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Words to practise while inside the classroom


Teacher: when I say Class you say Yes

Students: Yes!

Teacher: How ever I say Class you say Yes

Class! Class!

Students: Yes! Yes!

Teacher: Classity! Clasity!


Teacher: When I say Mirror you say Mirror and lift your hands like this (Demonstrating Mirror)

Students: (lifting their hands) Mirror.

Teacher: (holding up her finger)

Cant say word Just mirror my gestures


Teacher: Class!

Students: Yes!

Teacher: Now when you turn to your neighbour, use your BIG GESTURES to teach your neighbour

Example: Rule Number 1 Follow directions quickly

Until I call you back with the class!

Teacher: (Clap Twice) Teach!

Students: (May clap twice, turn to their neighbour use gestures and teach their neighbour Example:
Rule Number 1 Follows Directions Quickly)

Classroom Rules

Rule Number 1: Follows directions quickly

Rule Number2:

Raise your hands for permission to speak (raise you hand when you wish to speak

Raise your hand to signal

Rule Number 3: Keep all your personal GADGETS PUT AWAY

Rule Number 4: 3R-Respect your Teacher

I will raise my hand to signal that it is time to be quiet and pay attention(students raised their
hands as they stop talking And looking at you.
Bring required materials to class.
Be prepared everyday
Maintain eye contact ( a classmate or the teacher)

Respect the classroom

Be in your seats when the bell rings

Respect other Students

All students have the right to be treated with respect

Respect others when others are speaking, listen.
Minimize disruption to the learning process.

Techniques if noisy

Hands over ears- put your hands over your ears to signal that group work
has become too noisy or quietly walk over and flick the over head lights on
and off.

Finished their work

Ok everyone you have 2 minutes to finish your work

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