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HUMAN REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Male Reproductive System Male reproductive system consists of testes, scrotum, epididymis, vasdeferens,seminal vesicles, prostate gland and penis Testes are the oval shaped organs which lies outside the abdominal cavity. A man has two testes. These are the primary reproductive organs in man. It produces sperms and male sex hormones. Female Reproductive System The female reproductive system consists of ovaries, oviducts (Fallopian tubes}, uterus and vagina. Ovaries are oval shaped organs present inside the abdominal cavity near the kidneys. A woman has two ovaries. Ovaries are the primary reproductive organs in a woman. It produces ova and female sex hormones. Each ovary is made up of thousands of follicles. Fertilisation a) In human beings, the fertilisation is internal b) The sperms made in the testes of man are introduced into the vagina of the woman through penis during copulation. c) The fertilisation leads to the formation of zygote. The zygote undergoes mitosis to form embryo. The embedding of embryo in the thick lining of the urterus is called implantation. d) After implantation, a disc-like special tissue develops between the urterus wall and the embryo is called placenta. e) The exchange of nutrients, oxygen and waste products between the embryo and the mother takes place through the placenta. f) The time period from the fertilisation up to the birth of the baby is called gestation. ‘The gestation period in humans is about 9 months (280 days). Menstruation ‘The sexual cycle in females is called menstruation. During the menstruation, the ovum is released from the ovary. It is called ovulation. The menstrual cycle extends up to 28 days. The ovulation occurs 14" day of menstrual cycle. Menstrual Cycle a) When agirlreaches puberty at the age of about 10-12 years, the sex hormones released in to her blood cause maturity of ova in her ovaries. b) One mature ovum is released from the ovary into the oviduct once every 28 days. c) Before releasing the ovum, the inner lining of uterus becomes thick, spongy and full of blood vessels. a) The break down and removal of the inner thick, and soft lining of the uterus along with its blood vessels in the form of vaginal bleeding is called menstrual flow or menstruation. ¢) After menstruation is over, the inner lining of the uterus starts building up again so that it is ready to receive the ovum. f) If the ovum does not get fertilised then the menstruation takes place again. g) The menstrual cycle is controlled by hormones. Menstruation stops permanently when a woman reaches the age of 50 years. CBSE X 253)

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