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Composite Structures 13 (1989) 15%172

Comparison between Shear Deformable and Kirchhoff

Theories for Bending, Buckling and Vibration of
Antisymmetric Angle-ply Laminated Plates

A. A. K h d e i r

Department of Engineering Scienceand Mechanics,VirginiaPolytechnicInstitute and

State University, Blacksburg,Virginia24061-0219,USA


A generalized Ldvy-type solution in conjunction with the state space

concept is developed for the bending, buckling and vibration of antisym-
metric angle-ply laminated plates. The exact solutions are applicable to
rectangular plates with two opposite edges simply supported and the
remaining ones subjected to a combination of clamped, simply supported
and free boundary conditions. The solutions are obtained for the classical
Kirchhoff theory and the numerical results are compared with their
counterparts using the first order transverse shear deformation theory. The
comparisons show that the results obtained within the classical laminated
theory can be significantly inaccurate.


Within the classical Kirchhoff assumptions, the theory of unsymmetrically

laminated plates has been discussed by a number of investigators: see, for
example, Refs 1-6. The Navier solution for simply supported rectangular
plates and solutions for plates with various boundary conditions are
In this paper a powerful analytical technique based on the state space
concept is employed, allowing one to obtain exact L6vy type solutions for
bending, buckling, and vibration associated with the case of antisymmetric
angle-ply laminated plates.
The closed form solutions obtained within the classical laminate theory
(CPT) are numerically illustrated in a number of figures and tables, where
Composite Structures 0263-8223/89/$03.50 © 1989 Elsevier Science Publishers Ltd,
England. Printed in Great Britain
16o A. A. Khdeir

comparisons with their counterparts using the first order shear deforma-
tion theory (FSDT) are made and appropriate conclusions are formulated.


Let us consider a uniform rectangular thin plate of thickness h such that the
middle surface of the plate lies in the xy-plane (0 < x < a, - b / 2 < y < b / 2 ) .
The plate is c o m p o s e d of an even number of identical layers having the
principal direction of orthotropy oriented at angles + 0 and - 0 with respect
to the x-axis of the laminate. Using the Kirchhoff hypothesis, assuming
infinitesimal deformation, and neglecting rotary inertia and inertias
associated with the in-plane displacement components, u and v, one finds
that the equations of motion for antisymmetric angle-ply laminates are: 5

AII u ..... + A~,6 u.,,y + (A 12 + A . 6 ) v ..... - 3 B i6 w.x.,.,, - B26 W,.vyv = 0

(A 12 + A66) U.xv + A66 v. rr + A22 V ; , y -- B16 w ......... -- 3B2(,w . , . v , , = 0

D I1 w.xxxx+ 2 (DI2 + 2D66)w ,-xyy+ D22 W.vyyy-- 3B1(,u.,.,.,. - B2(,u. v,,y (1)
-- B16v, rrx - 3B26v,x~ + ]w . - q + N , . w ..... + Nvw,~.). = 0

The stress resultants are expressed as: 5

N~. = Aitu.~. + A l 2 v y - 2Bu~w.x.r

N,, = A j 2 u . ~ + A 2 2 v v - 2 B 2 6 w o,
N,.,. --- A~,6(u ,, + v.,.) - B~,w.,.,. - B26w ,, ,,
M~ == B u , ( u .,, + v ~) - D j l w .~ - D i 2 w y.,,

M,. = B26(U,y + V,x ) - D I 2 W ....... - D 2 2 w , v y

Mx,. = Bl6u..~ + B 2 6 v . r - 2 D ~ w . : o,


( A o B i j , Dij ) = [ (1,z,z2)Qodz i,j= 1,2,6

~" - h/2


1 = f p(m)dz (3)
Comparison between shear deformable and Kirchhoff theories 161

Here p(,m is the material density of layer m, q is the transverse load and h/x,
h/y are the constant in-plane compressive loads.
This plate theory is the simplest formulation which accounts for the
coupling of twisting and middle-surface stretching.
The following boundary conditions are considered: 5
- - a t edges x = 0, x = a:
simply supported (S): u = w = M x = Nxy = 0 (4a)
- - a t edges y = + b/2:
simply supported (S): v=w=My=Uxr=O
clamped (C): U=V= W=Wy=O (4b)
free (F): M y = N y = N~y = 0
Qy + Mxy,x = 0


