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John is an engineer that works in a small town west from Leicester at a

automobile factory. He repairs and maintains the machines tha help produce
parts for the cars. The factory has cutting edge technology. In a rainy day arrive a
new team of intership students at the factory and John is instructed by his boss to
show them the factory and how everything is done and of course tech them.

After the work protection that went on that day, the students went home
and in the next day will starts the work. On their first day they arrived late, John
wasnt very sad about that. He introduces himself to them and explained the
importance of his job and why is important to be punctual. He with his other two
engineers coleagues work in eight hours shift so that at any given moment an
engineer is on duty. He explained that everything in this factory must work like a
well oiled machine.As he moved around showing them the factory and other
machines, he stoped in front of an enourmous crane. He showed them how can
be operated by pulling a plug and a few buttons. He said its pretty easy, its not
rocket science.

It was about noon, and the students were invited by John to go to the
cafeteria were the lunch was served. They ate a plate with vegetables and an
enourmous juicy steak. After the break a small crane malfunctioned and started
to move haotic around and izolated area of the factory. John told the students to
stand aside and wait here. He entered in the control room and tryed to operate
remotely with no success. In this case John gathered his team of workers and
started to near the crane as they could to interrupt the electric circuit. They went
as slow as they could so anyone wont get hurt. Finally they cut down the power

At the end of the day the student realised and how the punctuality matter
and how much important Johns job was. The student looked up to John and took
him as an example on how he reacted when an accident appeared. That day
surely they wont forget it.

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