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Malachi White

Ms. Cosgrove

English A2

5 February 2016

How Drone strikes are changing and affect peoples lives

What do you think when you hear the words drone strikes. Im sure you

think about many things movies, TV shows, and video game references or

maybe just one of those things but quite bit of people would think about the

military and how theyre using these manual unmanned controlled flying

robots to kill people in the enemies counties. Lots of the people that are

killed is ether some of the enemy or its mostly children and civilians, or its

the other way around but thats not the point, the point is that drones are

killing innocent people. What do you think, do you think that drone strikes

are ethical or unethical, or do you think that the military is using theses

strikes in ethical or unethical way.

There might be a disturbing topic in this paragraph for some people, reason

one in the past years the United States has been in war with multiple

countries such like Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan and many other counties, lets

began the number of deaths of children, in 2002, 2003 and 2007 there were
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no apparent deaths by drone strikes, on the other hand 2004 had 2 deaths of

children, 2005 had 5 deaths of children, 2006 had 75 deaths of children,

2008 had 30 deaths of children, 2009 had 39 deaths of children, 2010 had 20

deaths of children, 2011 had 7 deaths of children, and 2012 had 11 deaths

of children.(Text #5 bar graph author John Light) , in total death of children

by drone strikes is 189 deaths. Unmanned drones have been used to kill

thousands of suspected militants-and civilians- and not just in open war

zones like Afghanistan, Yemen, and Iraq. Drone strikes have also been used

in covert wars in Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia. (Text #5 sentence 1 and 2

author John Light). So theses drone strikes just didnt kill children they also

kill civilians lets look at the graph in text #5 again to get the number of

civilian adults killed. Im going to do it the same as the deaths of children, in

2002, 2003, and 2004 there were no deaths by drones, in 2005 there was

only 1 death of civilian adults, 2006 had 21 deaths of civilian adults, 2007

had 4 deaths of civilian adults, 2008 had 44 deaths of civilian adults, 2009

had 80 deaths of civilian adults, 2010 had 126 deaths of civilian adults, 2011

had 36 deaths of civilian adults, and 2012 had 34 deaths of civilian adults.

(Text #5 bar graph author John Light) in total deaths of civilian adults is 346

deaths. The number of deaths of both

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