A generalized L6vy-type solution considered in conjunction with the state

space concept will be used to determine the displacements, the buckling
loads and the natural frequencies of antisymmetric angle-ply laminated
rectangular plates of dimensions a x b. The edges x = 0, x = a will be
considered simply supported while the remaining edges, y = + b/2, are
arbitrary from the viewpoint of edge conditions. Following L6vy's proce-
dure we shall represent the unknown displacement functions so as to
satisfy the boundary conditions described in eqn (4a).
For the bending problem, the unknown displacement functions will be
expressed as:

u(x,y) = 2 Um(y)sinax

v(x, y) = 2 Vm(y)c°scrx (5)


w(x,y) = 2 Wm(y)sin~x

the load q (x,y) being represented as:

q(x,y) = 2 Om(y)sin~x (6)

tt1~ l
162 A. A. Khdeir

The following representation for the displacement functions is

appropriate in the analysis of the free vibration problem:
u(x, y , t ) = U,,,(y)sinc~x e i°*'',
v(x.y,t) = V,,,(y)cos~x e i"''' (7)
w(x, y , t ) = W,,,(y)sinc~x e " " '

whereas the representation (7) with W m = 0 is appropriate in dealing with

the compressive buckling problem. In eqns (7) Wm denotes the eigenfre-
quency associated with the mth eigenmode, while ~ -= mrr/a.
Substitution of eqns (5) and (6) into eqns (1) yields a system of three
ordinary differential equations in the y-coordinate. A f t e r some
elementary manipulations, a set of equations is obtained in the following
U,',', = C~ U,,, + (;2 V;,, + C3 W;,, + C4 W,',;
t it
V,',', = Cs Um+ G, Vm + C7 W,,, + C~ W,,, (8)
W/,~' = (~J9U~n q- (W'l()Vm ~- ~-'11Wm q- C I 2 W / , ' , + CI3Qm

where the coefficients Ci(i = 1 . . . . . 13) are displayed in the Appendix.

Here the primes indicate differentiation with respect to y. U p o n defining
the state vector Z --- Z(y) as
Zt = U,,, Z2 = U~,, Z3 = V,,, Z 4 = V~,,
Z5 = W,,, Z ~ = W;,, Z7 = W,~', Z~ = W,~'; (9)

eqns (8) may be converted into the matrix form

Z' = A Z + P (10)

where the matrix A and the column vector P are given by

0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

Cj 0 0 C2 0 C~ 0 C4
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

0 C5 C6 0 (77 (} C x 0
A= 0 () 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 () 0 0 0 0 1 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 () 1
0 C,~ (?., 0 ('if 0 (i'12 0
Comparison between shear deformable and Kirchhoff theories 163
pT = {O,O,O,O,O,O,O, C13Qm} (12)
The solution to eqn (10) is: 10,11
Z(y) = eAYK + eaYfe-m¢pd~ (13)

where K is a constant column vector to be d e t e r m i n e d from the edge

conditions at y = + b/2, while e my is defined as:

I ex'y 0 ]
e Ay = [R] ea:y [R]-| (14)
0 e ~y

Here [R] is the matrix of eigenvectors; A,-(i = 1 . . . . . 8) denote the distinct

eigenvalues associated with the matrix A; and JR] -1 is the inverse of the
matrix [R].
In the analysis of free vibration and buckling problems, eqns (7) are
substituted into eqns (1) to get eqns (8) with C~3 = 0. The elements Ci
(i = 1, . . . , 12) maintain their original expressions as exhibited in the
Appendix. Only some of the coefficients ei subjected to modifications will
be indicated. By using the state space concept, eqns (1) may be reduced to
the matrix form
z = AZ (15)

where Z denotes the state vector defined by eqns (9) while the matrix A has
a similar structure to the one defined by eqn (11).
A formal solution to eqn (15) is given by
Z' = eAYK (16)

