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Pipeline burst between Highland Avenue and Duffy Street

Hannah Geller April 23, 2017

SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. Today at 8:11 a.m. an explosion occurred in the same area where
a freight train derailed two weeks ago. A Calnev gasoline pipeline burst and destroyed parts of a
neighborhood bounded by Highland Avenue and Duffy Street. Flames surrounded the area and
seven homes were seen on fire.

David Andries, an official of the Calnev gas company, explained that the explosion was caused
by a 14-inch gasoline pipeline rupture. He said that the company does not know the source of the
break, but it might have been related to the train derailment.

General Manager of Calnev, Jed Robinson said that a valve near the fire may not be completely
closed. This could potentially influence the time that it takes to put out the fire.

With that kind of volatile fuel, you have to use some sort of foam. Normally where there is not
an awful lot of fuel, you just contain it and try and let it burn out, Robinson explained.

Approximately 700 people have already fled to the Red Cross evacuation center, which is
located at 3753 Kerry Street. Anyone who needs help or a safe place to go should evacuate to the

Seven burn victims have been admitted to the San Bernardino County Medical Center. Their
conditions were not available. Some who were admitted were treated for second and third degree
burns and smoke inhalation.

Since the pipe burst, Southern California Gas Co. workers shut off gas lines in the neighborhood
to avoid the possibility of a natural gas explosion. Highland Avenue at Macy has also been
closed to motorists.

People are still currently in danger.

We were sitting at the table and we heard this loud noise, and it just started getting bigger. I ran
to the window and looked out and could see nothing but smoke; then we both hit the floor. We
waited for it to blow over, but it didnt go away, Bill Stewart, an insurance agent who was
meeting with his client nearby the explosion said. We looked outside. The grass was burning
green grass burning. Everything was burning, even the concrete,

Valerie Pope-Ludlam, San Bernardino councilwoman, was also at the scene. She witnessed a
woman run outside her house, leaving her family behind. As soon as the woman got outside she
looked back at the home and it exploded.

Phil Arviso, a council aid, added on to Pope-Ludlams story. He spoke with survivor Robbie
Brown, the woman who ran out of her house. Her relatives remained inside the house when she

She actually said her house blew up behind her as she came out. The house is gone. If anybody
was in there, they went with it, Arviso said.

A thick cloud of smoke coming from the explosion was reported visible from Riverside and
Ontario. Citizens should continue to stay safe.

If you need to report an injury or are currently in danger, please call 911.

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