavenly priests in order to assure the welfare of this worle. The Prayer of incense [silora ajan] is performed in the churches in commem- ‘oration of this} AC AAG + °UHAA holiday sacred to St. Michael and celebrated on (2 Hadar AAC + FEF holiday sacred to the Virgin and celebrated on 21 Hadar PaAE + NAF epidemic of abdominal typhus which occurred in November 1919 AG hadar taken out of a case, e.g. a book AR& hPaddire counter made from EVIRC AFF hadrit dwelling, staying, remaining or spending the night, living in a house; the Nesto- tian belief that the Word came to rest in the son born of Mary but did not come from Mary’s flesh (sce ARC) We. SC hadrata madar living on the varions portions af one’s estate [Jandowner weo has plots of land in different locations] (abs.) AVN haddis new, pl. at haddisat (Geez) (see AEA) AWAD {LA the Now Testament YALA AeA tihadso rejuvenation (bast + bCA refresher course) LRA hidit process (see *0F#) sh hidan covenant (see 247) «h&2. haddida to forge iron, metal Ar. haddada aA hadid rail (lor a railcoad) Ax. hadid PAS + 29978 Tailroad OFC + h8F railroad “42% hoddiidi B to farm the hudad land (see be- low) with corvée or forced labor; to keep the Lenten fast (see he&2) FALL tahoddid’ 10 be cultivated (hudad land as above); to be observed, kept (Lent) MARL ashoddidi to have 5.0. [atm the Judad land, have hudad land farmed by corvée or forced labor; to have s.o. observe Lemt, have Lent kept AZ hoddadiiiiia fasting, keeping or ob- serving Lent #42447 hoddadiiiiannit state or condition of keeping Lent sKIE hoddai corvée laborer; one who ob- serves Lent ateA 2%. hodade Lent (dv 4%. + m9 the Lenten fast) de8% hudad government or state lands ex- wir ploited for the government by owners of nearby parcels of land. By extension, these nearby par- cels are also hudad. The government temporar- ily assigns control toa governor, « tribal notable (Cbalabbat) or royal emissaries who has them worked by peasants who are required to plow, ‘sow, reap and thresh the crop without compen- sation. This forced labor is also called hudad., (4082 * héti co work the hudad land; to make 0.8, be sought after, canse 0.8. to be invited bya display of hanghtiness) (0.0 + def labor of one-third of the working days of the year which peasants must donate (a collective responsibility) (obs.) POM + AeA assigning the individual farmers their forced labor by lot (obs.) deA% + ACT cultivation of state domain as above (abs.) dv A2% hndadiitita peasant who works as above, working in a corvée ae 8.7 fwdadiiiiianndt condition or state of working as above ANARE ashoddag one who oversces corvée labor; one who has Lent observed %aLE mihoddiga means of or condition, oc- casion, place or time for working as a forced Jahorer (Ar,) “TOALF mashoddiiga means of or occasion, ete. for causing or allowing to work as a forced laborer (At,) hebi2.2 ahhodadid manner of working in a corvée “41 hadng the Patriatch’s deputy 14° hoddag top and bottom margins af a book Page; lower hem of a garment; excess, extra (sce B87} AST hadgiit in Good + 480% sabbatical 247 hadatan minority (pol.) [Geez pl. of 47 ‘few'] hSé, haddifa B to wipe off hf, hagi title of honor usually reserved for Mus- Jims who have made the pilgrimage to Mecca; Muslim masc. pers. o. Ar. hajt ‘2H higa chreshing (see “Uf 2) Wir hiz imperative 2nd sg. f. of ¥R (Vakgu us- age) (Ar.) Vee ha ar 1H + AA haku aki to go on a pilgrimage Ar. Rage YE hag (see *UC) WH hoje drink made from the Ieaves of the coffee bush or the hull of the coffee bean UE hoa decd to a plot of land Ax. fuegga '% hage cotion (Gondare usage) dv! AA hagg alii to reprove, admonish, rebukes to criticize, advise; to cite the law, punish ac- cording to the law ae hog law, rule (of law, of grammar), Jegisla- tion, dogma, doctrine (eccles.