H e r e K is a constant column vector connected with the boundary condi-

tions while e Ay is defined by eqn (14).
R e p l a c e m e n t of eqn (16) into eqns (4b) yields a h o m o g e n e o u s system of
equations given by

MijKj = 0 (i,j = 1. . . . . 8) (17)

whence the determinantal equation

IMijf-- 0

allows one to determine either eigenfrequencies or, appropriately, buck-

ling loads associated with the ruth mode and with the considered edge
conditions at y = _+ b/2.
164 A. A. Khdeir


For illustrative purposes the numerical applications, unless otherwise

stated, address the case of a four-layered square plate (45°/-45°/45°/
-45°). All the laminae are assumed to be of the same thickness and density
and made of the same orthotropic material.
Two sets of material parameters are used:
- - M a t e r i a l I:
El = 19-2 × 106psi (132.38 GPa), E 2 = 1.56 × 106psi (10.76 GPa),
G12 = GI,~ = 0.82 × 106 psi (5.65 GPa), G23 = 0.523 × 106 psi (3.61 GPa),
v~2 = 0.24
- - M a t e r i a l II:
El~E2 = 40, GI2/E2 = GI3/E2 = 0"6, G23/E2 = 0"5, P12 ~- 0"25

In the bending analysis, the load is considered uniformly distributed.

The designations SS, CC, FF, SC, SF and CF refer to the edge
conditions at y = _ b/2, only. The edges x = 0, x = a are invariably
assumed to be simply supported.
The numerical results obtained concern the values of the dimensionless
center deflection

~: w(a/2,0)E2 h~ × 102

the dimensionless fundamental frequency

=-- (oJaZ/h) k/(p/E2)
and the dimensionless uniaxial buckling load
N = N~a2/E2 h~
They are depicted in Figs 1-3 for various boundary conditions versus the
plate thickness ratio ( - a / h ) , while Tables 1-9 display the variation of the
same quantities against the geometrical parameters of the plate, in-plane
orthotropicity ratio, ply angle, and n u m b e r of layers.


The state space approach, used in conjunction with the equations perti-
nent to CPT of antisymmetric angle-ply laminated plates, enables one to
analyze the behavior of the bending, free-vibration and compressive
buckling of rectangular plates. As distinguished from the previous exact
Comparison between shear deformable and Kirchhoff theories 165

--'-- CPT



0 l i I
4 8 12 16 20

Fig. 1. Effect of a/h on the nondimensionai center deflection ff¢ of a (450/-450/450/-45 °)

square plate for various boundary conditions, Material I.

30 --.--CPT
---- FSDT
24 SS . / __-.- SC



FC . . . . . . . . . . . .
12 FC

0 i I i i i
4 8 12 16 20

Fig. 2. Effect ofa/h on the dimensionless fundamental frequency ~ of a (450/-450/450/-45 °)

square plate for various boundary conditions, Material II.
166 A. A. Khdeir

90 I cc _ _ _ CPT

- - FSOT

72 SC



18 FC
-F3-.--~7 m FC

m FF

4 8 12 16 20

Fig. 3. Effect ofa/h on the dimensionless uniaxial buckling loads N of a (45°/-45°/45°/-45 °)

square plate for various boundary conditions, Material II.

Effect of In-plane Orthotropicity Ratio on Dimensionless Deflection ITVofa (45°/-45°/45°/
- 4 5 °) Square Laminated Plate (a/h = 10, Material II)

