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Howe Farms BOD Meeting Minutes

January 18, 2017

Mike Heath Gene Tromly

Skinner Jones Mary Underkofler Tammy

Mary Underkofler

Meeting called to order _6:35 PM

Executive Session

Old Business
WORA presidents proposal for mall
Update to trac sign change at Farmhouse/Honeysuckle/Paddock
New Business
Annual Meeting

Common area lawn maintenance contract

Spring mulch purchase

Vandalism in rec area

Address solutions for grass circle at the bottom of Haywagon

Wheelchair ramp for homes

Old Business

Minutes for January 2017 approved


President - Absent

Vice President - None

Treasurer - Mr. Jones presented the sanitation bill to the board. Hampton Roads
Sanitation Dept. has been sending the bill for runo to the wrong address so the bill
arrived at Berkley late so the total was high. At present the bill has been taken care
of by Berkley however, by the specifications on the invoice, HRSD may be over
charging us: The bill reflects a runo charge for an area in excess of 2 acres for
which the association is billed twice a year at a rate of $516.78 for total of $1033.56
annually. The amount accrued for this bill was $1,532.02. The large amount was to to
the bill having been sent initially to the wrong address. Mr. Heath asked Mr. Jones to
look into the matter further to see what charges the city is levying on the association
and what land they think we own.

Architectural Review Committee - Reserved for Executive Session

Common Grounds - Mr. Tromly will look into hiring Marks power washing to clean
the serpentine walls. He will be sure that the company bills The Woods separately for
their wall.

Membership - none

Secretary -

A newsletter or bulletin will be published in time for the Annual Meeting. The
website will have the 2016b annual meeting items posted.

Willow Oaks Mall Update: WORA president update: The Willow Oaks Recreation
Association president, Rebecca ????? is organizing a meeting or all local
neighborhoods to address the neglect of Willow Oaks Mall. Mr. Tromly and Mrs.
Frye volunteered to attend the meeting with Mrs. Underkofler. The meeting will be
organized for mid-March.

Traffic Sign Update: Update Ticket #99048 Traffic sign change: Mrs. Underkofler
called #311 to inquire about the traffic offices research on the sign change for S.
Farm House Lane, Honeysuckle Ct. and Paddock Lane. According to the 311
operator, the case had last been addressed by the traffic office in July 2016. After
consulting her supervisor, she refreshed the request which had appeared to have
gone dead, in her words, and gave a new ticket number (see above). All report
2016 stated was that the traffic office was researching it and awaiting a police
report but no further action had been taken. The operator said that she would call
the traffic office Wednesday morning to inquire what further action the office had
taken if any and what the status of the sign change was currently.
New Business

Annual Meeting: Mr. Heath asked Mr. Tromly to apply with Langley Elementary for a
date of Thur April 27 with a backup date of Wed April 26. Mr. Heath told the board
that before the March meeting the board will need to produce an Agenda, a letter
from the president, a newsletter and a budget to be mailed by Mar 26 to the
membership. He felt that an extra meeting to gather all these items may not be
necessary if the board could conduct business via email.

Mrs. Bollenbacher has agreed to be nomination chairwoman. Interested parties should

contact her to have their name put on the ballot. Mrs. Underkofler will publish the
officer information on the website.

Common Area Contract: Mr. Tromly recommends Mark Harper Lawn Maintenance ,
the present lawn company contracted with the association to do the common area
lawn maintenance for another 10 months. The company has agreed not to increase
their fees. A motion was passed to allow Mr. Tromly to sign the contract with Harper.

Spring Mulch Purchase: Last year we budgeted for $500 which we did not use all
of. Mr. Tromly will purchase the mulch when its on sale and try to keep the price
under $500 again. A motion was passed to allow Mr. Tromly to buy mulch at a price
not to exceed $500.

Vandalism in Rec Area: Tire ruts were made in the rec are field on the side of the
hill abutting S. Farm House Road sometime Sunday evening. Mr. Tromly has agreed
to fill in the tire marks with dirt. A motion was approved to allow Mr. Tromly to buy
topsoil to fill in the ruts at a price not to exceed $15.

Grass Circle on Haywagon: Keeping drivers off the grass circle at the bottom of
Haywagon is the priority. The board asked Mr. Tromly to ask Mr. Harper of the lawn
company as well as neighbors abutting the grass circle if they had any ideas or
solutions for repairing the grass circle.

Wheelchair Ramps: I got a request about the bylaws dealing with wheelchair
ramps.The board asked Mrs. Frye to ask the homeowner to submit a plan. In the
meantime the board
Additional New Business: In Mr. Shockleys absence, Mrs. Frye read a statement to
the board. According to the statement, letters went out to the eleven homeowners
who are delinquent in paying their fees. Four of the 11 are up to date and no longer
delinquent because of the letters.

Executive Session

Meeting went into Executive Session 7:39 -8:09

Conference call with Berkley Lawyer - Mark ask to postpone any decisions for next

1. Property 1 - Foreclosing on the property was discussed but quickly set

aside. It was better left to the city or state to take action. The property
owner is $11K in arrears with the city. Reverse mortgage or equity loan are
not possible. options either. Still the boards consensus, is not to pursue
foreclosure. Several board members felt that it would be a black mark on the

2. Property 2 - The owner may be dead and the resident may have been told to
vacate the property because the home may be going up on of sale in March.

3. Property 3 - Owe over $1600 in fees.

Collection Report- There are several owners on the list who foreclosed and no longer
live in Howe Farms. The board discussed what to do with these previous owners
outstanding fees but no conclusions were reached.


Meeting was adjourned 8:17 PM

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