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2016 5th EEM International Conference on Education Science and Social Science (EEM-ESSS 2016)

China Pakistan Economic Corridor: Socio-cultural Cooperation and its

Impact on Pakistan

Muhammad Ibrara*, Jianining Mib, Muhammad Rafiqc

School of Management, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, P.R China.
*Muhammad Ibrar

Keywords: China Pakistan economic corridor; Socio-cultural cooperation; Impact on Pakistan

Abstract. The China Pakistan Economic Corridor can play important role in the mutual cooperation
between two neighboring countries. Socio-cultural cooperation occupies a relatively significance
place in regional cooperation. Based on the notion of win-win situation, the meaning of
Pakistan-China Economic Corridor needs to be review from socio-cultural point of view.
Socio-cultural cooperation could provide an opportunity for self-reflection and deep understanding of
each other. Economic Corridor is the most important agreement signed between Pakistan and China
till now. This article discuss that this corridor will improve linkages between China and Pakistan and
its impact on the living standard of Pakistani people as well as it will create more job opportunities
and with improvement of communication channels the agriculture sector of Pakistan will boost. This
study is based on the evaluation of the socio-cultural cooperation and its impact on the local
development of the country especially related to the development of the Pakistani society.

1. Introduction
The ChinaPakistan Economic Corridor, frequently stated through the abbreviation CPEC, is a group
of plans presently still in the phases of construction which have an accumulated budget of around $51
billion, envisioned to quickly increase and enlarge the infrastructure of Pakistan in addition to
deepening and broadening the economic relations among the People's Republic of China and Pakistan
[1]. The passage is reflected to be an addition of China's determined single route enterprise, and the
significance to China of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is revealed by its addition as
portion of China's 13th five-year growth plan. Under the sponsorship of this cooperation the
infrastructure projects will span across all corners of Pakistan, and will ultimately connect to China's
northwestern independent area of Xinjiang to the city of Gwadar in Pakistan through a massive link of
railways and highways [2]. Planned development and infrastructure plans are valued roughly around
$11 billion, and these projects will be bankrolled by deeply sponsored by concessionary loans that
will be distributed by the China Development Bank, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
and Exim Bank of China to the Government of Pakistan. As part of the comprehensive bundle of
infrastructure and development projects under CPEC, the Karakoram Highway amongst Rawalpindi
and the Chinese border will be totally rebuilt and repaired, and a 1,100 kilometer extended motorway
will be built between the cities of Lahore and Karachi. The main railway line between Karachi and
Peshawar will also be repaired and upgraded so trains can be allowed to travel at the speed of up to
160 kilometers per hour hopefully by the December of 2019 [2].
In fact, it was Pakistan that gave the proposal of this mega project way back in the 1960s. The idea
of this project is as old as the idea of Gwadar Port itself. The idea was actually conceived in 1964 but
978-1-61275-502-1/10/$25.00 2016 IERI EEM-ESSS 2016
due to a number of constraints, it was not implemented [3]. Again the idea to establish an economic
corridor began in the 2000s, but gained momentum with the initiation of assertive Chinese
leadership under Xi Jinping. It has since become a central theme of discussion in Sino-Pakistani
high-level collaboration. In February 2013, state-owned China Overseas Ports Holding Limited took
administrative control of the Gwadar Port. During Premier Li Keqiangs visit to Pakistan in May
2013, the two sides signed agreements on the blueprint for the China Pakistan Economic Corridor
(CPEC) [4]. Finally the mega project came into shape during visit of president xi Jingping to Pakistan
in April 2015 [3].
In short, the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a mega project benefiting whole of
Pakistan with smaller provinces being given top importance. China is more than willing to shape this
project, addressing China trade and marketable necessities from the Arabian Sea through Pakistan.
The China Pakistan Economic Corridor will be game and fate-changer of Pakistan and the region. It is
a welcome and optimistic project started to bring socio-cultural and economic development in
Pakistan [5].
The purpose of this research study is to review the significance of China Pakistan Economic
Corridor regarding social and cultural point of view. Further, China Pakistan Economic Corridor
(CPEC) is also a renewed and upgraded approach of linking two societies i.e. China and Pakistan.

