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Final Performances and Community Involvement

As a class, we interpreted two theatrical performances for Main Street Theater. The first was
Ramona Quimby and the second was How I became a Pirate. For Ramona we stood to the right
of the stage to interpret the performance. This was my first time doing this type of interpretation.
The semester before I had the pleasure of shadow interpreting for Duck for President. This
semester we also shadow interpreted for the performance on How I Became a Pirate. For both
plays I spent quite a bit of my time reviewing the script. For Ramona we broke the play down
into sections and were partnered with a classmate to interpret specific scenes. My partner took on
the role of Ramona when interpreting and I interpreted the other characters/actors within the
performance. I enjoyed this performance and learning how to take on and portray different
characters very much. With the shadow interpreting for How I became a Pirate, I took on the
character Pirate Pierre, a French cook. For this particular performance not only did we review the
scripts individually but also as a class for the songs, and along with that we had multiple
practices at the theater with the actors to learn the stage blocking and movements. Theatrical
interpreting was a great experience that I very much enjoyed.
This semester was very busy but I still manage to be involved in the community and attend some
socials. I was involved with the club as their treasurer, I volunteered at Cats Back to help with
the table set up, and I attended the club meetings that were held on Wednesdays. Also this
semester I along with some of the other ASLI majors got to sign the National Anthem at the
Rockets game when they played Oklahoma City. After the National Anthem I stayed to watch the
game and socialize. Later in the semester, I attended the performance of Dream Girls at Hobby
Center to support a fellow classmate and my professor. I was also able to attend the Berry Hill
Taco Social which so far has been one of my favorite socials to attend; they always seem to have
a good turnout. While there I got to see some of my friends that I have made within the past four
years and got to meet new people as well. This semester was by far one of the busiest I have ever
had, but I enjoyed socializing, volunteering and putting in the work for the final performances. In
the end juggling multiple thing just prepared me that much more for the real world.

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