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218 JI~RZy NOWINSKI z a.


[7] MEYER ZUR CAPELLEN,W., Die zweidimensionale Fourieranalyse spezieller Kop-

pelkurven, Z. angew. Math. und Mech. 39, 31-40 (1959).
[8] MEYER ZUR CAPELLEN, W . , Die harmonische Analyse bei Kurbelgetrieben, I. All-
gemeine ZusammenMinge, Forschungsberichte des Wirtschafts- und Verkehrs-
ministeriums Nordrhein-Westfalen, Nr. 676 (Westdeutscher Verlag, K61n und
Opladen 1959).
~9] MEYER ZUR CAPIELLEN, W . , Die geschrdinkte Kurbelschlei/e, I. Bewegungsver-
hiiltnisse, Forschungsberichte des "Wirtschafts- und Verkehrsministeriums
Nordrhein-Westfalen, Nr. 718 (Westdeutscher Verlag, K6In und Opladen 1959).
[10] MEYER ZUR CAeELLE~r W., und RATH, W., Die geschriinkte Kurbelschlei/e,
II. Die harmonische Analyse, Forschungsberichte des Landes Nordrhein-West-
falen, Nr. 804 (Westdeutscher Verlag, Bi61n und Opladen).
[11] MEYER ZUR CAPELLEN, V~., Die Fo2,rierreihe /i~r den Schlei/enwinkel der zen-
trischen Kurbelschlei/e und verwandte Fourierreihen, Buletinul Institutului
Politehnic din Jasi (Rum~Lnien) IN F] 5 (9), H. 1-2 (1959).

The rotational energy of a link in a mechanism is proportional to the square
of its angular velocity. This 'square', in contrast to the angular velocity itself, can
be expanded into a Fourier series, having finite values for its coefficients. The
problem is solved by splitting it into partial fractions, leading to the harmonic
analysis of the slotted lever mechanism. Further related series are given at the end.
(Eingegangen: 21. August 1959.)

Cylindrically Orthotropic Circular Plates

with Large Deflections 1)
By JERZY NOWlXSKI, Madison, Wise., U.S.A. =)

While the problem of large deflections of elastic isotropic plates has been
considered in great detml, so far only three papers on large deflections of aniso-
tropic plates have been published El, 2, 3,] a). I t seems, therefore, reasonable
to reconsider this interesting problem using simultaneously, for the sake of
comparison, two efficient and straightforward methods such as the pertur-
bation m e t h o d of POINCAR~ and a modification of the Galerkin m e t h o d based
on the energy concept.
The first of these procedures was applied with success in the last decade
to circular and annular isotropic plates b y Chinese elasticians ~) and recently
b y NASI-I and COOLEY [5] to elliptic isotropic plates with large deflections.

1) This work has been sponsored by the United States Army under contract No. DA-11-002-
2) Army Mathematics Research Center, University of Wisconsin.
a) N u m b e r s in brackets refer to References, page g27.
~) Cf. W E I - Z A ~ G C K I E ~ [4]. For an extensive biography see the s a m e author's [5].
Vol. XI, 1960 Cylindrically Orthotropic Circular Plates with Large Deflections 219

The modified method of GALERKIN has been extensively utilized b y

VOLmR [7].

1. Consider a thin initially flat cylindrically orthotropic circular plate

having the thickness h and the radius a. Let the middle plane of the plate
coincide with the r ~0-plane of a cylindrical coordinate system r, % z and the
axis of elastic symmetry with the z-axis of the system. Assume that the plate
is acted upon by a central concentrated force P and a uniformly distributed
load q.
With reference to this system we have throughout the plate, in the absence
of body force, the equations of equilibrium

(~ N~)' - No, = O, (1)

MS- (rMr)'=rNrw'+~ q r 2 + 2P~ z ' (2)

and the equation of compatibility of deformations

Er h
[r (r Nr) '] ' -- k 2 N ~ = - 2 (w')~. (3)

