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Finite Difference analysis of Electrical Machines - Linear Induction Motor:

Reference: Linear Motion Electric Machines- S A Nasar & I Boldea

Brief Introduction to Linear Induction Motor: It is a linear counterpart of rotary induction Motor
having three phase windings in its slots. In rotary induction motor we have stator and rotor. In LIM
the member carrying three phase winding is referred as primary and the other as secondary. Unlike
Rotary induction motor , the secondary (rotor) is an aluminium sheet backed by iron for economic
reasons. Refer McLean enclosed.

The one end of primary of LIM continuously sees a fresh secondary entering into active portion of
LIM and other end always sees an energized portion of secondary leaving the active portion of LIM.
The phenomenon is refereed entry end effect and exit end effect, which are not present in rotary
induction motor. The methods of analysis like equivalent circuit as applied to rotary machines does
not addresses these issues as such the accurate methods based on solving electromagnetic field
equation in and around the geometry of machines are used. One can use following methods

(a) Finite Difference Method

(b) Finite Element Method based on Maxwell ANSYS FEM software
(c) Space Fourier Series approximation
(d) Space Fourier Transform Approximation

We are considering a 2D model of Single Sided Linear Induction Motor. Here winding is replaced by
linear current density. The conductivity of primary iron core in z- direction is zero due to lamination
as such we can use 2D Laplace’s equation.

Similarly the back iron can be assumed to be laminated.

The regions of model are detailed in table:

Member permeability Conductivity Speed Governing

field equation
Primary µr µ =0 v=0 Laplace’s
Iron Core equation
Air µ =0 v=0 Laplace’s
Aluminiu µ  = 2.72E07 S/m v=0 to Vs Poisson’s
m plate of vs=2f equation
secondary = pole pitch
F=supply frequency
Primary µr µ =0 v=0 Laplace’s
Iron Core equation
Fig : Actual 2D model of Linear Induction Motor- R-Phase Coils in 1 & 7 have return path via
4 & 12 slots. Similarly for other phases

When we apply Finite difference to slotted model large numbers of equations are solved
due to several boundary conditions and corners. Finite difference approximation for corner
is giving erroneous results. Though exact model can give slot harmonics also.

For this simplifying the Finite difference, we assume that core is replaced by slot less smooth
core. The winding is replaced by a linear current density – a thin sheet of current attached to
active surface such that it is giving same fundamental flux density distribution in air gap .
Considering the length of Primary = 15 cm , number of poles (sy) -4, total number of slots
12, Each slot carrying total number of conductors (say) 2x50=100 conductors per slot,
current = 10 A. The linear current density (A / m) is

√2 ×Current × Number of Slots ×Conductor per slot × K w

J max =
Length of Primary

2 ×10 ×12 ×100 × 0.955❑

J max = √ =108046 Ampere Turn per meter∨ A /m

Here K w is winding factor (assumed) 0.955

J ( x )=ℜ { J max exp ( ωt−kx ) }=J max cos kx

If we freeze the current sheet at any time, we can write

The approximated 2D model is shown in Figure

Fig : Approximate 2D model of Linear Induction Motor

Here it is assumed that

(a) Primary replaced by a slot less laminate d core

(b) Windings replaced by Current sheet
(c) Lower Region of Interest and Upper region of interest are Dirichelt’s Boundary , i.e, Magnetic
Vector Potential A= 0.0 + j 0.0. For nodes laying on these boundaries no calculations are
(d) Left Hand Side and Right hand side Boundaries are Neumann’ s Boundary where it is
assumed that the nodes lying just outside boundary is having the same potentials as that of
node lying just inside boundary.
(e) The region of interest is replaced by a uniform mesh of ‘h ‘ having uniform step length in x-
direction and uniform node to node distance ‘qh’ in y- direction.
(f) Since length of machine is 15 cm , for 15 steps in a rough model choosing h= 1 cm.
Thickness of sheet 3 mm , as such for three layers in it q= 0.3/(3x1)= 0.1
Chosing back iron of 3 mm, Air clearance of 9 mm and core depth 3 cm .
LHS air 10 cm and RHS air