}, measure (egis- tative); virginity, virgin state (woman); religi- ous matriage, pl. 7.2% hoggiigat, 127 haggagat or 27.24% haggagatowe YT we to make a law, legislate ANT + (ANd 1 deflower a virgin, to break or transgress a law det # PWS to be annulled, abrogated (law) Aer > AAF she is a virgin, has the signs of vir ginity de! BiG to observe a law a&7# ANNE to enforce the law Fh * heen to legistate, draw up rules 1" £aé to deflower a virgin CGhTH © AOERELE you're still a virgin) Ge 47°F in BA LETT ifshe isfoundtobea 2h #20110 get married in a church ceremony which admits of no divorce; tw take orders (inonk or priest); to be engaged to a virgin 447} 410 to violate, break the law Gt &.g0t 10 be annulled, abrogated (law) TC REAM to break one’s vows (priest by en- gaging in adultery or by marrying again after the divorce or death of his wife) av + eoPEF council, congress a7 + aA senate v1 # wd Jegislavor, lawmaker 1! TAAL lawbreaker, criminal aT + AAWNE prosecucor, attorney for the pros- ecution, law enforeement officer det ho-ea, agg awéi lawgiver, lawmaker, legislator 7+ PHF hogy yall lawless TAP | ANARWL one who executes the legal measures dectced by the judge v1! anf one who observes or keeps the law a1! WEL one who violates the law, law- breaker, priest who fails to keep his vows a1 AMES conscience Ave! omg} charter a1 + 09-7" constitution (legal) a1 § G6 Peatateuch hd! F444 the Gospels ih1! KG the Mosaic Law (the ‘Ten Command ments and the S70 prescriptions uttered by Goa) 7+ harhd haggd awsabo marriage laws 2h? @P2A the commandments of the Gospel qh? # © illegal, irregular, ontlaw; exception (toa rule), untrammeled by rules, narhymed or free verse (#%C § hT © wT + 40> love is not bound by rules) Gv 9 + 446 illegal or unsanctioned union of man and woman) (vt = @-P + TPF" iscegplar verse, free verse, one which does not follow the rales) 1 | OFF haggiwitannit lawlessness Gh10-Gr baggiwtu badly raised, ill-bred, dis- honest, churl (sce h10*ar) ay | AUP haga’ tiiag philter of charm for Keeping one’s wife faithful Jet + GAATE jurisprudence fave rightfuly, lawtully f1a2 | ASA in the name of the law! Tak’ # OM ter outlaw, cranseressor havi! ae + eur? illegal, unlawful fA legal, legislative, judicial Pat AB adopted child Pad! aPg6P + FHC ie chamber of dep- ities (obs.) Cad: omees + NeTHE member of the cham- ber of deputies (obs.) PA? + RO woman who was a virgin at the time of marriage to her present husband, wom an martied in accordance with the sakli! cere mony Fir: Co@dy + FHC | ALP senate (obs.) Pahl! ooMAT = FHC | MA | ANA senator (obs.) FAT © onan | HCH the ceremony of the mize-best man’s exhibiting the blood-stained nuptial bedsheet V7 * GRP bill (legal), draft (law) PT! FOAM, | 770017 judicial power vie dee NA PAD! MAHAN magisuate #5 2 AT + ANZA chief executive (e}avel | oP -& legal expert, jurist (P)ad | Ao aa, | NSA legislature PRK © hv secular law er Fe + AheF Divine commands, prescriptions AAA © a7 law(s) instituted by man (as op- posed to Divine law) 8%, 1 A policy, standing rule or regulation AA + 27 man of woman who married according to the 1@kti-ccremony; pricst who has kept his vows; virgin (m. ot £.); legislator, supreme judge nt a2 + 4 woman who has married onty ‘one man and has kept ker vows 1Uh4 + SA she is a virgin, lit, she is in ber vir~ ginity Osi, + a7 agqabe uogg court official who monitors the observation of laws and rules in court offices; charm or philtcr to keep one's wife faithful MPAP | OAM + Av attorney gencral fA + av illegally, unlawfully, without due process (of law) @IRER + AF martial law gota + av international law PACE + 7 natural law; commandment to Jove God with heart and soul, not to worship any deity but God CPOE | aver yatawwiii hogg act (law) Act # Ae? the Decalogue and the prescrip- tions of the Pentatcuch, namely the 570 com- mands God gave Moses ¢OFZAG + ony + yt criminal code FOIE A | AT) GAAGT criminal jurispra- dence AHN A Jaw not derived from Divine pre- scription MOLE! AT Or MALGE + AF rules affecting a person’s character which are transmitted from generation to generation, conscience TAI@ hogeawi legitimate, rightful, lawful, le- gal, juridical, valid (will); persom or priest who has observed ot kept his vows I? OG legal heir h2@rt haggewinnit legality, state or condi- tion of obscrving one’s vows 1G bagir country, home district (see A7C) (¢e% = 7c + Ae * 40 where are you from? Vie | ovr + tar Vm from Minz) utc yahagar native [adj.], national PuIc ? +wAF native {nj hea + wIC region UTC ahogur continent 74 hagtrani local custom, practice, uradi- tion or language AYN hagos arase, pers. n. (Pita, ‘oy') ae? heglina deputy (medieval court title) (obs.) au. hagay dry season, trom 2S Tahsas to 24 Maggabit Hey hk = hagay 77 Waggiigd to pass laws, make legislation, issue decrees (Geez) shJ2 * ae? bagage hagg lawmaker (Geez) Gh haggage rules (pl. of 7) avi haggligat or a7. haggogat Geez pl. of agg ‘iaw* dum. bate title of honor for the Ethiopian mom arch (ohs.) (see AR) UTC hater Arabian perfume Ar. ‘star 4vP4) nutba Muslim Friday