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This is Muyoung Ye.

I am here because
I would love to introduce myself
and show my enthusiasm
towards this job position.

1. WHO AM I ?
This is about my personal stories
with SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat)
and key words that are represented myself.

Im an energetic young and brave girl
who is not afraid of traveling all over
the world to discover the true meaning
of happiness in my life by stretching
out from my comfort zone.

Strength Weakness
- Fluent in foreign languages. - Loosing energy when I get really
- Lots of multicultural and dynamic team stressed out.
experiences. - A little too ambitious.
- Organizing time and work very well. - Easily bored with routine work.
- Suggesting an alternative solution when I - Pushing myself beyond own limits to
am faced with certain problems. accomplish my goals.
- Always willing to learn something.
Opportunity Threat
- Young and creative. - Strong competition.
- Matching my studying fields (Global - Some changes in society.
business management and International - People with better knowledge and
trade and communication) with my experience do better than me.
current applied job position. - Only have experience in short term
- Living in the globalized 21st century. work.
- Big target group/segmentation.
Open-minded Friendly
Humorous Sociable
Energetic Dedicated

Organized Team player

Ambitious Driven
Creative 6
2. Life Cycle
This is my current and future vision, dream and value.
Also my best and toughest moment in my life.


Current Age 30s Age 40s Age 50s

Current Age 30s Age 40s Age 50s

VISION : Always be myself.

I feel like being myself is the most important thing at this moment since this is the
right time to ground myself to become a young and responsible adult.
- Finding out what I like most.
- Traveling around where Ive never been before.
- Making a better atmosphere for everyone.
CURRENT MOMENT I dont want to regret not being on the action.
PEOPLE AROUND ME Those are the true supporters and advisers who can really help
me whenever I need some super power.
Current Age 30s Age 40s Age 50s

VISION : Finding my happiness from my life.

Being happy is the one of the important key words in every single persons life and same
goes for me. Literally, we are working, eating, traveling, buying and so on to become a
happy person.
- Feeling alive by sharing and experiencing life with people around me.
- Traveling with my family.
HAPPINESS Im doing my best to become a happy person.
SHARING Usually we blame lack of time, money, inner peace and so on to share my
stuff(whatever it is) with someone but I would love to share with someone who really
Current Age 30s Age 40s Age 50s

VISION : Preparing my retirement life.

The average life span of human being is getting longer so it is pretty important to
prepare my retirement life in my early age such as making a retirement plan, bucket-
list and so on.
- Making my own small garden.
- Filling bookshelves with books that I love and want to read.
BEING HEALTHY Even though you are super rich, money cant always buy good health.
NEW CHALLENGE I dont want to give up my dreams because of my age so I want to
challenge myself all the time.
Current Age 30s Age 40s Age 50s

VISION : Enjoying slow life.

Ive run so fast to achieve my personal goals and run to my dream career so far.
Therefore, I want to enjoy my slow and solid life which is little bit different from
- Supporting someone who needs educational help.
- Inviting my neighbors to my garden to have a cup of tea.
WISDOM One thing that we gain from getting older is wisdom.
LEARNING Its never late to learn something. I want to keep myself busy with my
works and learning.
; Learning new languages is always fun and useful for myself. Therefore, I want to
learn Spanish fluently and then head to South America again.
Building a personal network in my workplace.
; Becoming sociable with team members is always a good way to get along with a
new system, environment and atmosphere.
Reading as many books as possible.
; In this time, I want to try to read books that Ive never been interested before
so that I could get more information and knowledge in an unknown field.
Saving money for vacation.
; Ive learned so many things by traveling such as culture, language, responsibility,
independence and so on. So, Id love to keep doing what I like.
Its always difficult to talk about the best moment in someones life because every single moments in
someones life is extremely precious and special for various reasons. However, one of the most greatest
moments is when I got positive results for facing my challenges and putting a lot of effort.
One of my best moments in my life is when I got a certification from YIP( Youth Initiative Program; an
year of holistic educational program that strengthens young peoples capacity to take initiative in the
face of current global challenges and become a social entrepreneur in Sweden - ).
Honestly, it wasnt easy for myself to survive in Sweden since that was my first time abroad and I was
dependent person who just graduated from high school at that time. Everything was completely
different such as food, culture, weather, lifestyle and even the way of teaching and studying. So, it took
me a while to adjust those things.
First, I really did my best to participate in every
lectures and community events so that I could
understand the differences and get used to their way.
Second, I tried to talk with my organizers, staffs and
classmates about my fears, worries and even
emotional parts which are related to not only my
school stuffs but also after my life in YIP as much as I
And the lastly, I kept saying that I can do it
whenever I need some encourage and confidence
especially, when I did internship review and graduation
presentation in front of the whole community

