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Kylie Overmyer

English 102

Professor Newport


Annotated Bibliography

This research paper argues that Common Core State Standards are more harmful to a

students education than helpful. It explores and presents the disadvantages and the negative of

the standards and why they should be appealed. It provides many points, opinions, and voices of

those who oppose these standards, as well as statistics that show how damaging Common Core

can be to an individuals education and development. Although its main goal is to provide

students with skills for the working world, Common Core State Standards are not beneficial to

K-12 education because it sets students back in their development, causes students to struggle

since they arent developmentally ready, and teaches them how to master tests rather than useful


Au, Wayne. Coring Social Studies within Corporate Education Reform.

Critical Education, vol. 4, no. 5, 10 May 2013. Accessed 15

Apr. 2017

This scholarly article provides the reader with insight to the politician side of CCSS and

why its not fair. Au shows the political background behind the creation of the standards and

gives his argument against it. His rhetorical purpose is to give a persuasive argument against the
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drive for higher standards controlled by politicians who dont understand how the standards

effect individuals.

The author is a credible professor at the University of Washington Bothell and is a

board member of Rethinking Schools. His research primarily focuses on high-stakes test taking,

educational equity, and social studies education. This makes him very knowledgeable about the

subject, as well as being a good source for information.

Bascom, James. 9 Reasons Why Common Core is Bad for Education. TFP Student Action.

N.p., 20 Jan. 2016. Web. 3 Apr. 2017.


This article presents supporting reasons why Common Core is harmful to a childs

education as well as pointing out specific flaws in the standards that have a bad effect on

students. Such as the rhetorical purpose of this article is to provide a persuasive argument against

Common Core. This is a credible source because it has good points and theyre true accusations.

For example, it talks about how uniform standards themselves will not improve education in


The author of this article, James Bascom, is a graduate student of the St. Louis de

Montfort Academy and is a member of TFP Student Action and has been since 2003. He seems

like a credible source with valid points and evidence. The intended audience for this source

would be concerned individuals worried with how Common Core is effecting students and their


Botzakis, Stergios, Leslie David Burns, and Leigh A. Hall. Literacy Reform and Common Core

State Standards: Recycling the Autonomous Model. Language Arts, vol. 91, no.4, May
Overmyer 3


origsite=gscholar&cbl=41436 Accessed 13 Apr. 2017.

This source is a scholarly article that contains information about the standards and how

they are recycled from a model used throughout the history of education. It describes it as an

autonomous model which means its designed to help students move towards carrying the role

of learners and controlling how they learn. The authors rhetorical purpose is neutral observation

because it doesnt give bias, it just shows the facts and background of Common Core.This article

provides good information by using facts, statistics, and evidence on Common Cores creation

and transformation.

This article is credible because its written by more than one author and it provides very

good evidence and facts that inform the audience about Common Core and the model behind it.

The article will be used to provide the research paper with background knowledge on Common

Core and will be used for its statistics to persuade the argument further.

Building the Machine- The Common Core Documentary. Dir. Ian Reid. HSLDA, 2014. Film.

This source is a documentary by director Ian Reid that explains the causes of why

Common Core is bad for students and provides the audience with opinions and the voice of

parents and teachers who oppose of the standards. The rhetorical purpose is to give the audience

a persuasive argument that would make them think about the effects of Common Core.

The HSLDA stands behind the constitutional right for parents to be in control of their

childrens education and their purpose is to give children that freedom. This source is very

credible because its loaded with relevant evidence that displays how Common Core is a threat to
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education. The intended audience would be those who are curious and eager to know why

Common Core is bad and in what ways it is.

Dr. Pesta, Duke. Common Core: Dangers and Threats to American Liberty and Education.

Freedom Project Education, Council Dinner of The John Birch Society, 3 May 2014,

Jacksonville, FL.

This source is an oral presentation given by Dr. Duke Pesta supporting the persuasive

argument that Common Core is damaging education in America. Dr. Pesta gives the audience the

facts and evidence that support his argument and helps make his points credible. His rhetorical

purpose is to give a persuasive argument in favor of getting rid of common core. As well as being

a professor himself, he gives interesting insight to why Common Core is dangerous.

He is a credible doctorate as a professor at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. As an

English professor, he has an insight to the traditional methods of teaching language arts and

strongly disagrees with how Common Core changes this. This source is useful for providing the

paper with the opinion of a teacher and how they think that Common Core is damaging.

Krashen, Stephen. The Common Core: A Disaster for Libraries, A Disaster for Language Arts, A

Disaster for American Education. Knowledge Quest 42, 2014.

Accessed 10 Apr. 2017.

This source is also a scholarly article written by Stephen Krashen supporting the

argument that Common Core is a damaging initiative. The author provides many examples of

what really is the cause of the effects on student learning, as opposed to raising the standards as a

solution. Krashens rhetorical purpose is for the article to have a persuasive argument that sways
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the audience away from Common Core. He presents that the real problem in education is

poverty and how it effects students learning. The article then goes into the nature of the standards

and the consequences.

The author is credible because he makes valid points and provides facts to support his

argument. He stands behind the fact that Common Core is not helpful and tells his reasons why

he thinks so. This article will be used for some of the points made to support the research papers

main argument.

Liebtag, Emily. Moving Forward with Common Core State Standards Implementation:

Possibilities and Potential Problems. Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, Vol. 7, No.

2, 2013.

PB.pdf Accessed 10 Apr. 2017.

This peer-reviewed scholarly article, written by Emily Liebtag, presents advantages as

well as disadvantages to the standards. The authors rhetorical purpose is a neutral observation,

since she gives both side of the argument. The author gives 5 reasons for supporting the CCSS:

preparation, competition, equity, clarity, and collaboration, and also gives the problems that these

reasons cause. This article is useful for the different view point, facts, and opinions by showing

both sides of the argument.

The author of this article is credible and she spends her time standing up for social

injustice in education, as she used to be a teacher herself. She tells the good and the bad of

Common Core and what changes should be made to make it better.

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Loveless, Tom. Measuring Effects of The Common Core. Brookings. The Brookings

Institution, 24 Mar. 2015. Web. 12 Apr. 2017.

This article is written by Tom Loveless and contains the facts and evidence of the effects

Common Core has on students. He gives background on the development of Common Core and

then talks about the results of the toll Common Core has taken. The rhetorical purpose of this

article is persuasive argument to show the audience how harmful the standards are.

Tom Loveless is credible and his job is to analyze trends in education. He provides many

statistics to support his argument as well as facts, tables, and statistics that back up his argument.

This source will be used to provide the research paper with the evidence of the harmful effects on


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