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95th Scintillan Rifles.

Home World: Scintilla (Hive World).

Commanding Officer: Col. Richard Sharp (Maverick).

Regiment Type: Light Infantry.

Doctrines: Sharpshooters.

Total Cost: 11 Points.

Characteristic Modifiers: +3 Agility, +3 Perception.

Starting Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill.

Starting Skills: Common Lore (Imperium), Deceive, Linguistics (Low Gothic).

Starting Talents: Resistance (Fear), Deadeye Shot.

Home World Traits: Accustomed to Crowds, Hivebound, Urban Violence.

Wounds: -1.

Standard Kit: Las Carbine and 4 charge packs (main weapon), Auto pistol and 2
clips (sidearm), Flack vest and Flack Shako, 2 Frag grenades, 2 Smoke grenades,
Uniform, Poor Weather gear, Knife, Rucksack, Basic Tools, Mess kit and water
canteen, Blanket, Sleeping Bag, Rechargeable lamp pack, Grooming Kit, Dog
Tags, Infantrymans uplifting primer, Field Rations (2 weeks), Micro-bead, 1
Advanced medkit per squad.

Favoured Weapons: M41 Multi-laser, Long Las.

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