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The Beacons of Light

January 2017

~ Four Big Shifts of 2017 ~

Beacons of Light
January 2017
Presented Live 12/17/2016

Greetings from Home, Dear Ones. I am the Keeper of Time.

I come to you this day and intersect with your timeline for just a moment to
help touch your hearts and to help remind you who you are and where you
are coming from. You are distant travelers who have definitely been around.
Yet here you are now, settled on Earth and making rapid changes. There are
so many incredible changes that sometimes it is difficult for us to keep up with
all the things that humans are doing on planet Earth. Today we will share a
little bit of what is coming in the year ahead; it is rather fascinating to watch
what is taking place. By the time you get through February 2017, you will feel
a bit of a calmness that has not been here for a while. In some ways, it is the
calm before the storm. Dear ones, re-member that most change cannot
happen when in the midst of calm. By its very definition, change often
involves such disruption that a ripple is left in its wake. Do not fear this, for the
change is actually what you have come to be a part of.

We Have You

So many of you have come to Earth trying to figure out where you can be,
what this will look like, and how it is going to work for you. Here you are, right
in the midst of it now. Of course, the greatest fear is what happens if you fail.
Such a scary word, fail. What happens if you cannot accomplish things? What
happens if you extend yourselves and somehow you are hurt? Well, that is
the important part we wish to tell you todaywe have your back. We look
over your shoulder and try to direct you from time to time, each and every one
of you. It does not matter where you are in the world, what your history has
been, or which level you believe yourself to be. The truth is, we have you. It is
almost as if you would let your children free to go play, but there are certain
things you hope they do not get into and places they will not go. Their
explorations can obviously cause problems, although as that happens, they
will learn from them as part of the game. We tell you, dear ones, you are in
somewhat of a safe zone. Especially during the next two years, when there
will be major changes taking place. Consider, dear ones, that every three or
four years a profound energy changes takes place, basically moving everyone
up very rapidlyalmost too rapidly. Then you would have to do whatever you
could to ground yourself, to take that light and bring it into your life and anchor
it. That is the challenging part. In 2016, you had a major change as well on
September 27th, with a wave of energy that came in. Prior to that, you have
seen so many things coming in. Actually, you saw the gravitational wave that
Einstein predicted some time back coming into the planet. Every three or four
years you have these big eventshuge, vibrational raising events. Next year
you will have four of them.

Four Waves of Vibrational Changes

Can you see the changes that are ahead? It does not happen this way except
on evolving planets, for you are in motion, dear ones. All of humanity is
reaching levels that have not been set by humans before. You have
capabilities of reaching a spiritual awareness within each of you that allows
you to touch the god within. Then, you will know it.

Many of you have the seeds of fear deeply ingrained within you. Some are
from past life experiences, but others you have stepped forward into willingly
through own work only to find great resistance and possibly even death as a
retribution. We understand that it is difficult to understand, so we re-mind you
of this: We have your back, as you say on Earth. We are watching out for
everything that you do because in this time, dear ones, there is a new chaos
which is simply created out of vocal fears. You have so much technology on
the planet now that you are able to collect these little bits all together as one.
They appear much larger than they truly are and that is always true of the
dark side, which always appearing much larger than it is. So, we ask you all to
look at this within yourselves. What can you change about your own belief
systems? What can you shift to help you to ground and to gain the confidence
in your light? All we are asking you to do is to step into the energy. Many of
you are teachers and healers on your own path, already doing quite well by
bringing your energy out into the Earth. Keep that up and help those who are
just now awakening to gain the confidence. They need to step out and start
creating a reality of their own choosing rather than one set by default, which is
what most humans have been doing.

