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N Tools - AirEditor 2001/08/02

(c) 1999-2001 Elecbyte

This is a GUI based program and should work if MUGEN works on your
system. AirEditor needs to be in your MUGEN directory to work
Probably the best way to get started with AirEditor is to load up
an existing character. Choose File->Open and you'll have to load
the character's .sff file and then its .air file.
After that is done, you'll be able to browse through the sprites
and view the collision boxes and sprite axes.
*** Important ***
AirEditor is a beta program. There may be bugs, so be sure to back
up your files before using AirEditor.

Note to old users

This version of AirEditor has some GUI and usage changes. Unlike
the older versions, this version does not require you to save the
file for every set of collision boxes you make. Please read this
document carefully before using.

Changing video settings

Open the file data/airedit.cfg in a text editor. You can change
video settings here. You can set a higher resolution if you need
more work space.

Command-line options
Type airedit at the command-line to start normally. You can open
a .sff and a .air at the command-line by the format:
./airedit <SFF filename> <AIR filename>
For example:
./airedit chars/kfm/kfm.sff chars/kfm/kfm.air

AirEditor Menus
The File menu
Open - choose a .sff and a .air file to open for editing
Save - saves the .air file
Revert - reverts to the previously-saved .air file, discarding
any changes you have made
Exit - quits AirEditor
The View menu
Info (DOS only) - displays saved box information in a table
Zoom In - increases magnification
Zoom Out - decreases magnification
Screenshot - takes a screenshot and saves it to aired*.pcx
(this may be slow)

Navigating in AirEditor
Click on the left and right arrows next to the action and element
buttons in the Navigation window to view your desired frames. To jump
to a particular action and element, click on the action or element
buttons and type in the number of the action/element you wish to see.

To move the sprite around in its window, right-click on the window,

and drag your mouse around.
You can zoom in and out by clicking on the View menu, and choosing
the appropriate items.
Click on the "Play Anim" button to play back the animation. Click on
that button again to stop playback. You cannot do any editing while
the animation is playing.

Defining collision boxes

There are two kinds of collision boxes used in M.U.G.E.N: Clsn1
and Clsn2. Clsn2 boxes are blue and Clsn1 boxes show up as red.
Blue boxes define the character's dimensions and the red boxes
indicate parts of the sprite that "attack." Note that just defining
red boxes in AirEditor does make a complete attack. You need to
define a HitDef for that attack in the CNS file.
There is a 2-step process to adding a set of boxes to your
existing AIR file:
Step 1: Define a set of boxes
Step 2: Set the boxes as either Clsn1 or Clsn2.
To define a single box, simply left-drag your mouse over the desired
area on the sprite window. This box is called the "working box". To
undefine the working box, click on the sprite window again without
Once you have the working box ready, you can add it to the set by
clicking on one of the Save buttons at the bottom of the screen.
Click on the Clear button to clear the entire set. This set of
boxes is known as the "save" set.
AirEditor lets you define up to 10 collision boxes per set, which
should be more than adequate. If you need more collision boxes for
any reason, you will have to manually add it to the AIR files using a
text editor.
In the Collision Boxes window on the right side of the screen, click
on the appropriate "Set" button to set the boxes, overwriting any
boxes that may have been previously set. If you have no boxes
defined, clicking on Set will remove the existing boxes.
If there are existing collision boxes, you can click on the Option
button. To set the current element's boxes to default, check the
"Set as Default" option. Default boxes are what all later elements
in that animation action get if they have no boxes defined
themselves. Clicking on "Get Boxes" will get the existing set of
boxes into the "save" set, which gives you a way to copy boxes
from one element to another.
When you are done editing, remember to save your file.

A - Jump to action
X - Toggle Show axes
1 - Toggle Show Clsn1
2 - Toggle Show Clsn2
+ - Zoom in
- - Zoom out
F12 - Screenshot
Esc - Quit

Refreshing the screen

If for some reason the graphics get corrupted, press Ctrl-R to refresh
the screen.

Known Issues
- Saving before making any changes may cause the AIR file to be deleted.
Back up your files before using this tool.
- The Cancel buttons in the Navigation menu don't cancel.

Elecbyte will not be held liable for any damages to either the user
or the system it is run on, that may occur as a direct or indirect
result of the use of this program.

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