2. Socio-cultural Cooperation
Socio-cultural cooperation occupies a relatively significance place in regional cooperation. Social is
the outcome of relationships in society while the most common type of relationship is cooperation.
Culture is the way of life in society which includes knowledge, ideas, beliefs, customs, traditions,
languages, buildings, and technology etc. shared by almost everyone in a particular society. Although,
culture and social are interlinked and closely related concepts that can never be wholly separated.
Furthermore, cultural change is very broad term it include all the human phenomena in a society
which leads to social change and brought development. It can be said that for sustained relationship
between China and Pakistan requires a mutual understanding of each other cultures, traditions and
language, which can take place only through socio-cultural ties.
The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), is heralded as a game changer for Pakistans
social and cultural development [6]. A Pak-China Friendship Centre was inaugurated in Islamabad
during former Chinese Premier Wen Jiabaos visit in December 2010. There are four Pakistan Study
Centers and 8,000 Pakistani students studying various disciplines in China [7]. In September 2011,
the provincial government of Sindh overzealously announced starting teaching of Chinese language
as a compulsory subject from 6th grade onward from 2013[8]. Provincial education department of the
Sindh government allocated Rs. 625 million for Chinese language teaching in 2012. Pakistan and
China signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) for establishing a permanent campus of the
Pakistan-China University of Engineering, Science and Technology in August 2008. Although the
university has not been inaugurated yet, an independent Pakistani think-tank dedicated to research on
China, the Pak-China Institute, was established on 1st October 2009. Pak-China socio-cultural
cooperation has thus been progressing very smoothly over the past few years. It is also being
contemplated celebrating 2015 as the Year of Friendly Exchanges. While a Confucius Institute was
established at the National University of Modern Languages in Islamabad in 2005, during Chinese
Premier Li Keqiangs visit in May 2013, an agreement was signed for opening another one at the
Karachi University [9].
Pakistan and China have a very close strategic and political relationship; China Pakistan Economic
Corridor (CPEC) is one of them, so it is mandatory to make relations better among people to people
via provide some platform to exchange their experiences. This leads to implementation of various
mini projects so economy can improve. As every nations power is their youth, the youngster of both
countries should come and take part and will open ways for their upcoming generation. Pak-China

relations as a model of friendly exchanges and cooperation to countries of different civilizations. An
establishment of Chinese Cultural Centre is welcomed by Pakistan as announced by the China in
order to promote friendly Exchanges. The two sides will also actively encourage and support their
publishing organizations to participate in each others book fairs and to translate and circulate
high-quality publications of each other. China and Pakistan should continue to send 100-member
youth groups to visit each other's country and encourage more contacts and exchanges between young
Chinese and Pakistanis. In the next five years, China will provide 2,000 training opportunities for
Pakistan and train 1,000 Chinese language teachers for Pakistan. Research Scholars from both sides
and think tanks can do research on the different topics for the advancement of China Pakistan
Economic Corridor (CPEC) i.e. planning, and management, infrastructure, and transportation
development including roads, railway lines, airports, ports, Information Communications Technology;
social, cultural and political challenges; skills and future jobs creation; agriculture, food security and
climate change; economic stability and prosperity, while growing international investment and trade
through knowledge inputs, water and energy security. Following are some packages announced in
China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) to launch projects like CCTV English News Channel and
International Documentary Channel, the establishment of the FM98 Pakistan-China Friendship
Radio studio by the China Radio International and the Pakistan-China Small-sized Hydro Power
Technology, National Joint Research Center in Pakistan [10].

3. Impact on Pakistan
In developing economies, road networks improve means of transportation which enhances
socio-cultural and economic status such as community access to basic facilities like education, health,
employment, and economic opportunity [11]. Sothy, and Horn (2007) argue that road improvements
would enhance access to education, health care, markets, and other public service facilities in the
surrounding areas of economic corridors [13]. In this regard with development of China Pakistan
Economic Corridor (CPEC) Pakistani student will have better education opportunities in the
universities of China and this factor is directly associated with improving and enhancing the literacy
rate of the population of Pakistan. Furthermore, the level of poverty will also be decreased
significantly with the new and modern job opportunities [15]. According the available data and
previous studies conducted on the similar projects, it can be said that China Pakistan Economic
Corridor is directly associated with improving the job opportunities for the population. Also, it will
also help in providing the opportunities for better life style and education for the population of
Pakistan [2]. The level of poverty is higher in Pakistan as compared to other countries of the world
and this issue poses a serious threat to the socio-economic development of the country [16]. China
Pakistan Economic Corridor can be regarded as an important and essential step in the development of
the community and population of Pakistan. The route for the export of fruit will also be open with the
development of China Paksitan Economic Corridor and this will help the farmers to improve the
quality of their produce and contribute in the economic welfare. CPEC can also be regarded as a step
toward the modernization of the agriculture system of Pakistan as the technological advancement in
this field will be adopted by the locals [3]. The production and profit of the agricultural produce will
be enhanced significantly by the development, initiation, and completion of this project [15].
Aside from social trade, the general population to individuals contact can be an awesome hotspot
for crossing over any barrier of errors between the general population of Baluchistan and different
parts of Pakistan. Subsequently, the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) can be an awesome
project in advancing national trustworthiness. People in Baluchistan who are included in criminal or
aggressor exercises are generally the ones who are jobless, uneducated and scarcely locate their
The route of the trade and export will become convenient and cheaper as compared to the current
methods of trade and farmers, traders, exporters, and government will the benefit of this advantage. It

