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May 6,

2017, LOL nothing Delete RE:

77724 lol ok
1:59:50 matters account/retired. hu
May 6,
2017, Delete LOL nothing RE:
77723 goodluck with everything! talk soon
1:56:32 account/retired. matters hu
May 6,
2017, LOL nothing Delete RE: LOL ok if I ever come back to hobo I will look you
1:55:50 matters account/retired. hu up Thanks for the love!
May 6,
2017, Delete LOL nothing RE: Im leaving now 607075 hobowars ID add me
1:54:50 account/retired. matters hu when ya on next, take care love you
Absolutely nothing now.
May 6,
As I said, I have no actual power without Jason
2017, LOL nothing Delete RE:
77720 here and I've only just come back like a week ago
1:53:18 matters account/retired. hu
after being inactive for over a year.
Don't expect anything man. This game is dying.
May 6,
2017, Delete LOL nothing RE: anyways I was just messin, so what do you do as
1:51:37 account/retired. matters hu game manager?
May 6,
2017, LOL nothing Delete RE:
1:51:01 matters account/retired. hu Closer to 14 than 33 Run along child!
May 6,
2017, Delete LOL nothing RE:
77717 im 21 ahahahah
1:49:54 account/retired. matters hu
May 6,
No and omg what are you? 14?
2017, LOL nothing Delete RE:
1:49:20 matters account/retired. hu
I think we're done here lol
May 6,
2017, Delete LOL nothing RE:
1:48:32 account/retired. matters hu hhahaah are you a milf
May 6,
2017, Delete RE:
77714 Apollyom awww love you to random stranger
1:47:37 account/retired. hi
May 6,
2017, Delete
77713 Apollyom hi love you
1:47:08 account/retired.
OMG I see that you have returned from viewing my
May 6, profile and now you wish to inquire as to my A/S/L?
2017, LOL nothing Delete RE: What is happening here hahaha I am 33, as in way
1:46:08 matters account/retired. hu too old for this, and idek why I am answering all of
your questions
May 6,
2017, Delete LOL nothing RE:
77711 hahaha how old
1:44:17 account/retired. matters hu
May 6,
2017, LOL nothing Delete RE: LOL I seriously already told you that I am a female.
1:44:03 matters account/retired. hu Idk why you needed clarification
May 6,
2017, Delete LOL nothing RE:
77709 From that joke Im goin to say your female
1:43:15 account/retired. matters hu
I'm a Woll Smith

May 6,
2017, LOL nothing Delete RE:
1:42:35 matters account/retired. hu

May 6,
2017, Delete LOL nothing RE:
77707 but what are you hahha
1:40:48 account/retired. matters hu
May 6,
2017, LOL nothing Delete RE: LMAO I'm just playing, you can call me man, or
1:40:23 matters account/retired. hu dude, or bro. Whatever floats your boat!
May 6,
2017, Delete LOL nothing RE:
77705 shit my bad ahahahahah
1:39:27 account/retired. matters hu
77704 May 6, LOL nothing Delete RE: I'm a lady!
2017, matters account/retired. hu
May 6,
2017, Delete LOL nothing RE:
1:38:16 account/retired. matters hu oh wow ahaha, No worries man

LOL no one is going to read your mails on here

Jason has a refresher or something logging him in a
few times a day but he for sure has not been on
here in several months. And Ted is a multi of Jason.
May 6,
2017, LOL nothing Delete RE: And thanks for the offer but yeah, I don't want to
1:34:04 matters account/retired. hu play there anymore and if I did, I'd just want to use
am my old account for nostalgia anyways. Didn't
even want to play here anymore lol. Like I said I
just came back to try and figure out why some
people couldn't get on and I got talked into training
again by my old friends haha
May 6,
2017, Delete LOL nothing RE: fine I will say it on here. I have an acount you can
1:30:48 account/retired. matters hu have really good stats.

