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Referring to the above statement, I am IC number ..

is pleased to submit an application as an employee in Watali Motor Company.

I am a person who is always dedicated, honest and responsible in any areas that I operate. By this I
will comply with the conditions set by the company as follows:

- Work began at 9 am to 7 pm

- The working day began on Monday to Saturday

- Workers receive socso after getting job

-The company will pay to the employee Insurance Fund calculated as free

- Employees will get EPF after getting confirmation as permanent employees by Watali Motor

- If the employee wishes to take leave, employee must fill out a form before taking leave.

- If the employee's performance is unsatisfactory or involved in things that are not right will be
dismiss immediately the manager Watali Motor Company.

By this I will be confirmed by the manager of the company as permanent employees in the Watali
Motor Company after undergoing a trial period of 3 months. I hope that my application will receive
consideration from Sir /Madam. Concern from Sir/Madam is very much appreciated. Thank you.

Your sincerely,


Confirmed by,

(Watali Motor Campony

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