The subscripted variables (I,J) for layers and boundaries are

Boundary on x direction - 2D Points or Subscripted Variables Calculate on your own for

Step length h= 1cm & qh=1mm Step length h=5 mm & qh=1
Check on your own
Along x direction 10+15+21 cm = 46cm step size h
y-direction 3mm+3mm+9mm+30 mm step size qh
How will you decide grid or node numbers?
Try drawing in graph paper.
LHS boundary I=1, J=2 to Jmax -1
RHS boundary I=Imax, J=2 to Jmax-1
LHS boundary of Core I=11 (Chosen ), J=Jc to Jmax-1
Interface between air and
RHS boundary of core I=11+16, J=Jc to Jmax-1
Interface between air and
RHS boundary of Maximum I I=11+16+21, J=Jc to Jmax-1
Boundary on y direction- 2D points or Subscripted Variables
Lower boundary J=1, No calculation required
for Dirichlet’s boundary
Upper boundary J=Jmax, No calculation
required for Dirichlet’s
Interface between back iron J= 4 (say) J=9
and aluminium
Interface between aluminium J= 7 15
and air
Interface between air and J=16 , I=11 to I=11+16
core- current sheet
Jc J=16
Jmax Jmax= 16+ (3cm/0.1)+1
= 16+30+1=47
Imax Imax = 11+16+ 11 (say) = 38

Fig : Approximate 2D model of Linear Induction Motor - Subscripted variable (Consider a

graph paper on which it is redrawn) (Not to the scale)

Figure: A typical 2D Computational Molecule having uniform step length of h in x- direction

and uniform step length qh in y- direction
Note : Check the node numbering

We define Magnetic Vector potential A as

B=∇ × A
ax ay az
B= ∂
The MVP is


Az ]
A=a x A x + a y A y +a z A z

Its components are again having real and imagimary parts. For computer programming for
3D using MVP, for each node six memory locations are required. As such for 3D it takes large
memory space as well as computation time.
In case of 2D, if we assume that flux is normally crossing the airgap, we can assume that
A x = A y =0+ j .0
Or in other words only A z is present.
Thus above equation is reduced to
ax ay az
B= ∂


Az ]
B=ax B x +a y B y

∂ ∂
Bx = Az= A
∂y ∂y ❑
−∂ −∂
B y= Az= A
∂x ∂x ❑

We choose MVP Az =A. The governing field equations are

For Primary core, air and Secondary back iron is Laplace’s equation,
∇ 2 A=0
∂2 A ∂2 A
+ =0
∂ x2 ∂ y2
For Conducting moving media, aluminium plate, the Poisson’s equation is

dA ∂A ∂ A ∂x ∂A
∇ 2 A=µ0 =µ 0 + µ0 = jωµ0 A+ µ0 v
dt ∂t ∂ x ∂t ∂x

∂2 A ∂2 A ∂A
+ 2 = jωµ0 A +µ 0 v
∂x ∂ y ∂x

In computational molecule, using Taylor’s series approximation we can write,

( x 1−x 0 ) ∂ A ( x1− x0 ) ∂2 A
A1= A 0 + + +……
1! ∂x 2! ∂ x2

( x3 −x0 ) ∂ A ( x 3−x 0 ) ∂2 A
A3 =A 0 + + +… …
1! ∂x 2! ∂ x2

Simplifying we get,
∂ A h2 ∂ 2 A
A1= A 0−h +
∂ x 2 ∂ x2

∂ A h2 ∂ 2 A
A3 =A 0 +h +
∂ x 2 ∂ x2

From these equations we get,

∂2 A A1 + A3 −2 A 0
∂ x2 h2

∂ A A 3− A1
∂x 2h

Similary in y- direction,
( y 2 − y 0 ) ∂ A ( y 2 − y 0 ) ∂2 A
A2= A 0 + +
1! ∂y 2! ∂ y2