Thinking too much into it is exactly my style! lol

Wat? Email you where? I am literally emailing you

this moment.

May 6, Hobowars proposition? WTF this is so vague it

2017, LOL nothing Delete RE: sounds like I'm being set up for a multilevel
1:28:03 matters account/retired. hu marketing scheme or something haha. Just come
am out with whatever you want at hobo lol. I haven't
logged in there in years and am not sure if I even
remember my password. I have no interest in
starting to play that game again but if you're
wanting me to log in over there and send you my
stuff or whatever I could maybe do that.
May 6,
2017, Delete LOL nothing RE: hhahaha I think you are thinking to much into it
1:25:22 account/retired. matters hu look could you email me I have a hobowars
am propisition for you

Any number of reasons a dev might...

May 6, to make their game appear more active.. maybe to
2017, LOL nothing Delete RE: have some fun actually playing their game
1:23:21 matters account/retired. hu themselves.. or, in the case if you were his multi..
am to manipulate me into saying something negative
about him or some other sort of set up like that
May 6,
2017, Delete LOL nothing RE:
77697 ahaha why does he make multis?
1:21:22 account/retired. matters hu
May 6,
2017, LOL nothing Delete RE: Haha yeah you also don't speak like his multis
1:20:59 matters account/retired. hu usually do Just saying... I'm suspicious LOL
77695 May 6, Delete LOL nothing RE: ahhaha jason wouldnt reply this quick man, but nah
2017, account/retired. matters hu I deactivated the other ones facebook which
1:19:01 sucks wouldnt be suprised if I was the fastest level
am 50
May 6,
2017, LOL nothing Delete RE:
77694 Yup
1:15:16 matters account/retired. hu
BTW, your Australia IP, the age of your player, and
May 6, the fact that you and your multi are both really
2017, LOL nothing Delete RE: early signups but very low activity and level sure
1:15:02 matters account/retired. hu makes it look to me like you could be one of Jason't
multis Just saying
May 6, Ohhh I see ahah oh well I guess :/ and like I said to
2017, Delete LOL nothing RE: another player anyways even the main version
1:14:23 account/retired. matters hu would need to be reset because no one would join
am with players that high
I do not know how to make games lol. I know how
to organize, market, and manage people. So I was
May 6, on as staff to help improve the game, bring more
2017, LOL nothing Delete RE: players in, and keep more players active.. but as I
1:12:55 matters account/retired. hu cannot code and could only make suggestions to
am Jason and it seems he is only motivated when the
cash is flowing
Oh I didnt know any of that :/ well geeze maybe we
should all go on strike LOL and tell him if he doesnt
give a shit anymore we will all go
May 6,
2017, Delete LOL nothing RE:
77690 Yeh seems like a decent guy only chatted a couple
1:10:18 account/retired. matters hu
What about you, do you know how to make
games ?
May 6, Even if he does come back to this version at this
2017, LOL nothing Delete RE: point, he will have to reset the game way back to
1:09:10 matters account/retired. hu
am early January to correct for all of the bugs

77688 May 6, LOL nothing Delete RE: Well he gave a shit when one certain player was
2017, matters account/retired. hu donating thousands upon thousands of dollars. But
1:07:25 that drove competition down and activity to die off
am so that certain player stopped donating so much
and Jason has barely been seen since. It's insane
that anyone would expect to make a living from
running a text based rpg if I'm being honest.