Here w denotes the deflection of the plate, N r and Nr the radial and tangential
membrane forces and M r and M s the radial and tangential bending moments.
k~= Er r = VS/V. while Er, E r and v, vr designate YOUNG'S moduli and
POlSSON'S ratios associated with the radial and the circumferential directions,
respectively. As usual a prime indicates a differentiation with respect to
a single independent variable (in the case considered, with respect to r).
For future references, we first note the known relations

Mr :
-- D r w" + T
~r w' ) , Mr162 (~,,
vr ~
,,: sNr)'
where D r and D$ denote the flexural rigidities of th~ plate and u the radial
component of the displacement vector.
To the governing field equations (1), (2), (3) we must adjoin the boundary
conditions which in a general case of elastically built-in edge and elastic
resistance of the support appear as

Here ~* ~ h E r 1 and g~ = g2/Dr, while z 1 and gs designate the elastic con-

stants for the support with respect to a radial displacement and a flexural
To economize on space, in what follows we shall confine ourselves, with no
loss in generality, to a particular case of uniform load (i.e., P = 0) and rigid
clamping (n1 = oo) with edge fastened against radial slipping (gs--- oo).
Assume that on account of the deformation of the plate its middle plane is
deformed into a smooth surface (i.e., with continuously turning tangent plane).
We assume, in addition, that the deflection as well as its first derivative are
bounded functions throughout the region of the plateS). However, we do not
postulate the boundedness of the second derivative and we shall discover in
the following discussion that for k ~ 1, i.e., for Er < E~ the bending moments
increase indefinitely with decreasing distance from the center of the plate.
It follows that, in the case considered, the center of the plate becomes a sin-
gular point. Such singularities brought about b y the physical nature (aniso-
tropy) of the medium are often encountered in the theory of anisotropic bodies~).
At this point we find~it expedient to transform the governing field equations
to a dimensionless form by adopting the notation

r w w(0) a2 a~ q a*
~' h' h ' D~ ' D~ ' 2~D~"

2. Let us first tackle the problem under discussion by using the method of
Successive approximations based upon the smallness of a parameter. We
cho0se for the parameter the ratio of the center deflection to the thickness, ~0.
Clearly, ~o = ~m~* in the case considered. By virtue of (4) and (6) the equations
(1), (2), (3) reduce to
n~ ~ ~4r -{- X n ~ , (7)

Ex(x nr)'~' - k2 n~ + 2~(~,)s = o , (8)

x ( x ~I,), _ ks ~, = x3 co + x 2 nr ~' . (9)

From now on the prime denotes, unless the contrary is stated, a differentiation
with respect to the variable x. Moreover, 2s = 6 (ks - v~). Let us expand the
quantities o9, ~, n r, nr in ascending powers of the parameter ~0. We begin with
the second powers in ~0 in the expansions for nr and nr in order to obtain the
classical problem of linear bending of the plate for decreasing value of the
5) Clearly, w' = 0 a t r = 0 b e c a u s e of the a x i a l s y m m e t r y of t h e s y s t e m .
: 6) To i l l u s t r a t e this o b s e r v a t i o n , we refer, e.g., to t h e b o o k b y LEKHNITSKY ES].
Vol. XI, 1960 cylindrically Orthotropic Circular Plates with Large Deflections 221

parameter. Hence we write

= ~ ~o + ~'~ r ~ + ' " , ,~ = g~(x) ~g + ~(x) ~?, + . . . , /

= zl(x) ~o + z3(x) r + " ' , % = h~(x) r + ha(x) r + " ' . ]
Substitution of (10) into (8) and (9) and into the obvious boundary conditions
w=w'=u=O at r=a, (11)

yields a sequence of linZar boundary value problems associated with terms of

successive order in ~0. We shall designate these problems as 1st, 2nd . . . . bound-
ary value problems depending whether they relate to terms of 1st, 2nd . . . .
order in ~o.
For the 1st boundary value problem we thus find

z l V + x - zl -- x 2 z['+ --2~1, (12.1)

zl(0 ) = 1, z~(0) = 0, z1(1) = z~(1)= 0. (12.2)