Theories E/E_, SS SC CC FF FS FC

FSDT 3.374 9 2.422 7 1.753 0 10-734 7 6.446 9 4-742 7

CPT 3.214 2 2-214 4 1.53118 10.470 2 6.233 6 4-446 0
FSDT 1.159 8 0-944 3 0.770 8 6.048 7 2.610 9 2.109 1
CPT 1.000 0 0.746 7 0.557 8 5.571 0 2-345 1 1.747 3
FSDT (/.7111 3 0.602 4 (I.518 0 4-284 3 1-6234 1-378 7
CPT 0.541 8 I)-4121) 0.313 3 3.657 4 1.343 2 1,010 4
FSDT 0.531 2 0.470 6 I).417 0 3.421 7 1.225 2 1.074 9
CPT 0.371 8 0.284 7 11-2179 2-737 6 0-943 3 0.712 1

a n a l y s i s b a s e d o n F S D T a n d C P T , t h e p r e s e n t o n e i n c l u d e s in a u n i f i e d
manner the case of arbitrary boundary conditions on two opposite edges.
T h e p r e s e n t r e s u l t s a r e c o m p a r e d with t h e i r c o u n t e r p a r t s o b t a i n e d f r o m
the FSDT using the present approach. The comparisons enforce the
conclusion that the results obtained within the CPT may be significantly
inaccurate for relatively thick laminated plates.
Comparison between shear deformable and Kirchhoff theories 167

Effect of Ply Angle (0°) and Number of Layers (n) on Dimensionless Deflection ~z of a
Square Plate ( 0 ° / - 0 ° / 0 ° / . . . / - 0 °) (a/h = 10, Material I)

0° n Theories SS SC CC FF FS FC

FSDT 1.826 3 1.533 6 1.284 3 4-705 2 2.966 0 2-533 8

CPT 1.618 5 1.299 6 1-0352 4.373 2 2.698 3 2.216 2
FSDT 1-025 4 0.919 8 0.823 6 2-640 5 1-6730 1.512 2
CPT 0.818 7 0.689 8 0.578 6 2.262 1 1.393 6 1-191 3
FSDT 1.785 3 1.421 7 1-1359 8.353 8 3.883 8 3.079 9
CPT 1-580 7 1-167 5 0.862 8 7.876 5 3-569 6 2-643 2
FSDT 0-943 0 0-803 8 0-686 0 5-460 6 2.158 2 1.820 0
CPT 0-739 1 0.559 0 0.422 9 4-729 1 1.806 9 1.355 4
FSDT 1.826 2 1-2973 0.950 3 12-8839 5.087 7 3.399 7
CPT 1-618 4 1.021 8 0-665 7 12.371 3 4-749 1 2.862 7
FSDT 1.0253 0-7864 0.6145 11.2266 3-1407 2.2440
CPT 0-818 7 0.518 8 0-336 4 10-303 5 2.736 5 1.639 1

Effect of In-plane Orthotropicity Ratio on Dimensionless Fundamental Frequency ~ of a
(450/-450/450/-45 °) Square Laminated Plate (a/h = 10, Material II)

Theories El~E2 SS SC CC FF FS FC

FSDT7 2 6.78 7.95 9.46 3.38 4-13 4-47

CPT 7.02 8-39 10.24 3-44 4-24 4.62
FSDT 10 11.49 12.71 14.17 4.41 6.33 6.72
CPT 12-54 14.43 16.90 4.65 6-78 7.38
FSDT 20 14-73 15.88 17-21 5.19 7.96 8.34
CPT 17-02 19.43 22.53 5-72 8.92 9-70
FSDT 30 16-88 17.93 19-13 5-78 9-13 9-48
CPT 20.53 23.37 27.00 6-60 10-62 11.55
FSDT 40 18.46 19-41 20-48 6.26 10.05 10.36
CPT 23.53 26-73 30-83 7.37 12.08 13.14
168 A. A. Khdeir

Effect of Ply Angle (be) and Number of Layers (n) on Dimensionless Fundamental
Frequency ~ of a Square Plate (be/- be~be~.../- be) (a/h = 10, Material II)

be n Theories SS SC CC FF FS FC

FSDT 7 12-68 13"46 14-41 6.95 8.45 8.65

CPT 14.24 15-44 17-00 7"58 9-35 9-69
FSDT 18.51 19-11 19-81 10.11 12-33 12-48
CPT 23.95 25"59 27.58 12.37 15"38 15"84
FSDT 13-04 14.23 15.63 4-76 7"13 7-52
CPT 14-64 16'75 19"48 5' 12 7.79 8.48
FSDT 19.38 20.27 21.25 6'57 10.60 10.88
CPT 25.47 28-91 33-32 7.89 13.03 14.17
FSDT 12.68 14.52 16-57 3"33 5"87 6"70
CPT 14-24 17-74 22'31 3"47 6.26 7.54
FSDT 18.51 19-82 21.21 3-82 8-53 9-22
CPT 23.95 29-86 37.62 4.32 9-92 11-96

