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By: Tiffani McAninch

1. Domino's pizza when you order delivery 2. My cat when he sits on my lap 3. Getting 100%s
on tests 4. Being told, how did you do that? 5. Watching my favorite animes 6. Being rewarded
with rewards 7. Not feeling left out of conversations 8. Looking at dust effects on video games or
movies 9. The smell of dust 10. The smell of new cloth of clean towels 11. Eating while sitting by
the computer 12. Getting out of school 13. Finishing homework 14. Not having homework 15.
Listening to any kind of music 16. Relaxing in my room 17. Going to Dave and Busters 18.
Ordering chocolate cake and icecream 19. Eating chicken while watching the superbowl 20.
noticing a detail nobody else notices 21. Playing The Sims 3 on my desktop 22. When someone
plays a video game with me 23. Coming home to surprise baked goods 24. Getting to do what
you want to do in class 25. Being on summer break doing anything I could possibly think of 26.
Being useful to my classmates doing assignments 27. Making another laugh 28. A partner that I
didnt have to ask to be my partner 29. Watching playthroughs of the Tales of series 30.
Drinking Dr. Pepper 31. Playing a measure right on my bass in orchestra 32. Driving golf carts
around my grandparents street 33. Playing interesting songs in Orchestra class 34. Having
someone to talk to at school during class 35. Playing Portal 2 with my sister 36. Setting
electronic backgrounds 37. Not breaking my chromebook everytime I drop it 38. Not breaking
my phone everytime I drop it 38. Not having to blow my nose 39. Riding bikes with my dad 40.
Listening to my Ipod 42. Playing my cat 43. Going to Reds games and Kings Island with my
family 44. I like going to Indiana with my grandparents 45. When school gets called off for snow
days 46. I like reading Haddix books 47. I like playing animal crossing on my D.S. 48. Feeding
my neighbors cat 49. I like Hershey's chocolate milk 50. Being a car rider 51. I like watching
Studio ghibli movies 52. Playing with my pencil during my class 53. Being on time to class 54. I
like steak from steakhouses 55. Ordering Alfredo sauce and breadsticks 56. Going to Gatlinburg
57. Having my hair up in a pony tail 58. Finishing a book 59. Starting a new series 60. Being
pretty healthy 61. Seeing my grandpa in Texas 62. Eating sour patch kids 62. Eating sweet tarts
63. Having a fully charged laptop 63. A full box of tissues 64. Having Christmas 65. Having fun
on Halloween 66. Using anime sites 67. Participating in class 68. Watching old videos 69. Warm
blankets 70. Having WIFI 71. Buying new T-shirts 72. Being in the era I live in 73. Watching
fireworks 74. Smoke bombs 75. Eating Ramen noodles 76. Having the lights on at night 77. The
sunflower field by my house 78. New car smell 79. Panic at the disco 80. Getting new songs on
Itunes 81. Blowing out candles 82. Mcdonalds french fries 83. Old Spongebob shows 84. Using
a fancy calculator 85. Ordering Starbucks at Starbucks 86. Going swimming at places 87.
Cleaned up spilt food 88. Fixing a pen after breaking it 89. Feeling accomplished when fixing
things 90. Buying school supplies 91. Buying school supplies I dont need 92. Seeing deers in
my yard 93. Cold pillows at night 94. Annoying my sister with videos 95. Brand new flashlights
96. Examining snowflakes 97. Getting money on my birthday 98. Eat whipped cream out of the
can 99. Dark chocolate chips 100. Talking about anime to people.

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