The solution of this system becomes

zl-- 3 - k [(3-k)-4x k+l+(k+l) x4] :(13)

and corresponds to the well-known solution of a respective linear problem for

a clamped cylindrically orthotropic plate, cf. [8].
Furthermore, we reach
~1 = 4 (k + 1) (k + 3). (13.1)

By a similar argument we can state the 2nd boundary value problem

[x(x g~)']' - k 2 g2 + ;t2(z;) 2 = O , (14.1)

(1 -- re) g2(1) + gs = O. (14.2)

Here the boundary condition (14.2) follows from the last condition (11) by
virtue of the last equation (4) and the relation

h~(x) = g~(x) + x g~(~), (15)

which is derived from (7).
A simple calculation yields the solution of the foregoing system

g2(x) =21 [ --B*x k - l + 49-

x~ k s x~+3 2) + (k + 1)x~k
( 3 k + 1) '

in which the notation 21 = - [ 4 (1 + k) ~/(3 -- k)] 2 and

B* 1 [7-~ k+4-~ 2k+1-~0 ]

h ~r 49-h~ 4(k+2) + (k+1)(3~$--i) (17)

has been adopted.

We now proceed to the next approximation associated with the third
boundary value problem
! !
x(x z~)' - k s 13 = x 2 (x ~ + g2 11) , (18.1)
za(O) = O, za(1) = z~(1) = O. (18.2)

The solution of this problem becomes

z~(x) = (k = 3 ~

k + 5~ F + (x~k_, + 2 (k + ~) C]}
+ ( x~k+~+ k--3] k--3 ] '

A = (k+ 1) B + 2 ( k - 1) C + 8 D + (k+ 5) E + 2 (k+ 1) F + ( 3 k - 1) G ,
B* B*
B= C--
s (k + 2) (k + 5) ' 2 (k + 1) ( 3 k ~ + 4 k + 1) '
1 k 2 -- 4 k -- 57
D= 12 (k ~ - 49) (k ~ - 121) '
E= 64 (k + 2) (k + 4) (k + 9) (k 2 - 49) ' (19.1)
s ( k + ~) (k + 2) (k + 3) (3k + 1) (3k~+ 2 0 k + 25) '
G= 12(k+lp(3k+1)(2k~+3k+l) "
Furthermore, we reach
%=4(9-k 2) A* (20)

A*- (h - 3)4
x[4B+ (k+l)C- (k--11)D+8E+ (k+5)F+2 (k+l)G].
We confine ourselves to the approximation reached up to the present
stage, which by virtue of (10) reduces to the cubic relation between the load
Vol. xI, 1960 CylindricallyOrthotropic Circular Plates with Large Deflections 223

and the relative center deflection

q a~
D r h _ 2 (~1 ~0 + ~3 ~0~). (21)

Here ~i, i = 1, 2, are determined b y equations (13.1) and (20). Relative to the
convergence of the procedure utilized in the foregoing discussion this problem
has not yet been fully clarified from a systematic point of view, cf. [91. On the
other hand, it seems too much to require the convergence in the classical
sense of the formal expansions supplied b y the method of small parameter.
In fact, in practical applications only the first few terms of these expansions
are utilized and they m a y ultimately be even divergent without being ineffi-
cient, cf. [101. Thus we are led to regard the expansions concerned not as the
power series but as series asymptotic in nature and this dispenses with an
investigation of the convergence of the procedure.
We remark that in the perturbation method the equations for the stresses
m a y be inferred directly from tile basic equations [cf. the last two equations (10)]
without any recourse to the operation of differentiation. This fact greatlyincreases
the accuracy of the results obtained b y this method as compared with some
other methods in which a differentiation of approximate expressions of the
components of the displacement m a y occasionally lead to inadequate results.
I t m a y be now of interest to deduce a conclusion which will support our
observation anticipated at the end of the first section relative to the singular
properties of the center of the plate. To this purpose assume that k < 1. Then,
in view of the appearance of terms of the (k + 1) order in x in (13), (19) and
(24) the second derivative of the deflection with respect to x increases infinitely
with x tending to zero. It follows that for k < 1 the bending moments at the
center of the plate increase infinitely, cf. the first two equations (4). Moreover,
the presence of terms of the (k - 1) order in x in equations (15) and (16) and
of the (k + 1) order in x in equation (26)makes it evident that at the point
x = 0 also the membrane stresses increase infinitely.
On the other hand, for k > 1, it m a y be concluded b y a similar argument
that at the center of the plate both the components of the bending moment and
the membrane stress vanish. This completes our observation concerning the
existence of a point singularity at x = 0.