Effect of Aspect Ratio on Dimensionless Fundamental Frequency ~oof a (45°/- 45°/45°/
- 4 5 °) Square Laminated Plate (a/h = 10, Material II)

Theories a/b SS SC CC FF FS FC

FSDT 7 18-46 19.41 20-48 6-26 10-05 10-36

CPT 23.53 26.73 30-83 7.37 12-08 13-14
FSDT 34.87 38.07 41.38 4.86 15.41 17-1 l
CPT 53.74 69-75 90-73 6.32 19.80 25.47
FSDT 54.27 58.28 62-99 4.37 20.59 25.98
CPT 98-87 138-20 189.13 5.61 28.39 42.95
Comparison between shear deformable and Kirchhoff theories 169

Dimensionless Frequencies ~,~ for Various Mode Numbers (m) of (45°/- 45°/45°/- 45°)
Square Laminated Plate (a/h = 10, Material II)

Theories rn SS ~ SC CC FF FS FC

FSDT 18.46 19.41 20.48 6.26 10.05 10.36

CPT 23.53 26.73 30.83 7-37 12.08 13-14
FSDT 34.87 34-95 35-03 23.80 26.31 26-32
CPT 53-74 56.10 58.88 31.89 37-32 37.91
FSDT 54.27 54.27 54.27 45.82 47.18 47-18
CPT 98.87 100-70 102-76 73.58 79.12 79.48
FSDT 75-58 75.59 75-59 68.92 69.66 69.66
CPT 160.35 161.82 163.43 132.42 137.92 138.16
FSDT 97.56 97.57 97.58 92.02 92.48 92.48
CPT 238.72 239.93 241.25 208-39 213.78 213.95

"In Ref. 8, the same results are obtained for both FSDT and CPT using Navier solution.

Effect of Span-to-width Ratio (a/b) and Number of Layers (n) on Uniaxial Buckling Loads
of Simply Supported Angle-ply (45°/-45°/45°/...) Square Laminates_(E1/E2 = 40,
Gl2 = G13 = 0"5E2, G23 = 0"6E2, v12 = 0.25) with b/h = 10, N = NxbZ/~r2D22

(a/b) n = 2 n = 6

Present Ref. 9~ Present Ref. W

study study

0.5 3.215 9 3.215 9 9.060 2 9-060 2

1.0 2.423 5 2.423 5 6.972 2 6.972 2
1.5 2.543 1 2-543 1 7-287 9 7.287 9
2-0 2.423 5 2.423 5 6.972 2 6-972 2
2.5 2.470 7 2.470 7 7.096 9 7.096 9
3.0 2.423 5 2.423 5 6.972 2 6-972 2

Oln Ref. 9, the results are obtained for CPT using Navier solution.
170 A. A. Khdeir

Effect of In-plane Orthotropicity Ratio on Dimensionless Uniaxial Buckling Loads N of a
(450/-450/450/-45 °) Square Laminated Plate (a/h = 10, Material II)

Theories El~E, SS SC CC FF FS FC

FSDT 4-731 6.508 7-947 I. 166 1.748 2-048

CPT 4-988 7.126 9-512 1-199 1.819 2.166
FSDT 13-566 16.133 16-727 1-984 4.10(/ 4.628
CPT 15-923 21.106 26.278 2.190 4.66(I 5.521
FSDT 22.222 23.1/82 23-475 2.755 6.480 7.120
CPT 29.333 38.234 46-823 3-313 8-054 9-532
FSDT 27.581 27.813 28-054 3.417 8.524 19-189
CPT 42.715 55.321 67-320 4.415 11.421 13-513
FSDT 31.141 31.279 31-421 4.010 1(I.325 10.970
CPT 56-(/88 72-396 87.803 5.5(t9 14.780 17-484