( y 4 − y 0 ) ∂ A ( y 4 − y 0 ) ∂2 A
A 4= A 0 + +
1! ∂y 2! ∂ y2

∂ A ( qh ) ∂2 A
A2= A 0 +qh +
∂y 2 ∂ y2

∂ A ( qh ) ∂2 A
A 4= A0 −qh +
∂y 2 ∂ y2
From these equation we get,

∂2 A A2 + A 4−2 A0
∂ y2 q2h2
The finite difference equation for Laplace equation is

∂2 A ∂2 A A 1+ A 3−2 A 0 A2 + A 4−2 A 0
+ = + =0
∂ y2 ∂ x2 h2 q 2 h2

( A 1 + A 3 ) q2 + ( A 2 + A 4 )
A0 =
2 ( 1+ q2 )

In subscripted variable, the above equation for node (I,J) is

( A ( I −1 , J )❑+ A ( I +1 , J )❑) q 2+ ( A ( I , J +1 )❑+ A ( I , J −1 )❑)

A(I , J )❑=
2 ( 1+q2 )

Fro Poisson’s equations

A 1+ A 3−2 A0 A 2+ A 4−2 A0 A 3− A 1
+ 2 2
= jωµ0 A 0+ µ0 v
h q h 2h

A 1+ A 3−2 A0 A 2+ A 4−2 A0
+ = jωµ0 A 0+ 0.5 µ0 v ( A3− A 1 )
h q2h2

Solving this we get

A1 q2 ( 1+0.5 µ 0 vh ) + A2 + A3 q 2 ( 1−0.5 µ0 vh ) + A 4 = A0 (2+2 q 2+ jωµ0 q2 h2)

α A 1+ A 2 + β A3 + A 4
A0 =


α =q 2 ( 1+ 0.5 µ0 vh )

β=q 2 ( 1−0.5 µ 0 vh )


γ =(2+2 q2 + jωµ0 q 2 h2 )
When conductivity =0 for air and laminated iron the above equation is reduced to

( A 1 + A 3 ) q2 + ( A 2 + A 4 )
A0 =
2 ( 1+ q2 )

When q= 1, write the above two equations for perfectly uniform mesh.

Boundary conditions:

The lower part of back iron is Dirichlet’s boundary for which no calculations are or iterations

The Boundary or interface between back iron and aluminium is a Neumann’s boundary. On this we
can write

B y ( Aluminium)=B y (Back Iron)

And H x ( Aluminium )−H x ( Back Iron )=Current enclosed=0

H x ( Aluminium )=H x ( Back Iron )

B x ( Aluminium ) B x ( B ack Iron )

μal μbi

∂ A2 −A 4
But Bx = Az=
∂y 2 qh

B x ( Aluminium ) B x ( Back Iron )

Thus =
μal μ bi

Interface between back iron and Aluminium

In the above figure, a computational; molecule is laying on interface, with local nodes 1,0 & 3 on
interface and node 2 on aluminium side and node 4 on back iron sides. Thus we can write that
A 2− A al4 A bi2 − A 4
2 qh μ al 2 qh μbi

In the above equation the fictitious nodes are Aal4 on aluminium side and Abi
2 on back iron side. We
can obtain this values from difference equations derived earlier and put in above equation. And
solve after dropping superscripts.

For aluminium we can write

A 4=γ A 0−α A 1− A2 −β A3

For back iron we can write

A2=2 ( 1+q 2 ) A 0−( A 1+ A 3 ) q2− A 4

Putting the values in interface equation thus derived we get

2 2❑
A 2−γ A 0 +α A 1+ A 2+ β A 3 2 ( 1+ q ) A 0−( A 1+ A 3 ) q ❑− A 4− A 4
μ al μbi



2 A 2−γ A 0 +α A 1+ β A 3=S1 2 ( 1+q 2 ) A 0−( A1 + A3 ) q 2❑ −2 A 4
[ ]
Solving we get difference equation for aluminium back iron interface

{ α + S1 q 2 } A 1+2 A2 + { β+ S1 q 2 } A 3+ 2 A 4
{ γ + 2 S1 ( 1+q 2) }

On the same line, the difference equation for air and aluminium interface can be derived,
Interface between Aluminium and air

The Boundary or interface between aluminium and air is a Neumann’s boundary. On this we can

