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J ohn Mc Ea c h e r n H ig h Sc h o o l
Presents the

That diploma you hold in your hands

OF 2017
today is really just your learners permit for the rest of the
drive through life. Remember, you dont have Senior Assembly
to be smarter than the next person, all
you have to do is be willing to work
harder than the next person.
- Jimmy Iovine

Program by Jasmine Owens

April 28, 2017
*Presentation of the Class of 2017 Ms. Regina Montgomery Entertainment Eric Harris
11th Grade Memories Royce Johnson
*Processional Mrs. Holcomb Kaylla Williams
Mrs. Caylor
12th Grade Memories Mandy Dao
*Presentation of the Colors Naval ROTC Ian Knox

*Pledge of Allegiance Mandy Dao Entertainment Nicholas Knox

Andrew Park
*Moment of Silence Mandy Dao
Introduction of Senior Slideshow Mandy Dao
Welcome Ian Knox Claire Ajuebor

Entertainment Katelynn Frazier Transition of Mantle of Leadership Mandy Dao

Myles Nixon
Lessons of Leadership Heather Langley
Introduced by Claire Ajuebor *Recessional of Class of 2017

Presentation of Yearbook Maya Beason Changing of Chairs Class of 2018
Marina Rodriguez
Closing/Dismissal Ms. Regina Montgomery
Introduction of Senior Poem Ms. Regina Montgomery

9th Grade Memories Mandy Dao

Michelle Boamah * Audience Please Stand

10th Grade Memories Claire Ajuebor

Kyanna Kirkland

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