3. We turn now to attack the problem under consideration b y means of a

modification of GALERKIN'S method.
To this purpose, it is convenient to recall the equation of virtual work for
a plate with large deflections,

2 Jr/(N~ ~r + N~ tge~ + Mr O~r + M~ (9~ - q (}w) r dr = 0, (22)

224 JsRzY NowiNsKi zA~P

in which
i ~(r) ~'(r)
e r = U'(~') "@ 2 - [w'(r)12' er = ~= -w"(r) ~0- (22.1)

designate, respectively, the unit elongations and the curvatures associated

with the radial and circumferential direction. Clearly, in equations (22.1) as
well as in the succeeding equations (23) the primes denote the differentiation
with respect to the variable r.
Let us now represent tile m e m b r a n e forces in terms of a stress function
F = F(r),
N~= Vh F ' ( r ) , N r (23)

This representation permits us to satisfy identically the equation of internal

equilibrium (1). We change now back to dimensionless variables and represent
the large deflections of the plate in the form established in the linear theory
of cylindrically orthotropic uniformly loaded and rigidly fixed circular plates

= [(3 - k) - 4 x k+l + (k + 1) x~l ~o- (24)

B y virtue of the foregoing three equations the compatibility equation (3)

leads to the differential equation for the stress function
x 2 F " + x V ~' - k 2 F ' = - - 8 (k + 1) 2 Er h a x (x ~ - x k) ~o, (25)

from which, b y neglecting an u n i m p o r t a n t constant, one readily obtains

F = (x k+l C* + x s A 0 + x k+5 B 0 + x 2k+2 Co) Er h 2 $o2, (26)

Ao - (k + 1) 2 Bo = 2 (k + 1) 2 4 (k + 1) (26.1)
kS - 4 9 ' ( k + 2) ( k + 5) ' C~ - 3k S + 4 k + 1 '
1 /
(k + 1) (k - re) ! (26.2)
x [(s ~ r 56) A0 + (k + 5) ( v ~ - k - 5) Bo + 2 (k + 1) ( ~ - 2 k - 1)Co~, /
the last equation being deduced from the last b o u n d a r y condition (11).
We now return to the basic equation (22). In view of (4) and (22.1) this
equation admits the representation

/ (x + - " - ,, _ o' 1 It
o 1 / (27)
+ ~
~2fo [(x Nr)' - Nr 6 u d x = O.
Vol. XI, 1960 Cylindrically Orthotropie Circular Plates with Large Deflections 225

We identify the second integrand in brackets in the equation above as

the equation of equilibrium (1) satisfied identically throughout the region of
the plate in view of equations (23). We shall annihilate the remaining function
and, simultaneously, derive an approximate value of the center deflection b y
substitution of (24) into (27). This process yields finally the important relation

~4 - 2 (~* r + ~* r ~) (28)
D r h

~ t = 4 (k + 1) (9 - k=),

k+l C*
~ * = 2 8 8 (k+l) (k+3) (v~-k 2) (k+ 2) (k+ 7) (3k+ 1)
4 k + s (28.1)
+ 7 ( k + 4 ) (k+ 11) A~ + ( k + 4 ) (k+ 11) ( 3 k + 5) B~
k+l ]
+ (k + 4) (2k + 1) (3k + 5) C~ "
Apparently, the foregoing equation (28) corresponds to the equation (21)
derived b y the perturbation method and it may be established by inspection
that el = ~* in view of (13.1) and the first equation (28.1).