sermon At, kutba “40 hitan flattery (Geez) AVF Uastun infant, baby, young child, pl. mA hatanat (sce also a9°)) Geng hatananniit infancy 1m - Tam mahtin deposit, (object of} trust, pledge (Geez) (see “hd below) Ph hate’ sinner, sinful person AmAP hata sin, crime, spiritual impurity, sperm, fig. copulation AMLAF * re. t0 sin, commit a sin AMAF #4294 to confess a sia PCS tent forgiveness of sin(s) FAR 1 1a.AF morta! sin FFH MAT venial sin mn d2-F bati’atam sinful Amdt hati'atiiiia sinner, sinful person APH? hati'an sinners, wrongdoers “yo hada resembling course, white sand “1% + ACK white sand; patch of ground cov- ered by hail dt © AA bat alii to gallop a horse ue 35 woe (dv * NA% co gallop off)? chee hate giddyap! web hai larva (bee) (see AP) Wa hog pure WP * AA hogs alii to cover the ground (huil), to jingle (coins poured out on a table) VE | ALC host adierigi co offer or give moucy, coins; to jingle coins in the hand (in or- der to attract 8.0.) Ven a - FHV AAU AL sdohogahOTA to jingle lvi] A7vaaw aa anhofihosi to jingle coins [vt], fo make metal money jingle, clink AW tee aahogahogs = anhodihodit wR + hh hoigo hos all to count off, COUNE OUE, fo expose “rer + AO hagad ali to grit, grace [vi], 10 squeak, creak AD + eee + WA hoody hogoid al haiad Se ATER Ah Wane + ALL hows adtierigi to give money quickly; to count off, count out; to lay out (money) (Gk.) ch, hase imperial title (see A&R) sh hag arrow (Geez only) ch& + fh husii sassot the urge or spur of cupidity ah& * ADE * AVES to incite cupidity ah’ § 00-7} basi zammut the urge of lust, con- cupiscence “FA hoga a white, pumice-like stoue used in mak- ing parchment (Cieez ‘sand’) PRI RIIR = TR “W- haséb small pond, cistern (sce AmM) 480 hasho coarsely ground flour made from threshed gcain which has been cleaned of straw; chaif left on the threshing floor (Gondare usage) 88! TCA chatt remaining on the threshing floor AON hashiif ablution (Geez) (see Aauf) AO hasina in 7 * hOY Zan has the royal palace (obs.) a officer of 41@7 hasin lap, J0som (Geez) AO} ANETH Abraliam’s bosom (Bibl.) 2h’? hogan baby, infant, child up to seven years, pl. 79 hosanat taast + ALI pediatrician (ncol.) PITH + 276. chilklishness, puerility ae? | AAPE immature mind Pry ants + APS pediatrics {49°77 hasanannit babyhood, childhoud, in- fancy (G97 +7, infancy) (16H * AY childeen’s actions, play) ab") hasan acwpit; valley, ravine, gap of inter- stiee between two large masses (Geez); gusset or gore in a germeat *chO?- 72007 mabsin womb, uterus, tiny space juside a Mower or an animal's organ where fer- tilization takes place; empty space inside a let ter, cellular openings. e.g. in. a sponge, wasp's nest or the upper surface af an angéra-bread *T8% * Air place in the mind where thoughts develop, ideas germinate 17h04 | PCAFA baptismal water | €1NOF + HIS gyrecology (acol.) ag! Tao? corvix hw © tasD? inside of the womb: open space or spaces underneath the mdénbar-altar (on which the zebct's placed) in which another tabor may be place Some * 9110's bowels of the earth TRO maksint deposit, (object of) trust, pledge (Geez only) “TROT * PSC bowels of the earth UO mahsintw pers. n “UnOTh + Ad. mabslintli sallase mase, pers. A 92.7 agin iron (Geez only} emsidse + 99,3 electricity, clectric current (obs. neol.) ‘adam hagaw eunuch, castrated person, court favorite, clase friend or confidant ahd has’s decrease, dimimution (Geez); Kmita- tion (neol.) (Sane% + 286 waning of the moon, incom- plete lunar month [one baving only 29 days in- stead of 30) aoe hod hagas want. defect, missing ot incom- plete (Geez) GO hogug lunar month which is only 29 days long, 09°F hasusam in 64? | RAE Chronicles (Bibl,) ¢n€ baf mouth, var. of AF 06." AA haff ald to be quick, do quickly (eb boomn Wh 2 Us + Ate | P44 he stood up suddenly from the place in which he had been sitting) v&2 hafta celerity, rapidity (see AE*) ADS + UE amoment U4 hofi pumice (Orom.) ALE IRA BSUS * KA hafhaff ali to tremble, shake, to shake 0.5, to jump, fidget (PRE + oGOG * LAA the ground is shaking) (At) YE + OE! AA hofholf ali toshake, be shaken, to flutter, flap [vi] “VR haftlit disgrace, shame (see hdc) viRdt + "2 hafriti soga genitals, genitalia “Get = 1.0 hafratii his brazen, shameless 4h hfs prison Ar, fabs AL©? Af hafaffali torisc, c.g, plane taking off, to get up quickly (see U& + AA) «h2.G>" hafifta rising, getting up quickly

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