New Opportunities

Yes, we tell you there are those who plan ahead. There are the planners that
make projections about their lives, businesses, and where they are going to
be in 5 or 10 years. Very few people plan ahead on a personal, spiritual level
but you have that capability now. You have the option of deciding who you will
be in the next few years. You have the opportunity now to place yourself in the
best position within the wave with new opportunities that you have not seen
before. Yes, dear ones, there will be chaos and you will see much of it, for the
pace is rapid and humans do not do well with change. Perhaps something has
always been done a certain way before, but suddenly you will do it a totally
different way. The vibrational raises are coming soon the first one will enter
earths field between March 4 and 17th. They all enter as waves and there are
now so many that are interfering with each other to some extent. This is
causing a bit of a shift in the timeline and thus makes it difficult to predict the
exact dates of the other three events at this time; however, you are set up to
receive four huge energy cycles in 2017.

Help Each Other

An event that set things into motion a couple of years ago involved the
timelines intersecting with each other. It was a rather large event that took
place, following an earlier shift of the 12-12. The four events on their way are
opportunities to make similar leaps of that size and they will all open within the
year of 2017. What happens to those who cannot make the changes? Well,
that is precisely why so many lightworkers are now on the planetto help
those at other parts of the spectrum. Please do not judge it as being right or
wrong, because you negate your own energy when you do that. Simply
observe and understand that humanity has a bandwidth. Although there is a
high vibration and a low vibration, humans can only move as fast as the
slowest person. Additionally, these four vibrational shifts are meant for specific
reasons, so let us explain.

Because the bandwidth of humanity has grown in this way, you have never
been through what you are experiencing on planet Earth right now. Before you
would have left the planet by now, perhaps going on to colonize a new planet.
We do not mean through your so-called space ships, but through your
spiritual bodies as you have already done many times. There was a time
when you inhabited Mars yet here you are living on her neighbor, Earth. If you
think that is interesting wait until you hear the rest of the story. Soon you will
start uncovering a great deal more, because now you are very interested in
Mars. It is your closest neighbor after all. Yes, you will find out much about
your own history though not all of it will make sense in the physical realm at
this moment. Re-member, dear ones, you are a spirit first and a human
second. Harmony between the two has the opportunity to create change so let
us go back to the bandwidth for a moment.

The Recessional Wave Will End

With all of this incredible change, humanity has moved up. However, it is also
currently in a recessional wave. The recessional wave has the effect of
creating separation in everything and it also does so in every aspect of
humanity, that is why there is a resurgence of separation on earth. It even has
the effect of making the highest of vibration of humanity and the lowest
vibration further apart. Again humans have a separation instead of a unity
occurring. With the four major movements taking place during 2017 you can
begin bringing this back together and change the direction of the recessional
wave. That is what you are looking at right now, and it is profound. IF this
stays on track the recessional wave will end within the next two to three years,
resulting in a complete turnaround in a different direction. Enjoy that journey,
dear ones, because it will validate your understanding of your own power of
Start Creating For You

You are creator beings, but does that mean you must create a different set of
rules for everything? No, since you are just creating for you. Begin creating
your highest dream with whatever it takes to bring that energy into your being.
Many people are closing their hearts and protecting themselves from the
anger and density they feel around them. We challenge you to take this
opportunity to move in the opposite direction and expand your passions
anchoring new light in times of darkness. Dare to play, expand and improve
yourself. If you fall into fear the recessional wave takes much longer to
reverse. Fill yourself with the Light from Home at every opportunity. These
are photons that carry fully charged light within your body. We will share more
about that shortly, but basically it involves learning how the energy moves so
you can consciously fill yourself with light. You bodies have been slowly
adapting over the last seven years to carry more light. This Light has
amazing effects in the world around you, for the new times are coming. You
have four major steps next year alone, and we cannot wait to see how you
resolve these situations. These steps open the proverbial door for a full
understanding of multidimensionality, as well as a full understanding of your
spirit. Re-member, it is who you truly are beneath all the chaos that you have
in your world at the moment.

Take these words, dear ones. Make them your own for each of you here is a
slightly different message that we speak and that is as it should be because
even though we are using certain words to reach everyone, we speak to each
heart individually. You know who you are and we honor you for your work
more than you could ever understand. Embrace these four movements
coming forwardthese incredible opportunitiesand know that this is why you
came to Earth in the first place. Keep up the good work.

It is with the greatest of honor that we greet you in these ways. We ask you to
treat each other with respect whenever possible. Nurture each another
whenever you have that opportunity and play well together on the new Earth. I
am the Keeper of Time and I leave you with love.