A year that I spent in YIP was pretty tough,

hard and frustrated for me and Im often
doubting myself that Can I really finish this
course? or How am I going to graduate?.
However, time and my effort had solved my
worries and concerns.
Surprisingly, Ive learned so many things in the end like, how to overcome languages and cultural
barriers, how to communicate with people who have completely different backgrounds and
experiences, how to deal with certain problem and find out new alternative solutions, how can I
move my team members from thinking to action and so on As a result, I gained more than I
expected through out the year.
By looking back my past few years, I realized that the proverb No pain, No gain has a lot of true
merits in daily life. Now, Im a person who has 32 best friends fom 14 different countries all over the
world and they are willing to help and support me whenever I need them. Moreover, Ive turned into
an independent person who can be responsible for my bahaviors. Also, I became a sociable person who
loves to challenge myself beyond my limits.

Learning from experience and failure is the best moment in my life.


Personally, I usually forget my hardest moment pretty easily especially, whenever I am faced
with new problems and worries. However, Ive experienced extremely hard and intensive moment
in my life recently which turned into miscommunication with my roommate.
The nightmare happened last semester in my dormitory. Currently, Im attending the University
that is quite far away from my hometown so, Ive lived in dormitory since I was a freshman.
Every new semester, I always make a whish that I hope I could make great memory with my
roommate for this semester! and even it has come true so far.
However, my wish didnt come true this time. My new roommate was completely different from
previous roommates and she was intense person to live with.
All the stories began with a miscommunication. The very first day when I met her, she just said that I
always make friends whenever, I need either her or his help in my life. which was extremely shocking
for myself because it sounds like she is treating her friends as a tool. So, I got a really bad first
impression about her after I heard about sloppy and nonsense opinion about her friendship, relationship
and judgment.
Since that time we barely talk to each other because I was really scared that she might be judging me
by her weird standards all the time. Literally, my blissful dormitory life was destroyed and ruined. I
really did my best even though she wasnt my cup of tea, I tried to talk with her about school life,
cleaning and house meeting systems and so on as much as I can but, she just ignored me and even didnt
answer my ideas and suggestions. Moreover, her bad behavior, for example, talking on the phone very
loudly in our room and never cleaning the sharing spaces like the toilet and floor kept bothering me all
the time.
I really didnt know how to handle this situation because I did all my best to try to talk with her but, I
couldnt understand her. I couldnt see any progress at all. In other words, my hands are behind my back.
As a result, I got stressed from all the housework I did and I was extremely frustrated about why do I
have to put my energy, time and effort that I could use it for my assignment or test instead for this
meaningless problem.
Finally, all my concerns and worries ended when she left dormitory in earlier than I.
3. Campus Life
This is my campus life which is showing what kind of
school activities I did during my college years.

2012.03.01 ~ 2013.12.31
Move to Sweden for an year Youth Initiative Program

As a Korean college student who graduated from typical Korean high school, freshman
year in college was totally fresh and exciting for myself because that was my first
time to make my own decision for everything as an adult. Especially, Being president
(representative) of my major(International studies) and dormitory life was pretty
helpful to myself to become more sociable, independent and responsible person.
Because leading and communicating with such a big number of people as one group
was challenging but also, lots of fun and a great experience.
LATU (Learning And Teaching in University of Ulsan)
March.10.2012 June.20.2012
UIP(Ulsan International Program)
July.2.2012 July.27.2012
YIP(Youth Initiative Program)
August.26.2012 June.21.2013
LATU March.10.2012 June.20.2012

LATU is an acronym of Learning And Teaching in University of Ulsan.

