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Sarah Young

I came to NEXT high school because I was tired of public

school. I was tired of teachers who didnt know my name and
didnt care about the students. I came to NEXT because there
is a different approach to learning. We are taught real life
skills here.
Friends/Favorite People

During my almost two year at NEXT high school, I have meet a

broad variety of people. Some of my friends/favorite people
here are Safia Bouderka, August Boyer, and CJ Akins. Both of
these people including many other people at NEXT have a
variety of personalities. This makes coming to school
interesting everyday.
Favorite Pro

My favorite pro here is Lauren. She is a cool, relatable person

who listens to emo music. Lauren also teaches my favorite
subject, world history. I took Laurens class last year. She
made the class easy and enjoyable.
Favorite Speaker

Last year we had some one from the FBI come in and speak to
us. This was my favorite speaker because I want to go into law
enforcement and would someday like to work for a federal
agency like the FBI.

I think that NEXTs impact on my life has been my

philosophical approach to life. At NEXT we are taught to be
solution oriented. In my daily life Ive learned to look at a
solution to a problem instead of just complaining.

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