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Product Concept

Product Concept number 6

Designer(s) Vijay Joshi

Product Description

Rubber is weaved through metal rods covered in Sorbothane attached to a foam

walled box in order to absorb the vibrations. The idea is based off of how tennis racket
shock absorbers absorb the vibrations delivered when a player hits the ball. Contains
breathing holes.


The box will safely store any items that are max 300mmx260mmx190mm. The foam
and rubber will work together to weaken the vibrations felt by the item through
absorption. It will be easy to open with the simple door mechanism allowing for easy
input and output of items.


The product satisfies NASAs specifications by following the design measurement

constraints, making the items easily accessible and locked, and the idea is based off
of firsthand experience from playing tennis and other members in the group who also
have experienced the same feeling.

Sketch or Model See attached


2013 Project Lead The Way, Inc.

Engineering Design and Development Component 2 Product Concept Template Page 1

2013 Project Lead The Way, Inc.
Engineering Design and Development Component 2 Product Concept Template Page 2

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