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Abby Luerssen

The Death of Benny Paret Essay

He had become a welterweight champion because of his unusual ability to take a

punch. In The Death of Benny Paret Norman Mailer explains how fighters Paret and Griffith

go head to head in what was to become a historical showdown. Throughout the piece Mailer

incorporates logical and emotional content simultaneously. The use of the true facts intertwined

with his emotional remembrance allows Mailers readers to know the true story but also

experience the feelings of those who were present during the memorable fight.

Mailer begins his story by telling the reader about Benny Paret. He was a Cuban and a

welterweight champion with an unusual ability. This first paragraph is full of facts which

introduces the reader to Paret and gives the reader some background on his life. At first glance,

Mailer seems to suggest that Paret is unstoppable.

Mailer continues to use logical content throughout the rest of the piece but its in the

second paragraph where most of the emotional content can be located. Mailer continues by

describing the fight between Griffith and Paret using both logical and emotional content. The

reader is shown that Paret is losing strength and becoming vulnerable. Paret began to wilt.

The reader is able to visualise a man who was once strong slowly wilting, like a flower, through

Mailers diction and imagery. (Griffith)...came alive and was dominating Paret. The reader is

shown how Paret is finally being defeated as Griffith comes alive.

Mailers account not only uses great amounts of imagery but it also uses similes to help

the reader better understand the real emotion of the fight. He compares Griffith to a cat, ready to

rip the life out of a huge boxed rat, as he begins to pounce upon Paret. Mailer also explains

how Griffith was like a baseball bat demolishing a pumpkin as he attacked, showing the

viciousness and rage of Parets opponent. He went down like a large ship which turns on end

and slides second by second into its grave. This simile creates a picture in the readers mind,

showing how Paret slowly gave up and gave in to his rival.

Abby Luerssen
The Death of Benny Paret Essay

Norman Mailers account of Benny Parets death is one filled with imagery, similes, and

logical and emotional content allows readers to create pictures within their minds about what

actually occurred in the ring that day. In the end Mailers diction and use of similes are able to

show how the unstoppable man had finally been defeated.

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