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January 11 - National Education Day

January 18 - Anniversary of the birth of Ruben Dario

January 26 - National Day of environmental education.

2 February: World Wetlands Day

February 6: Anniversary of the death of Ruben Dario

February 21: Anniversary of the assassination of General of free men and the father of the
Sandinista popular revolution: Augusto Cesar Sandino


March 8: International Women's Day dela.

March 16: 218 anniversary of the birth of General Jose Dolores Estrada

March 21: World Forestry Day.


1 April: Holy Thursday

April 2: Good Friday

April 23: Day of the Book


May 1: International Workers' Day.

8 May: World Day of the Red Cross

May 30: Day of the Nicaraguan mother.


June 1: Children's Day.

June 22: Teacher's Day

June 25: National Tree Day.


July 14: National Flag Day.

July 23: Day of the Nicaraguan student.

July 28: Day of the Nicaraguan athlete.


August 9: World Day of Indigenous Peoples.

August 22: World Day of Folklore

August 25: National Day of the person of different capacities.


September 8: International Literacy Day

September 14: Battle of San Jacinto.

September 15: Independence of Central America.


5 de Octubre: World Day of them teachers

October 12: Day of Indigenous Resistance, Black and Popular.

16 de Octubre: World Day of la alimentacion.


2 de November: Dia de los dead bodies.

8 November : Day del bibliotecario Nicaraguan.

25 November: International Day for the Elimination of violence against women.


December 1: World Day of AIDS.

December 10: Day of human rights

December 29: World Day of biodiversity.

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