can also be said that the local will flourish with the completion of China Pakistan Economic Corridor
(CPEC) and they are happy to have a chance to improve the rate of their profit due to the help of
Chinese government [16]. It can also be said that the population of Pakistan about the chance of
economic and social growth of the country. They are striving for a batter picture of Pakistan and China
Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) provided that opportunity to them. The cooperation, if gets
emerged, can give better opportunities to engagement of these individuals in different projects in
Gwader, subsequently, decreasing the odds of getting required in criminal and additionally aggressor
exercises. There are territories where there is no administration writ, unemployment is at its pinnacle,
and education rate is low; subsequently, without whatever other positive movement, inside clashes
are inescapable to happen [12]. So if the general population are included in this projects, this segment
of society can be developed into careful citizens and the will be left with no purpose behind clashes
and aggressor exercises [17]. The project of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is also linked
with the improvement of the social picture of both nations and it will help in decreasing the poverty
The economy of Pakistan can be easily affected by manufacturing of goods, improving the field of
agriculture, and improving the current situation of communication and information. The landscape of
communication and information will be improved with the completion of China Pakistan Economic
Corridor (CPEC) project. Currently India holds an advantage over Pakistan in term of information and
communication modernization due to its population. With the help of this corridor, Pakistan will able
to correspond with the neighboring countries in an effective manner [2]. This opportunity will
ultimately lead to the development of strong relations with other countries and boost the process of
business and export. The current route of agriculture export is through Dubai which increases the cost
of the trade. The Chinese appetite for fruits and vegetables can be regarded as insatiable and with the
help of CPEC this demand will be fulfilled through local transporters and exporters of Pakistan [17].
The water and irrigation system of Pakistan will be improved with the help of advanced technologies
and machines designed by the Chinese researchers and it can help the local community especially
farmers of Pakistan [16]. The manufacturing of different product will also be improved as the supply
and availability of advanced technology and it can help the Pakistani population to improve and
enhance their economic growth. In short, it can be said that China Pakistan Economic Corridor
(CPEC) is one of the most crucial step for the development and enhancement of the economy of
Pakistan [14]. It is evident from the available data that the economy of Pakistan is the target of
persistent ups and down throughout its history and China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is
providing a chance to change the situation in a positive and effective manner. The economy of the
country is directly associated with the growth, welfare, and job opportunities of its population and
these factors will be positively influenced by the completion of this project.
Pakistans Socio-cultural and Economic environment will be positively and constrictively
enhanced by the development of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). Populations of both
countries will bond on the trade of the goods and they will promote the culture of each other in their
specific area. It can be regarded as a positive impact of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

4. Summary
It can be state that CPEC is an important development step taken by the Chinese and Pakistani
government. It is directly associated with the progress of the community and will help in stabilizing
the interaction and communication among the population of both countries. It will help in improving
the economy and ultimately affect the overall economy of the region positively. This project will also
help the Pakistani community to understand and appreciate the importance of education and its impact
on the welfare of the community. The cultural aspect of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor
(CPEC) is also associated with improving the culture of the country and helps the population of both
countries to establish secure terms with each other. The Baluchistan province of Pakistan will flourish

and the scope of jobs and education will also be enhanced with the development and completion of
China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). Pakistan and China share an uncommon bond and the
populations of both nations have warm feeling for each other. This project will likewise help in
enhancing the comprehension and communication of the population of both nations. Pakistani
understudy will have better training openings in the colleges of China and this component is
straightforwardly connected with enhancing and improving the literacy rate of the population of
Pakistan. Moreover, the level of neediness will likewise be diminished altogether with the new and
advanced openings for work.
The paper summarized the idea on the basis of facts that the importance of China Pakistan
Economic Corridor (CPEC) project cannot be denied. It can be regarded as an advanced step toward
the path of glory, establishment, and social welfare. The population of Pakistan will be positively
affected by this development and the cultural history of the region will also be improved. This
cooperation will also provide a chance of better education and improve the living standard of the
people of Pakistan. It can also be regarded as one of the most crucial development step as it is directly
associated with improving the economy of the country. The economy of Pakistan can be easily
affected by manufacturing of goods, improving the field of agriculture, and improving the current
situation of communication and information. The landscape of communication and information will
be improved with the completion of this mega project.

5. Acknowledgement
This research was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant
NO. 71673068).

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