In other words, its a semester program that several students(3 to 5) of the
University of Ulsan make a team with foreign exchange students to exchange not
only language itself but culture and traditions of their countries.
Its a great opportunity for both Korean and foreign students since its offering a
time and place to adjust and understand different culture and language.
Also, Korean students can help and teach foreign students how to function in
Korean school and society.
For me, its an honor to become friends with not only foreign students but also
Korean students who attend the same school with me but different majors.
Also, I could learn real English and know what the native speakers use in their daily
life. Moreover, I could how to better understanding of why people have different
ideas and responses to similar situations.
UIP July.2.2012 July.27.2012
UIP is for the Ulsan International Program that bunch of foreign students and
professors who came from sister school of ours visit to our University to study more
about Korean language, culture, history, economy and so on.
I had participated as a student staff. The three tasks that I had to do was
1. Helping foreign students during the class such as explaining details and keywords
for todays lecture and Korean history.
2. Encouraging them to participate and be creative during the UIP period like being
enthusiastic and motivate them to join the various activities where they can
use their knowledge and information.
3. Making unforgettable memories with them in various ways.
Actually, LATU was extremely helpful to make myself jump into this program as a
student staff. Thanks to my previous experience, enthusiasm and affection toward
my position made me receive the most friendly wards among 20 Korean staffs.

YIP Youth Initiative Program / INTERNSHIP @ SATTYA IN NEPAL

YIP is an year of holistic educational program that strengthens young peoples capacity
to take initiative in the face of current global challenges and become a social
entrepreneur in Sweden -
More specifically, youth 18 to 28 years old work with international experts, doers and
innovators, in one week intensive courses that give an overview of current global issues,
the challenges faced in society, and encourage an active role in the big picture. The
participants learn the skills and knowledge needed to recognize social challenges and use
entrepreneurial principles to organize, create, and manage an initiative for social change.
The theory is combined with practical exercises, projects and engagements with the
community, to make sure the participants get hands-on knowledge. In attempting to
balance Doing, Feeling and Thinking, the more theoretical and practical aspects of the
program, there are also artistic courses and workshops throughout the year. As well as
the previously mentioned engagements at local organizations and initiatives, the
curriculum includes a six-week internship abroad.

I was working as an Intern in Sattya,

Kathmandu, Nepal.
Sattya Media Arts Collective is a resource
center for artists, filmmakers, photographers,
activists and other creative types in Nepal. In
other words, It provides a space and an open
community for DIY culture, inspiration, activism
and learning for emerging artists of all kinds.
Sattya is a participation based organization,
open to everyone and rooted in the spirit of
volunteerism and inclusiveness, providing
opportunities for people from all backgrounds,
ages and skill levels.
The project what I used to work on was that
Kolor Kathmandu. It is a project to have featured
mural paintings all over the different 75 districts
in capital of Nepal, Kathmandu and each one is
representing a different Nepalese district.
Working as an intern in Koloar Kathmandu was
touching enough to move me because of creating
an opened air gallery, which has been proven to
improve societies all over the world.
The thing what I liked most was that artists are
coming from not only whole the world, but also
local artist will have a chance to paint a visible
wall in the town. Also, it is an important way of
strengthening the value of neighborhoods, calling
attention to local business, helping the new
emerging Nepalese artist and expanding tourism
as well.
My work was pretty simple but very
important! Hunting the locations and
walls, It was fun and exciting work for
me because Ive never ever been to this
place before!
So, I was walking around every district
with young Nepalese volunteers asking
the owner of the building about
permission to use the wall for next
One of the greatest opprotunity what I
was able to enjoy with my local
volunteers was that I could get details,
behind stories and information about the
town, district and tourist spot by
listening history and myth from them. 29
Thanks to this work, now I know many places
in Kathmandu pretty well. Although there
was language barrier (It was pretty challenge
to approach and ask permission to locals in
the beginning), I was able to communicate
with the local by using body language.
Throughout, 6weeks internship in Kolor-
Kathmandu, Sattya, Ive learned important
lesson that I could do everything what I want
to if I have an open mind toward my goal.
Therefore, Its not a big deal to ask for help
and for support of our project.

