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The most poisonoys snake


It is called a venomous snake to that snake that uses modified saliva,

poison , delivered through highly specialized teeth such as hollow
fangs, for the purpose of immobilization of the dam and self-defense. In
contrast, non - poisonous species kill by constricting their prey , or
simply dominate with their jaws.Venomous snakes include several
snake families and do not form a single taxonomic group .More than
600 poisonous species are known - about a quarter of all species of
snakes. The following groups of snakes can be aggressive and inflicting
danger and their bites are still potentially life-threatening:

Atractaspididae (atractaspidids), Colubridae (colubrids), Elapidae

(elpidos), Hydrophiidae, Viperidae (vipridos).



Snakes do NOT attack humans, unless they are provoked or disturbed.

To kill their prey before ingesting them, some snakes use venom, which
in many cases are highly toxic. These are the most poisonous snakes
on the planet.

-Black Mamba (Dendroaspis Polylepis) It is without a doubt the most

poisonous snake in Africa. Its average measurement is 2.5 meters, but
copies of more than 4 meters have been found

-Marina de Blecher (Hydrophis Belcheri) Distributed in various areas

of the Indian Ocean, the Gulf of Thailand and Australia, Blecher's
marine snake has an even more toxic poison than the fierce one.

-Taipan of the Interior (Oxyuranus Microlepidotus) It is a subspecies of

the Taipan snake. It is said to be the most poisonous land snake in the

among other.


Taking into account the test in mice of average lethal dose (LD50) - the
amount of milligrams per kilo that are necessary to kill half of a group
of test animals -, the sea serpent of pico, or Enhydrina schistosa, is the
The deadliest of all in the world.
It is found in Southeast Asian waters, it measures up to 1.5m and its
LD50 is 0.02mg / kg.

Secondly there is a tie between the Indian viper of Russell, or D.

russelii, native to Asia, with a maximum length of 1.7m, and the
Australian taipan viper or ferocious snake ( Oxyuranus
microlepidotus ), up to 2, 5m long. The lethal dose in the two cases is
0.03mg / kg.

They are followed by the Dubois snake ( Aipysurus duboisii ), which is

also found in Australian waters and measures up to 2.5m. It takes
0.04mg of its poison per kilo to kill the prey.



-The page of wikipedia served me more because it gave more details

on the snakes and its venom, in addition it shows a table with the
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-The page lists.20minutes gave me good information but no more than

wikipedia, gave lists and images of snakes according to their category.

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provides with very little information about the snakes, it is not very
precise and the page is not very reliable.

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