Effect of Ply A_ngle (0°) and Number of Layers (n) on Dimensionless Uniaxial Buckling
Loads N of a Square Plate ( 0 ° / - 0 ° / 0 ° / . . . / - 0°) (a/h = 10, Material II)

0~ n Theories SS SC CC FF FS FC

FSDT 16.613 18.718 21.447 4.991 7.372 7-739

CPT 211.543 24.158 29.269 5-822 8.857 9.520
FSDT 34.931 37.242 38-920 10-423 15.52(/ 15.899
CPT 58.135 66.322 77-065 15.499 23.972 25.412
FSDT 17.552 19.443 19.957 2.327 5.220 5.824
CPT 21.709 28-423 34-963 2.654 6.150 7-283
FSDT 33.173 33.263 33-356 4.401 11-484 12-092
CPT 65-714 84.707 1(/2.596 6.300 17-189 20.332
FSDT 13-863 14-722 15.598 1.136 3.543 4.605
CPT 19.564 23-834 29.547 1-221 3.975 5.756
FSDT 23.71(I 23-759 23.808 1-492 7.432 8.682
CPT 52.945 64.103 79-619 1-889 9.977 14.501
Comparison between shear deformable and Kirchhoff theories 171

The inaccurate results give underprediction of the center deflection and

overprediction of both the eigenfrequencies and buckling loads, which
increases with the increase of the in-plane orthotropicity ratio and of the
thickness ratio of the plate. The discrepancies between the eigenfrequen-
cies predicted by CPT and FSDT increase with increase of the mode
number and of the aspect ratio of the plate. Tables 5 and 6 reveal that these
discrepancies depend also on the character of the boundary conditions.
In addition, the results displayed in this paper reveal that the inaccuracy
in the predictions of CPT may vary strongly with the character of the
boundary conditions.


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The expressions of the coefficients Ci (i = 1 . . . . . 13) appearing in eqns (8)

Ci = -el/e2, C 2 = -e3/e2, C3 = -e4/e2, C4 = -es/e2
172 A. A. Khdeir

C5 = - e6/es, C6 = - e7/es, C7 = - e9/e8, C8 = - em/es

( elel6 e6e17 ~_ e 3 e 6 e l ~ ) / ( e5e16 el3 )

C9 ~ e 14 e2 es e2 es e2
( e7e17 ~_c3e7e16)/( e5e16 el3
Cl° el5 es _ _

e2e 8 . _


(~'11 ~--- ell eg exe 8 e. el3

(~'12 --'~
CI2 e4e16 eloel7 + e3eloel6)/(
- -
e5e16 el3
e2 es e 2e s , e2

(~'13 ~ 1 813 e2
w h e r e the coefficients ei (i = 1 . . . . . 17) are defined as:
(1) b e n d i n g

el = - o z 2 A i i , e2 = A66, e3 -- - o l ( A i 2 + A 6 6 ) , e4 = 3 a e B 1 6 ,

e5 = - - B 2 6 , e6 = - e 3 , e7 -- - ~ 2 A 6 6 , e8 = A22,

e9 = o~3 B i 6 , em= - 3aB26, ell = a 4 Dll, el2 = - 2 a 2 ( D 1 2 + 2D66),

el3 ~ 0 2 2 , el4 ~ e4, el5 ~ _ eg, el6 ~ e5, el7 ~ _ elo

(2) buckling

T h e coefficients ei (i = 1 . . . . . 17) are the same as in b e n d i n g e x c e p t

that el~ and e12 are modified to
ell ~ O ~ 4 0 1 1 - 0~2~/~

el,, = -- 2 a 2 ( D i 2 + 2D6~) +/~/~,

(3) free vibration

T h e coefficient e ~ is modified to
e ~1 = OL4 D ~~ - lw~,,

while the rest of the coefficients are the same as defined in the case
of bending.

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