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Juan Martinez Moreno

Professor Lawson

13 February 2017

Ethnography Final Revised

Word Count: 948 words

Ethnography: My Serenity

It is three days before the over-glorified "holiday" and unlike many adolescent males my

age whom are out buying their significant other lavish gifts, or reserving a table at a high-end

restaurant, I am at our school's soccer field taking in the field's individual beauty. It is six in the

afternoon and I am welcomed by the soccer field with a cold embrace. At twenty-three degrees

Fahrenheit, the wind's current is strong against my feeble body. The sky looks very gloomy, as if

at any given moment the clouds will release the water stored within them. I walk past the gates to

the soccer field and think of the soccer gates as gates to a prison. I read a sign that displays the

hours of operation the soccer field allocates. I look down at my watch and ensure that I am still

following the school's posted regulations.

I walk into the field and look to the left of my body to see a female and male wearing

seeming similar uniforms; I came to the conclusion that the two of them work for the schools

soccer field because they wore red polo shirts and black pants- a staple uniform the CSUN

workforce wears. The male and female were working in what I thought was a little house off the

side of the field, it was actually a stand that holds all of the materials an athlete would use on the

field; In the housing unit I saw soccer balls, cones, hoops, footballs, and to my surprise frisbees.

Of all the items they had stored in there, the frisbee caught my attention the most because this

was a soccer field- a field where soccer balls and footballs come flying in from any angle and at
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any height. I assumed that frisbees would be out of the range of supplies they had because the

last thing anyone in the field needs is a good whack in the head from a frisbee across the field; I

do not mean to say that I do not like frisbees instead, I found it unusual for people to play

frisbees in such an open area with other sports who are not as cautious to think of a disk flying


As I walk further and further into the field, the smell of sweat hits my face like a bunch of

bees attracted to honey- temporarily staining my face with a musk. For an odd reason, every time

I smell sweat I almost instantly smell teriyaki sauce poured over a steak. My brain has tied the

scent of sweat to the smell of teriyaki covered steak, and soon enough as I stood on the field the

smell of teriyaki steak filled my nose. I look over at the green grass within the field. I notice how

many goals we have- goals on both sides of the field and two medium sized goals so the field is

divided into smaller sections for more groups to practice on. I keep walking and notice the

stadium lights on the field. The lights brighten the entire soccer field and allow everyone to be

the center of attention. It is as if all the athletes on the field were actors on stage, and the light

shone on the actors to let everyone see what they are capable of.

I walk to a gray bench on the left side of the field and sit beside an Asian American

student whose skin had turned a soft red from all the running he had been doing. I look at what

he is wearing and I am amazed that he is wearing a Real Madrid jersey. I was shocked because

the Real Madrid is a soccer team from Spain and I was astonished that he knew of the team as

well. The boy left to go play and as he leaves I am surrounded by the openers of the field. I do

not see the people on the field, I only see the soccer field and nothing but; For a brief moment in

time, I am reminded of the soccer field in my home back in Spain. I remind myself of the days

when I would sit on the bench and watch my father play soccer with all his muscular friends.
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I get chills and come back to reality. I look to the center of the field and see the Matador

logo displayed. I look onto the field and see people from every country- Asia, Middle East,

Morocco, Japan, China, South, Central and Northern America. I notice that everyone is happy.

When the soccer players are on the field playing, I hear the occasional rivalry here and there. I

like to score goals and I love hear the sound of kicking a ball.

I look up at the dark sky and think that it will rain soon. On the field, the athletes can care

less about the weather, they are on the field with their gym shorts on playing with each other. The

soccer field acts as a noise-cancelling rectangular box. There are houses across the street from

the field and the Student Recreational Center beside the noise-cancelling rectangular box. All of

the noise from the people working out, driving their cars, and living in their houses does not

apply to this rectangular box. On this field students can come to de-stress, relax, and have some

fun scoring goals. All of lifes outside problems are left outside of this rectangular box; This field

is a place where people can get away from all their troubles.

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