Simply put, Sattya exists to encourage people to do what they love.



Its my toughest year during my college life because my perspective toward Korean
society was completely changed after finish my study in YIP and internship in Nepal.
Therefore, I felt extremely isolated and lonely from school curriculums and my
closed friends.
To overcome this slump, I did my best to make myself feel alive by participating
lots of activities such as SIM, volunteering team, and The butterfly book club and
working at international affairs and education department in my college to help
foreign exchange student as a work-study student.
The butterfly (Book club)
February.20.2014 December.20.2014
SIM (Social Impact Makers)
March.3.2014 November.29.2014
Work-study student at International affairs and education
June.1.2014 December.1.2014 33
THE BUTTERFLY February. 20, 2014 December. 20, 2014
The butterfly is a name of book club what me and my closed friends made to
share and discuss each ones opinion and ideas after reading a book.
First of all, one of the main reasons why we create this club was that we dont
have enough time to read a book while we are attending school but, actually if we
want, we could read as many books as we want. So, my friends suggested a great
idea that why dont we start to make a place for not only to read books but also to
talk with other people about some thought and feeling after reading book.

After we made some simple platform of this reading
club, we decided to recruit students and young adults
who want to join our reading squad.
Surprisingly, many people applied
to the butterfly, book club, and
they were willing to share their
own thought as well.
Later, the member of the
butterfly was getting bigger and
bigger, so that we had to rent a
really huge classroom for the

I was so proud of myself that I was one of the founders of this book club. The most
amazing part was that we got lots of support from others so that we were able to invite
a writer who wrote DID and made small forum for book lovers!
I still couldnt really describe my feeling at that moment but, I was super happy and
excited that we as a team made a small book forum for many young adult and student,
since we wanted to gather all together to share our thought and feeling about book and
discussed certain theme for bettering community and society.
For myself, the most impressive and interesting fact was that even though we read the
same book, every persons thought and feeling was extremely different.
SIM March.3.2014 November.29.2014

SIM is the Social Impact Makers and I was one of the leaders who created a new platform of
the volunteer system and its entire process with my friends.
The birth of SIM went back to the first day of school. My best friends and I were
complaining about the volunteer credit system that even we are doing volunteer work
without our own willingness, why do we have to do 30 hours of volunteer work as a
mandatory course for graduation.

One day, my closed friend suggested idea that why dont we

create our own volunteer work from brain storming to real
hand-on work instead of just joining the volunteer program
that already made by someone else, which is boring and
It sounded pretty awesome and I love the idea that we are
literally creating and designing our own volunteer work with
our own willingness to help like a special event!
All we have to do is to become an organizer and make the entire of process what we want
to, meanwhile, we are helping the people who really need our help!
Unfortunately, unlike to our expectation, it was not easy to do because each person has so
many creative and awesome ideas but it was way too far away from reality or difficult to
make it happen. So, we decided to make a small event per month that we can make it
possible with group of volunteers who really want to join our project.

- Here is the process we were doing -

1. Advertise our organization so that people can join us freely.
2. Making a small group to discuss and share the ideas for volunteer work. (For example. summer break
volunteer work traveling with people who want to go on a vacation but they cant because of their
financial problem or physical disorder.)
3. Making the idea more specifically by doing some researches and visiting other organizations that we
can get some helps from them.
4. Finding sponsors, networks and organizations that can make this work possible! Simply, we used Social
Media and other volunteer organization.
5. Doing volunteer work that we were hoping and wishing with lots of fun.

