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Appendix A

Name (Optional): Gender:

Age: Educational Attainment:

1. What do you like most about the sweet potato malunggay cupcake?

2. What changes would most improve the sweet potato malunggay cupcake?

3. What do you like most about other cupcakes currently available from the market?

4. What changes would most improve other cupcakes currently available from the

5. What would make you more likely to buy/consume sweet potato malunggay

6. If the sweet potato malunggay cupcake were available today, how likely would
you be to recommend it to others?
a. Extremely likely
b. Very likely
c. Moderately likely
d. Slightly likely
e. Not at all likely

7. If you are not likely to buy/consume the sweet potato malunggay cupcake, why
a. Do not need a product like this
b. Do not want a product like this
c. Satisfied with competing products currently available
d. Cannot pay for a product like this
e. Not willing to pay for a product like this
f. Other (please specify)

8. How important is price to you when choosing this type of product?

a. Extremely important
b. Quite important
c. Moderately important
d. Slightly important
e. Not at all important

9. Overall, are you satisfied with your experience buying/consuming the sweet
potato malunggay cupcake, dissatisfied with it, or neither satisfied or
dissatisfied with it?
a. Extremely satisfied
b. Quite satisfied
c. Somewhat satisfied
d. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
e. Somewhat dissatisfied
f. Quite dissatisfied
g. Extremely dissatisfied

10. If the sweet potato malunggay cupcake were available today, how likely would
you be to buy/consume it instead of competing products currently available from
the market?
a. Extremely likely
b. Very likely
c. Moderately likely
d. Slightly likely
e. Not at all likely

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