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Scientific Revolution People

1. Tycho Brahe
a. Most sophisticated observatory
b. Support from Danish King
c. Supported Heliocentric theory
d. Discovered a new star
2. Galileo Galilei
a. Italian inquisition charged for heresy recanted his work of heliocentric theory
b. Employed by the Medici
c. Proves, via telescope, the heliocentric theory
d. Theory of Inertia
e. Professor of mathematics at age 25
f. Elaboration of scientific elaboration
3. Isaac Newton
a. English
b. Alchemist turning lesser metals into gold and silver
c. Laws of Motion
d. Book called Principia
i. Mathematical principles of natural philosophy
4. Francis Bacon
a. Collect specimen and compare and analyze
b. Big effect on scientific method
i. Empirical method observation, inductive method of experiments
c. Worked with Rene Descartes
5. Rene Descartes
a. Everything in the universe is mind or matter
b. Deductive reasoning
c. Starting with small observations can yield a generalization
6. Bernard de Fontanelle
a. Condensed works of Galileo & Copernicus into a novel for the common folk
b. Human race could progress limitlessly
7. Anton van Leuwenhoek
a. Dutch
b. First person to see single celled organism
c. Father of Microbiology
d. Use of microscope
8. William Harvey
a. British
b. Determines blood is pumped through bodies by his heart
c. Father of Embryology

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