Beautiful steps we walked on in the past...
#1. 1:1 sharing a lunch box with the orphans.
Copying the concept of TOMS to celebrate happy lunar new
year with the orphans.
#2. Traffic safety campaign (March.3.2014)
Teaching young kids how to across the pedestrian crossing by
walking together on the first day of school.
#3. One day pub (March.15.2014)
Inviting foreign students who came from all different
countries especially from Asia, Africa, Middle east and South
America where most Korean people dont have enough
opportunity to be friends with to celebrate T.G.I.F!
#4. Handmade Lip balm (March.16.2014~)
Selling a handmade lip balm what we made for multi-cultural
#5. Bubble gum art (March.30.2014)
Drawing pictures on the Bubble gum where on the street.
Dirty stack bubble gum turns into to street art.
#6. Donating by walking (May.10.2014)
One of the biggest volunteer works that we held. Simply,
participants pay for the team walking game fee then entire
team have to walk all together in certain distance then all the
fee goes to single mom family.
#7. A day of street sweeper (May.30.2014)
Cleaning the main street of University of Ulsan where is full of
trash as a street sweeper.
#8. One day pub (July.18.2014)
Inviting foreign students who came from all different countries
especially from Asia, Africa, Middle east and South America
where most Korean people dont have enough opportunity to be
friends with to celebrate T.G.I.F!
#9. Public transportation
Encouraging people to use public transportation more frequently
by making a day trip route with Korean transportation card
#10. Sharing a coal briquette (November.29.2014)
Buying 500 of coal briquettes by the fundraising and sharing coal
briquettes to the poor who have to survive cold winter with it. 40
Work-study student - International affairs and education at University of Ulsan
February.20.2014 December.20.2014

I had an opportunity to work in the International affairs and education department

at my college for one semester. This department is one of the most important
departments where lots of school activities like international education and
exchange programs were held and pretty well known for hard work.
My role as a work-study student was consisted of 3 different main tasks.
first, I had to manage global lounge and chamber. It means that I have to clean those two
places early in the morning on daily-based schedule and set up every electronic devices
for the meetings, conferences and programs.
So, I needed to be diligent and an early-bird to start my morning work. Especially, I had
to remember every manual of each electronic devices which was the most difficult work
that I had to.
Actually, I was not good at control all the different types of electronic tools like MIC,
speakers, screen, projector and etc. but, now I know basic instruction of each equipment.

Next, I had to manage international program such as
LATU(language exchange program), Korean classes for
foreign exchange students and all different kind of
international programs and workshops for college student,
professors and staff members of my school.
It required high responsibility and speed work process
because if Im late or forget the class, then many students
and trainees have to wait for me to start.
It was extremely high pressure in the beginning so, I
wanted to quite my job position so bad since sometimes I
had to stay up late night to finish and clean up the mess
after program.
However, I started to think in positive ways because this is
the work that I chose and I wanted to be a person who is
doing my own work with responsibility.

And the last, I had to assist exchange students
in various ways because, foreigner assistant
students were not really good at English, so I
usually had to manage exchange students
instead of them.
Looking back to this period, the last task was
the most exciting and joyful work that I loved
the most.
As a person who has an experience to live
abroad, I could understand their circumstances
better than anyone else and I could all my best
to help them from small things to big things.
Most of task I had to was that translating
Korean into English and solving some system
problems whenever they apply for classes and

Last year, Ive got so many experiences and memories throughout school activities
and work-study student term. So, I decided to apply a national exchange student
program that will help me to out of my comfort zone and stretch myself toward
higher level of education of my major.
Thanks to my GPA and less competition, I could get admitted to attend the
SungKyunKwan University where is one of the top 5 universities in Korea for an
SungKyunKwan University is well known for its oldest history that its founded in
1398 by the Josen Dynasty located in the heart of central Seoul. Also, my major
Global Business Management was the highest level among the other academic
Exchange student in SKKU (SungKyunKwan University)
March.2.2015 June.19.2015 (One semester)
Exchange student in SKKU (SungKyunKwan University)
I still remember the very first day of school.
I was confident enough to moved to Seoul, the
capital of Korea to study in SungKyunKwan
University as a national exchange student.
I thought that I could get not only good grades
but also unforgettable memories with as many
friends as possible.
However, everything was destroyed unlike my
expectation on the first day of school!
The University was huge that I was late for the
class and competition was enormous so that no
one really want to be friends with each others.
Also, the distance from my dormitory to college
took around 3 hours in round trip because of
heavy Seoul traffic.
What makes the matter worse, I couldnt
really follow up the classes because most
of students already knew that what
topics, theme and theories they are going
to learn.
Even worse part was that professors
gave tons of assignment that I had to
finish within a short due date.
I was extremely frustrated, discouraged
and lonely from school and study so, I
couldnt really enjoy my college life over
Every time Im on the phone with my
parents, I cried so bad because I got the
feeling that I made a wrong decision and I
regretted it.
However, my college life was completely changed at the end of spring.
Finally, I could make friends throughout labor-management relations ,marketing mix and
current English classes while my team and I were preparing team reports for case studies,
marketing project and team debating respectively.
Students and professors there, were so eagle
to learn and teach, they wanted to everything
to be perfect. Therefore, I beat my brains
whenever I take on certain role as a team. I did
not only my own task but also did some extra
researches and analysis. Also, I did my best try
to not be late for meeting and wrote down
every notes and advices that could improve my
works better.
Soon, my teammates admired me and accepted
me as a teammate leaving their prejudice
toward me as a newcomer. And then, we were
encouraging each other to make the best result
on every assignments and presentations. 49

