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To whom it may Concern,

I chose the topic on Poverty and Hunger in Africa due to the recent information that has been

trending on social media and conventional news agencies like the CNN, FRANCE 24 and

BBC platforms concerning the same.

Africa has the largest percentage of poor countries in the whole world (75%).This is despite

its being rich in natural resources, abundant in manpower and available space for cultivation

and economic activities.

According to letters posted on The Guardian website on March 17 2017, the Horn of Africa is

among the most hit regions by the poverty and hunger blow. In Eritrea, for example, it is

reported that El Nino drought has hit half of its regions. This has brought about acute

malnutrition, with the UNICEF claiming that more than 22,700 children being projected to

have fallen victims to it.

Moreover, half of Eritrean children are reported to be stunted hence are more vulnerable to

malnutrition and disease outbreaks. In spite of the foreign governments and humanitarian

bodies showing interest to help alleviate the hunger in Eritrea, President Isaias Afwerki, one

of Africas most ruthless dictators has refused to enable humanitarian actors to enter the

country despite the plight of its citizens.

Factually, the Horn of Africa is the most densely armed area in the whole world. One of the

most sober and primary solution is to bring an end to the arms trade and multinational looting

of resources. This will stabilize the various governments and hence trigger economic

progress. This can be made possible if foreign governments and humanitarian bodies join
hands and intervene through any feasible acts. In essence, educational scholarships will help

nurture a focused and self-driven generation.

In summary, the solution to the poverty and hunger menace in Africa has to be arrived at as

soon as possible. This is because the people of Africa and the world as a whole has the right

to basic domestic requirements such as clean water. If various players such as foreign

governments and humanitarian bodies join hands by intervening at any level, the sorry state

of Africa will be salvaged and poverty will ultimately be kicked out of Africa. The matter has

to be treated with utmost urgency since loss of lives as a result of poverty triggered deaths

can be avoided. Tropical diseases and expensive health care has to be brought to an end.

Disease outbreaks have to be contained and economic progress has to be realized as soon as


If the above issues are taken into account and addressed soon, the situation will change for a

better continent full of economic growth and experienced manpower the world over.

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