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Title: The Line

Author: Teri Hall

Genre: Science Fiction

Number of Pages: 219

Date Completed: June 30th 2010

Rating (5): 2.5-

Writing Analysis & Characteristics:

 Divided by chapters
 Breaks (w/Font variation)
 Dialogue
 Dashes, Ellipses, Italics
 Inserts (News announcements, notes, etc.)

Plot Analysis:
 Exposition- Rachel and her mom work for Ms. Elizabeth Moore on The Property, with her other
employee, Jonathan. The property is near the Line, or the invisible barrier set up by the
government to protect the borders of the Unified States and keep the Others from the Away out.
Nobody is allowed to leave or enter without official permission.

 Rising Action- One day Rachel finds a recording asking for help; she figures this recording could
of only come from the Away. She escapes at night and waits at the line. Only to meet Pathik,
from the other side of the Line. He tells her of how he needs help, medicine, because his
grandfather is sick and dying. Rachel wants to help and returns the next night to the line with
antibiotics. This time however, she gets caught by her mom and the strict Ms. Moore. They return
to the house expecting to be in trouble with Ms. Moore, but instead learn that Pathik is really Ms.
Moore’s grandson and her relationship with these Others.

 Climax- Ms. Moore is eager to help and wants to get the antibiotics across the Line. The
problem, Ms. Moore lost her key that temporarily deactivates the Line. Rachel’s mom however,
remembers an old friend Peter who talked of a key. Even after seeing his wife be identified in the
market, she sets out to his house see if he really has a key. She returns later that day to find Ms.
Moore and Rachel have the supplies ready and that Jonathan returned Ms. Moore’s key. After
receiving a conformation phone call from Peter who asks about maps (that he wants to exchange
with officers for the return of his wife), it’s decided that Rachel is to cross the line, alone (and
with the maps).

 Falling Action- After Rachel has crossed, Peter and officers arrive at the house. Her mom, Ms.
Moore, and Jonathan are panicking about how Rachel “ran away” and making the officers believe
that’s what they were at the house for. The officers spend little time looking for her, before finally

 Resolution- Rachel is now with Pathik and his friends who accompanied him as they return to
town with the supplies that could save his grandfather’s life.

Theme: Rachel knew she was not allowed by the Line, but the recording disturbed her. She wanted to
help and by trusting her instinct she did just that. Not only was she able to get medicine across the line,
but she uncovered many answers she had been searching for. Rachel knew what was right, even if doing
the right thing meant breaking the rules.

Character Analysis & Summary:

 Rachel- Protagonist. Round. Static. Rachel was obedient, but she was also very brave.
Throughout the whole story it seemed like she was always pushing boundaries.
 Ms. Moore- Antagonist & Protagonist. Round. Dynamic. In the beginning, Ms. Moore was
private and strict. It took the series of events to finally open up and be truthful with Rachel and
 Jonathan- Minor Character. Dynamic. Round. In the end, Jonathan got passed his fears of
having Elizabeth leave to the other side and surrendered the key he had kept hidden for so many
 Vivian- Minor Character. Dynamic. Round. Vivian truly wanted the best for her daughter,
Rachel. She tried to teach her the truth in the world of deception. Near the ending, Vivian realized
she couldn’t completely hide world from her daughter and without much warning would have to
be willing to let go of Rachel into the unsuspecting world.
 Peter- Antagonist. Foil Character. Static and Flat. Peter appears to be trying to help at first, but
it is quickly learned that he’s only looking out for what’s in his best interest.
 Pathik- Static. Round. Minor Character. Pathik set’s out on the trek in order to help his dying
grandfather and doesn’t want to give up as easily as the rest of his trek.

Other: Point of view alternates at times between the characters and is in first and third person. When the
author is narrating the story, point of view changes strictly to third person.

Notes on Author: The Line is Teri Hall’s first book and she is continuing the story with Away.

Personal Review: “Defiantly NOT what I was expecting. WAY below expectations. I felt that the
plot could have been a bit more developed and the writing and flow of the book could have used A LOT
of work.”

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