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Nia Saunders English 102 Free Write Documents January 17, 2017

What does Martin Luther King Day mean to you?

Martin Luther King plays large role in my life. To me, Martin Luther King
represents courage, selflessness and fearlessness. He embodies all the characteristics and
traits that most leaders have. Martin Luther King plays a large role in my life as he is one
of the reasons that I got to attend a predominately white school or have white friends, he
allows me to live freely and make decisions based on what I want and not what I am
required to do. I think Martin Luther King is a very important figure in my life, his voice
speeches and movements continue to affect the world, despite him not being physically
present with us. Martin Luther King day continues to remind me the importance of
having a voice and how speaking up to what is wrong can have a profound impact on the
world around us. It also reminds me that while MLK did make so many strides forward, it
is our responsibility to continue the legacy, yes he made great strides but if we dont build
upon his legacy it will be nothing more than that.
What is the message in the cartoon? January 19, 2017
I think that the message in the picture is that in the human mind promises are what
we tend to stick by, if someone says that they will do something we automatically hold
that as true. This however isnt always true, people tend to promise a lot of things but
never follow through. This is illustrated in the cartoon because when you go to a
restaurant the server typically takes the top part of the dish, which covers the meal, the
promise being the top is alluding to the fact that we dont typically receive the things
we are promised. Reality is what the man actually gets, and in real life after all the
promises are set and done we must ultimately face the reality that promises cant always
be guaranteed. Our country may tell us a lot of things, but it up to understands the
difference between a promise and reality.
What are your favorite types of movies What about them do you enjoy? January 26
In my opinion, the best types of movies are action movies. I enjoy them because
you never know what youre going to get, theres no warnings, no predictions, all you can
do is wait and see when something crazy is going to happen. I think the best part about
action movies is the whole element of surprise factor. I love the way the director is able to
control your emotions, no matter hoe much you dont want to be scared or caught off
guard, it is completely out of your control when watching an action movie. I think that
these types of movies keep my attention the best because they keep me wondering,
whats next?
Describe a speaker you like. What do you like about him or her. January 31st, 2017
One speaker I have really grown to love is Barack Obama. I think that during his
time as president he proved himself to be someone that was a really effective speaker.
One of his greatest strengths as a speaker is, his ability to make the listener understand
the topic he Is speaking about. I think that Obama is very effective in controlling your
emotions. Through tone, diction and loudness he is able to make you feel sad when hes
talking about hard things, but happy when hes talking about light hearted things. I
believe his ability to take the listener on an emotional rollercoaster helps us to stay
engaged and interested in his speeches.
What Genres did you choose to write about? Why did you choose them? February 2nd,
We chose a picture and a video. We chose a video because it was a way to see
visually that we need to stop and frisk. We chose a video because it was very detailed and
it not only gave us a point of view on stop and frisk, but it also gave us stories to
corroborate that point of view. It gave us fuel to talk about why it needs to be changed
and how it affects peoples life
Do you feel you were taught grammar well? Why or why not?
I think that I was taught grammar well early on in my education so when I was in
the end of elementary school and beginning of middle school. This however, I feel was
ineffective because after that time I was never really taught again. My teachers in high
school would sometimes teach grammar randomly, when it was needed or important for
an assignment. I believe that I was taught grammar but it was not always done well and it
was not always effective.
What do you want to know more about with respect to your topic?
In respect to stop and frisk I think the biggest thing I want to know is why the
policy was implemented. When many people look at the law itself they cant fully
understand why lawmakers would put a policy in place that allows police officers to frisk
somebody just based on the way that they look. The law clearly promotes some prejudice,
so I cannot understand why they would promote such a law. I also would like to know
what their plans were during the development of the law, to make sure police officers
didnt abuse their powers or allow their own prejudice get in the way of the law.
Activity #10 literature review Assignment Material Summarizing your article.
One article I found was based around the story of a 14 year old black male who
had been arrested by law enforcement under the stop and frisk policy. In this story he
expressed his feelings towards being arrested and not understand why. He let the
audience know that policies like stop and frisk are what justified his arrest. Even though
he was under age and didnt commit a crime he was still arrested because of the cops on
prejudice against him.
What went through your head while you were breathing?
While I was breathing my mind was thinking about the exams I have today. Last
night I was studying heavily for the exams until very early in the morning. I had been
stressing about how I was going to pass all three of my tests and without getting tired or
anxious. This breathing assignment made me think about everything I had to do in the
day, which made me feel a little overwhelmed at first. After this however I sort of felt
relief like maybe everything I am stressing about would be okay.
What perspectives have you gotten so far from researching your topic?
Most of the perspectives I found from researching were pretty common; all of the
perspectives were in support of ending stop and frisk. They felt that stop and frisk was
doing an injustice to society. I think that it is and will continue to be very difficult to find
people who oppose this stance because it is such a blatantly racist policy. To go against
ending stop and frisk would be to go against statistics.
What grade would you give this public service announcement? Why?
I would give this public service announcement a B this is because while there was a lot
of content in this short video, it was confusing. I also thought the music was a little too
Describe a time youve been in an argument.
The last time I was in an argument was with my little brother. We were arguing
about politics, him having a more democratic mindset and me have a republican mindset.
I think he won this argument because he brought up a lot of topics like abortion and gun
control that really swayed my opinion.
What Policy Change Do you want to advocate in your opinion piece?
In my opinion piece I would like to change Stop-and-Frisk. In this law police
officers are allowed to stop a person based on their own idea of a suspicious person or
activity. What I want to be different about this law is for law enforcement to have to
follow certain guidelines for stop-and-frisking someone. I think that stop-and-frisked
should be changed so that you cannot stop-and-frisk someone without actually explicitly
both telling the victim and putting in writing what was suspicious about them.

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