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UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS UNIVERSITEITSEKSAMENS UNISA |S FMA3602 October/November 2016 HYDRAULIC MACHINES III (THEORY) ‘Duration ‘3 Hours 100 Marks EXAMINERS - FIRST: MR TJ MUTHEIWANA. SECOND PROF WH HO ‘EXTERNAL MR YA KAREEM Use of a non-programmable pocket calculator Is permissible. Closed book examination. ‘This examination question paper remains the property of the University of South Africa and may not be removed from the examination venue. Use of a non-programmable pocket calculator permissible. ‘This examination queston paper consists of 3 Pages + 1 Formula sheet + 1 Graph paper INSTR i 4. ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. 2. POCKET CALCULATOR MAY BE USED. NOTE: IF YOU ARE OF THE OPINION THAT INSUFFICIENT INFORMATION HAS BEEN SUPPLIED TO. SOLVE A PROBLEM, MAKE A REALISTIC ASSUMPTION, MOTIVATE IT AND THEN SOLVE THE PROBLEM. THIS IS A CLOSED BOOK EXAMINATION ITURN OVERT 2 FMA3602 OCT / NOV2016 QUESTION 1 A Pelton wheel is sited with its nozzle 76 meters below the water level of a lake A 450 mm penstock of 1200 meters long with a friction coefficient of 0,008 supplies water to the turbine The nozzle is 75 mm in diameter and has a coefficient of velocity of 0,98. The buckets have a mean diameter of 850 mm and deflect the water through an angle of 160°. The velocity of the water relative to the buckets decreases by 10% a it passes over the bucket surfaces The speed of the turbine 300 revimin Calculate the power developed by the wheel and the hydraulic efficiency of the wheel and of the turbine [30] QUESTION 2 An inward flow reaction turbine has runner vanes that are radially orientated at inlet and curved backward at outlet. The diameter at outlet 1s 0,56 times the runner diameter and the radial component of velocity is constant at 4 m/s The vanes in the casing are inclined at 16° to the tangent to the runner The turbine does not have a draught tube 21 Determine the correct linear velocity of the runner circumference and the correct vane discharge angle for maximum work in the runner Explain your reasoning in each case (12) 22 Ifthe energy lost in the tail race is 3,4% of the eneray supplied, calculate the head under which the turbine works. 4) 23 Explain in your own words how the fitting of a draught tube to a reaction turbine can reduce losses of energy to the tail race (6) [21] QUESTION 3 The performance test result of a centrifugal pump running at its design speed were as follows Q (ms 0 0,038 0,061 0,076 0098 [0,127 H (rm) 37,8. 36,27 | 33,53 [31,70 | 27.43 | 20,42, n(%) 0 54 64 68 70 67 ‘The pump 1s used to hift water to 2 height of 20 metres above sump level, through a 75 metres long pipe of 150 mm in diameter Secondary losses in the piping system amount to an equivalent pipe length of 8 metres, and Darcy's f= 0,01 31 Plot the charactenstic curves for the pump, including efficiency and power curves as well as the system head curve (18) 32. Determine the operating point head, flow and efficiency from the curves. (3) 33 Calculate the power required to drive the pump @ ITURN OVER] 3 FMA3602 OCT /NOV2016 [20] QUESTION 4 A fan was in use at a site where the usual atmospheric pressure and temperature were 101,3 kPa and 15°C, respectively it was delivering 20 mis of air against a total pressure of 1520 Pa and it absorbed 40 KW It was belt dnven at 1250 r/min ‘The fan was subsequently moved to a site where the atmosphentc pressure and temperature are 80 kPa and 30°C, respectively. If the motor is now direct-coupled to the fan and drives it at 1460 r/min, calculate 4.4 the flow rate ; ® 42 the power required, and 8) 43 the fan efficiency @ [14] Given . Gas constant for air Rex = 287 J/kg.K QUESTION 5 51 Calculate the size of a gas filled accumulator needed to supply a hydraulic system with 25 litres of fluid from a pressure of 20 MPa to a pressure of 12 MPa. The accumulator 1s initially charged to a pressure of 8 MPa. The ‘expansion and compression takes piace rapidly and the gas is nitrogen with an adiabatic process exponent of 1,4. @) 52 An internal gear pump delivers 45 litres of hydraulic fluid per minute at a pressure of 20 MPa when driven at 1430 r/min Calculate the input power to the pump shaft and the displacement volume per revolution if the mechanical efficiency of the pump 1s 90% and its volumetnc efficiency is 85% ©) 115] TOTAL: [100] © UNISA 2016 1 FMA3602 ocTiNov2016 FORMULA SHEET a 1 P=pQ(V, -u)f1+nCos(180°—y)]u Bn,= 5 Z (ex) 2(V, -u)ft+nCos(180°- yJu a gaia oa" = GH 3. Th = MyM 10.P = ApQ Van 4g =e Ww =Q __2T "1 tem = 5p,Va - 19652 +)" 12 a 185 by ie TN 5Be © UNISA 2016

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