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On April 16th there was a surprise celebration of one of my best

friends in Manta city. This day was the first day that I had gone out
since the accident. My sister and friend helped me to arrive at the
party. When the birthday girl had finished of blowing the candle the
light turned off and a hearth quaked started. We was celebrating in a
garage with an electric door and we had closed our mind and we did
not remember how open the door manually.
The heartquaked finished and everyone started to run into the house
to out at the streets by the principal door. But I could not walk alone
because we had to down a little stairs (I could not bend my leg!) and
they were forgetting me!! On that moment, I started to shout to
everyone PLEASE DO NOT FORGETME!! then my twin and a friend
helped me to arrive at the principal door. There other friend held me
with the others.
At the first was impossible to get in touch with anyone by cellphone.
When I could communicate with my parents they were so worried
about us. One friend helped at the majority of us in her car to arrive
at the center of the city. When we was on the way we could see the
walls of the houses on the floor. It was so terrible and our panic
increased and the darkness did not help us.
Later in the center of the city there was not any taxi and my sister
and I had to walk to our house. I did not know how I did that but we
arrived finally at home.
My parents were waiting for us and the prepared on the first aid kid all
the necessary for treat my wounds (the day before the hearthquaked
my stitches were removed).
All the night and the next days were so long.

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