Don't get me wrong, Jason is a great guy in real life

and I respect him as a person but he has let several
versions of this game go to shit now once his "cash
cow" cashed out. That says enough to as far as
where my expectations of him should be and it
should for everyone else too. But I seem to be the
only one aware

Anyways, I've had a couple of glasses of wine and

am probably saying more than I should Like I
said, I don't want to sound hateful towards Jason, I
like him. But he has severely neglected this game
and the two previous versions. I don't have high
expectations at all for whatever it is he is saying he
has in the works if he can't even fix everything that
is broken here.
A gun player lets just say that such a great guy too
May 6,
2017, Delete LOL nothing RE:
77687 dont know him well at all, Ive just been busting his
1:01:12 account/retired. matters hu
balls to fix shit and make him relise his game has
potential if he started giving a shit
May 6, Who the heck is Jalu? LMAO
2017, LOL nothing Delete RE:
12:59:25 matters account/retired. hu Wow at that mail... I have no idea who you are and
am how well you know Jason so.... no comment rofl
77685 May 6, Delete LOL nothing RE: wow that sucks man I saw you beat Jalu which
2017, account/retired. matters hu means your stats are crazy high!
am But yeh myself have talked to Jason a couple times
this is most recent

Message #134480
Time: 4/18 11:43.22 PM Subject: RE: hey
sorry for the delay bro.

I recently had to redo my computer and then my

gallbladder started to go wonky. They had to do a
surgically procedure to remove it. I've been in
recovery for the past couple weeks with the pain
and hospital stays.

However, I'm able to get on my laptop now, and I'm

starting to install all my lost programs to do some
more work here. I've been thinking a lot about this
place and all the cool features that could be. The
facebook version isn't take dissimilar then this
version. Just a matter of what direction to go in.

My goal at first was simply create a game, which I

did, and did quite well. I reached my goal a long
time ago. When you do this kind of work, hard and
dedicated as I was, it starts to become a chore
rather then a business model. I've put countless
hours, that rewarded me here and there. But after
the new wore off, the donations quit coming in as
often, that eventually lead me to get a full time job,
not to mention, I'm also a full time student in grad
school working on my MBA, with a family of 4. So
that whole family model depends solo on my
income alone. Go lets face it, I needed a break from
this for a while, which i did.

Now given the time away for a while, I was able to

rediscover my passions and breath, which a lot of
games do, at this point in the game. Most at this
point, would have given up or started a 2nd
version, which is why we have mobsters 2 and 3.

I never given up though, hints, why the server is

still running, the server bills getting paid, etc...
Now I have a new goal, and this goal is not can I
make a game, but rather than, what can I do with a
What can't I do actually? Hell, I made a poker game
part of this one, one challenge out of the way. I
used to look at the suggestion board as a laundry
list of things that need done, and looking at it like
that always looked overwhelming and never was
paid attention to. But concepts from my MBA
courses, break down tasks, into very small
achievable tasks. So when putting nails in a
board.... enough boards and nails, you'll have a
So next goal, break down tasks, and see what I can
do with THIS game.

That's my new moto Smilie

Because I forgot my password And Jason

seems to have gone completely MIA so I can't get
back on to my account over there.

I only just came back here after being inactive for

over a year because I am admin on the FB page
and people were posting there saying they can't log
May 6, in here and Jason wasn't responding. I have
2017, LOL nothing Delete RE: contacted him there, here, and on his phone to let
12:53:51 matters account/retired. hu him know about these issues and gotten no
am response since around Christmas time. This game
has several issues which he has not fixed for going
on 5 months now so I don't expect anything to be
fixed anytime soon at this point. That's why the
name change LOL. Are you on main? Is it broken as
well? haha

Who did I know you as before?

May 6,
2017, Delete LOL nothing RE: OHH yes I remember that name, how come you
12:49:43 account/retired. matters hu dont play the other version anymore?
May 6,
I've played here and main zedwars mostly but
2017, LOL nothing Delete RE:
77682 played hobo for a bit as well.. usually named
12:47:29 matters account/retired. hu
May 6,
2017, Delete LOL nothing I have never seen you on another platform game is
77681 hu
12:46:42 account/retired. matters this the only one you play?
May 6,
2017, LOL nothing Delete RE:
12:46:07 matters account/retired. <3
May 6,
2017, Delete LOL nothing
77679 <3 <3
12:45:45 account/retired. matters

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