B y ( Air)=B y ( Aluminium)

And H x ( A ir ) −H x ( Aluminium ) =Current enclosed=0

H x ( A ir ) =H x ( Alumi nium )

B x ( A ir ) B x ( Aluminium )
μ0 μ al

In the above figure, a computational; molecule is laying on interface, with local nodes 1,0 & 3 on
interface and node 2 on air side and node 4 on aluminium sides. Thus we can write that

A 2− A air
4 A al2 − A 4
2qh μ al 2 qh μbi

air al
In the above equation the fictitious nodes are A 4 on air side and A2 on aluminium side. We can
obtain these values from difference equations derived earlier and put in above equation. And solve
after dropping superscripts.

For air we can write

A 4=2 ( 1+q 2) A0 −( A1 + A3 ) q 2−A 2

For aliumium we can write

A2=γ A0 −α A1− A 4 −β A3

Puttng the values in interface equatijon thus derived we get

A 2−2 ( 1+q 2) A0 + ( A 1+ A 3 ) q2 + A2 γ A 0−α A 1−A 4 −β A3 −A 4

μair μ al



2 A 2−2 ( 1+q 2) A 0+ ( A 1+ A 3 ) q2=S 2 [ γ A 0−α A 1−2 A 4 −β A3 ]

Solving we get,

{ α S2 +q 2 } A 1+ 2 A2 + { β S2 +q 2 } A 3+ 2 A 4
{ γ S2 +2 ( 1+q 2) }

The above two approximations are second order approximations.

Another boundary or interface equation is between primary core having current sheet and air,

The Boundary or interface between stator core and air is a Neumann’s boundary. On this we can

B y ( stator core)=B y (air)

And H x ( stator core )−H x ( air )=J max cos kx

B x ( stator core ) B x ( air )

− =J max cos kx
μ stator core μair
Interface between stator core and current sheet

In the above figure, a computational; molecule is laying on interface, with local nodes 1,0 & 3 on
interface between stator core and air or exactly on current sheet and node 2 on stator core side and
node 4 on air side aluminium sides. Using a first order approximation, we can write that


μ statorcore

A 2−A 0 A 0− A 4
S3 − =μ0 J max cos kx
qh qh

Uisng first order approximation we avoid the fictitious nodes. Thus the difference equation for
current sheet representing the winding is

S3 A2 + A 4−μ0 q h J max cos kx

A0 =
{ S3 +1 }
Another interface equation is LHS air and stator core. We can write,

Bx (air)=Bx (stator core)

And H y ( air ) −H y ( stator core )=0

B y ( air ) B y ( stator core )

μair μstator core
Interface between Air Stator Core LHS Interface and Stator Core – air RHS Interface

WE know that

−∂ − A 1 − A3 A 3− A 1
B y= Az= =
∂x 2h 2h

For LHS boundary,

A air A 3− A stator core

3 − A1 1
2h μair 2 h μ stator core

Again choose

μ statorcore

Aair stator core

3 − A 1 =S3 [ A 3− A 1 ]
( A 1 + A 3 ) q2 + ( A 2 + A 4 )
In air as well as stator iron, Laplace’s equation hold good, A0 =
2 ( 1+ q2 )

We write for the fictitious node of air,

air 2 ( 1+q 2) A0 −q2 A1−( A 2+ A 4 )

A = 3
q2 ❑

Similarly the fictitious of imaginary node for stator core is

stator core 2 ( 1+q 2 ) A 0−q 2 A 3−( A2 + A 4 )

A 1 =

1) Putting these values in equation given below and solve after dropping superscripts write the
expression for A0 on the LHS boundary. The equation is

Aair stator core

3 − A 1=S3 [ A 3− A 1 ]
2) Similarly repeat the above exercise for RHS boundary and determine difference equation for
RHS boundary.
3) For representing the corner nodes of current sheet take average of difference equation for
current sheet and difference equation of LHS / RHS stator core and air interface equations.
4) Optional : Try Computer programming for time t=0.0 and time t= T/4. Choose frequency f=
50 Hz giving T= 1/f sec. Determine x- & y- component of flux density in air gap for above

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