The word Espavo is an early Lemurian greeting : Thank You for Taking Your

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Espavo LLC. is a non-profit conscious corporation dedicated to spreading

Light through Empowerment

Connecting the Heart

Life is not what it used to be

By Barbara Rother

We hear it every day that life is changing in our personal reality and the world
around us. In this new year of 2017, it seems ever more prevalent. We all feel
the pull to adjust to each new changing factor that presents itself while
wanting to cling to the sentimental familiarity. We long to keep life simple and
comfortable but these changes lead us to a shakeup forcing us to adjust to
what is unfolding to the path in front of us.

It is impossible to remain stagnant in our existence. When we try to do so we

lose our excitement in life and the potential growth of being all that we can be.
Our light would begin to fade by living in the past. So I encourage all of us to
take that first step and embrace the future beginning today.

I am a very sentimental person. I think most of Lightworkers feel this way. Our
hearts are open with empathy to all around us. Having the life lesson of
Definition, I tend to reach out to others instead of focusing on myself. By doing
this we forget who we are and then we have nothing to offer anyone or help
this world in which we exist.

I am thrilled to see the changes with all living creatures especially the animals.
Many of you know Steve and I recently adopted our dog, Sadie. She is the
perfect extension of our family. We cannot imagine our home without her. She
is a consent reminder of unconditional love. Every so often I think about what
her life had been like before we brought her into our home. She was a rescue
dog who was scheduled to be put to sleep the day after we got her. All that we
know about her is that she is three years old and the vet said she probably
already had three litters of puppies. I feel she was used for breeding puppies
then discarded as no longer useful. I cant imagine why she had not been
adopted before but yet I know. The minute we saw her we knew she was
meant for us. It breaks my heart to see so many unwanted animals just
waiting to be loved. It is encouraging to see the many loving volunteers who
help with the shelters reaching out to the public awareness trying to connect
each dog or cat to a home.

Another big change with our awareness with how animals are being treated is,
The Greatest Show on Earth. Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey
Circus are closing down after 146 years of existence. The sadness comes
with the sentimentality I mentioned before as we humans tend to feel. Many
feel this is heartbreaking because of the precious memories that are held from
childhood but many celebrate this news. It is time to move on with the end of
this era. Several of us grew up with the circus being the highlight of our
childhood. Steve and I took our two sons often to view the exciting show. Our
boys even had the delight of riding on an elephants backs as a preshow treat.
It all was a feeling of magic while not realizing how the animals were being
treated behind the scenes. In recent years clashes of how elephants were
treated have led to removing the animals altogether, retiring them to
sanctuaries. Times have caught up with the circus. People are more aware
now. Things are changing. Children are more advanced now where they are
not going to a circus as they are into the many other choices life has to offer.

This is putting a lot of people on notice for a change. Zoos, Aquariums,

anywhere where living creatures are being treated unfairly will be scrutinized
by humans. As a family living in San Diego, California, we thrilled with the
experience of Sea World, especially seeing Shamoo the killer whale.
Children delighted with being splashed by these beings while their trainers
made them perform. I remember one time Steve and I had out of town friends
come to visit. We decided to enjoy a special lunch right next to the main pool
where the whales swim. It was a special behind-the-scenes area and a private
show with whales and their trainers. We were all enjoying ourselves when we
started to feel something amiss. The whales went berserk while the trainers
frantically ran around trying to control the situation. No one was hurt except
for the whales splashed so much that several people were drenched with
water ruining their lunches. This was my first awareness of these creatures
not being pleased with their environment. After that, we learned a trainer had
been killed by one of the whales at a Sea World causing them to stop this part
of the show. At first, I was sad because I felt this display was a highlight of
Sea World then deep inside I knew it was time for a change.

Perhaps this is the first step for us to change, animals, next with the humans
we co-exist within this world. We are all living creators who inhabit Mother
Earth. Lets support each other. Life is not what it used to be nor do we want it
to be. Here is a new awareness of living.

With love and light, Barbara

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