I still cannot believe that this year is going to be my last year at
college. I thought that Im still freshman who just graduated high
school and got into my new life at the college with my new friends
from different cities in Korea.
Probably, thats the reason why my parents are always saying
that time flies like an arrow! as me and my brother
are growing.
Honestly, Im extremely afraid of jumping into real society
as a young adult because it will be completely different from
college. Also, I already expected that I will get to know
the bitter taste of failure while Im getting challenged.
However, I will think myself as a lucky as I have a good
health and I dont need to worry about failures or let downs.
All I have to do is just keep standing up as if nothing had
happened for the next level of challenge because thats me!
4. Talent show
This is my abilities, skills and talents that are better
than anyone else.


Adapting to
A new environment

Managing Do It Myself
Time & Plan

Personally, I believe that knowing myself is one of the most important things to do as a
young adult.
Throughout many years of traveling alone, I find myself as independent, determined and
sociable. Also, I turned into responsible, generous and positive person by challenging
myself especially, I got inspired about society, community, world, sustainable life,
responsible business and so on by talking with people who have completely different
cultures, backgrounds and languages.
So, I think that it is the right time to put myself into this wonderful workplace
where I can Challenge myself and get out of my comfort zone.

Im all set to start my new journey with you.

MUYOUNG YE IS A ___________. 54

I met Muyoung in 2015 when she exchanged to my University in
Seoul. We registered in the same class named 'Marketing Mix',
more specifically, we were assigned in the same group.
First, She is a very friendly girl. I remembered I was the only
foreigner in our group, because of the language barrier, it was a
tough experience for me to discuss with other teammates. She
always asked me whether I understood the content or repeated
to me directly. I was very appreciated for her.
Secondly, she has strong team-work spirit. She is responsible for
her task and try her best to accomplish it.
In addition, she is also a positive girl. Sometimes there were
some work we thought we cannot finish it in time, but she
always encouraged us we can do it!

I met Ms. Ye as a student at University of Ulsans Ulsan
International Program in 2012. Studying abroad, Muyoungs spirit
and excitement instantly appealed to mine, we then began a
Over the years, Ive watched her develop into lovely young lady
with a solid head on her shoulders. From what Ive witnessed, she
has many of the characteristics and qualities that will make her a
productive adult. She is very dedicated, hard working, a good
listener and loves to work with others whenever possible.
She is diligent, committed, and devoted. Ms. Ye has been a part of
many international programs, studying different cultures. She is
adapts well with her surroundings and has a drive to understand

Ive known Muyoung since my early teens. I got to know her
though a pen pal page where you could find friends all over the
world; exchanging letters and languages.
What struck me early was her curiosity and willingness to explore
and learn new things. She showed me a great interest in not only
about Swedish culture but language and also, she didnt hesitate to
discuss matters where I could provide my own experience and
knowledge. Moreover, she was always straightforward and able to
express herself in a very clear way with fluent English in early age.
I, personally believed and will always believe that Muyoung will go
far in life thanks to her wiliness to learn and debate. Im very
positive that she keeps growing as a person and Im really proud of
Any questions?
Feel free to contact me.
Mobile : +821033639004
Email :
Facebook :
Instagram : @whatsupyoung 58

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