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Daniel Garcia Garrigo

UWRT 1102

Ms. Leah Huizar



1. Rhetorical Appeals (Ethos, pathos, logos)

The ad uses the image of a man who looks like a businessman, dressed in a shirt and tie.

The message of the advertisement can be immediately trusted, no matter what the

product is, by the appearance of the man on the picture. For this reason, the photo
occupies approximately three quarters of the paper, while the written text boils down to

barely two paragraphs. This constitutes the majority of the ethos of the ad, added to the

message on the photo, which reads: "Do you have this man's sales problems? This

constitutes the pathos of the message, as it is trying to relate your problems to the

problems of the rest of the population, giving you a solution for it. The advertisement is

about telephones and communications, therefore my interpretation is that this man has

sales problems due to a lack of possibility of communication with the rest of the clients

because he still doesn't have this companys telephone products. That goes along with

the logos of the message, and if you don't have any methods of communication at a

distance you won't be able to do well in your business, therefore you need the product.

2. Message of the Ad

In my opinion, this message is directed to adults and businessmen that need a

boost or an improvement in their company. If somebody with these characteristics saw

this ad back in the day, they would have stopped and read about it, because it would be

in their interest to acquire this product. The style of the advertisement is discrete and

professional, so that adds up to a credible message. The photo and the quote printed on

it imply that if you don't buy this product for the company, the business will not go as

good as it could possibly be. Also, the way that the man is posing for the picture looks

like a leadership position. He might be the boss of the company, so this product can be

seen as a superior good, and as something you must have if you want to become a good

leader and example for your workers. Not many people had this type of long distance

communication back then, so it was seen as something new and almost from the future.

This could also be explained in the two paragraphs below the picture, that due to the

quality of the old photograph I am unable to read.

Finally, the message right underneath the picture ("How can we find out when

customers are low on stocks?"), makes us ask ourselves if the company is effective in

communicating with far away customers. If the answer to that is negative, we're

probably doing something wrong or we need a change to improve. And that is the

convincing argument of the advertisement.

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