4. The developments of the preceeding sections permit us to solve an illustra-

tive example assuming, for definiteness, that k = 2 and vr = 1/4. By utilizing
the relations (21) and (28) in combination with (13.1). (20) and (28.1), respec-
tively, one reaches the following numerical relations between the dimension-
less pressure and center deflection:

perturbation method, q a* -- 120 ~o + 48.61 ~ (29.1)

D r h ' "

variational method, z ~4 _ 120 ~0 + 45.11 $oa (29.2)

Dr h

The results are shown graphically in Figure 1 and exhibit good agreement.
The difference, e.g., for q* = qo a4/Drh = 350 is less than 2 %.
The stresses in the plate are readily obtained by both methods once the
deflection is known as well as the functions g2, h2 and F. The peak stresses
occur on the circumference of the plate and the corresponding bending moments
and membrane stresses in dimensionless form are shown in Figure 2 v e r s u s q*.
With reference to this figure, we note that the membrane stresses indicated
by the Galerkin method are in perfect agreement with the first approximation
given b y the perturbation method. A similar conclusion may be drawn with
regard to the bending stresses. However, the second approximation of these
stresses given b y tile perturbation method considerably changes the preliminary


/inea~ theoPy /~
0 / // vaPlationalmethod

I F , , , , ,
20 ~0,~ Ca~ I00 160 200 240 280 320

Figure l
Deflection versus relative load q*.
k = 2 ; v~ =1/4.

[n,],.~ -[m,],.~,-[m~],.~ . [nA,.~

[n,~Jp:a/ pepturbationand/ wr/atien/a(method

,o !2o .. -I~.!~.~ //
/ / oepturl;ationmethod
~e~ ~2~d~,o~,
, imeaCmeory/ / /

I / /~ ~pePtu?bat!oo (lstappeo;O
8[,2 ////~'~ andwdat/onal,method
I / /~" vam~ono/method-~_

7~2 ox.)
~ d variationalmethod
20 llO 80 !gO 140 180 220 2BO 300 3~0
q, qQ~
"F,~h "-
M o m e n t s a n d m e m b r a n e stresses versusq*.
Vol. XI, 1960 Cytilldrieally Orthotropie Circular Plates with Large Deflections 227

I mp~op[np]p~a
26 [n;]. . . . Ira,i,.0
r metnocl / / /
77 \// pertumtion
22 y/ /method
peRtURbationmethodV / C2ndappeoxJ

1* [ l (lstapproX~
10 and vapiotionalmethod

0"25 0"50 ~o 1"00 7"50

Figure 3
Radial moment and membrane stress versus relative deflection ~0-

results. For the sake of completeness, we also show the variation of the radial
m e m b r a n e stress and the radial bending m o m e n t with regard to the center
deflection in Figure 3.

[1] J. NOWINSKI, Application o] Some Familiar Approximate Methods to Problems
Concerning Orthotropie Plates with Large Deflections (in Polish), Rozpr. Inz. 9,
331-354 (1957).
[2] T. IWI19SKI and J. NOWlNSKI, The Problem o/Large De/lections o/Orthotropic
Plates, Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. [cl. 4] 6, 335-339 (1957).
[3] W. G. SOl,ER, Large Deflections o/Sti[/ened Plates, J. appl. Mech., 25, 444-448
(1958). Cf. also App1. Mech. Rev., 72 (1959), rev. 4391.
[4] WEI-ZANG CHIEN, Large Deflection o/a Circular Clamped Plate Under Uni/orm
Pressure, Chin. J. Phys. 7, 102-113 (1947).
[5] WEI-ZAI~O CmEN, Problem o/Large Deflection o/ Circular Plate, Arch. Mech.
Stos. 8, 1-12 (1957).
[6] W. A. NASIt and I. D. COOLEY, Large Deflections o/a Clamped Elliptical Plate
Subfected to Uni/orm Pressure, J. appl. Mech. 26, 291-293 (1959).
[7] A. S. VOLMIR, Flexible Plates and Shells (in Russian) (GITTL, Moscow 1956).
[8] S. O. LXKnNITSKY, Anisotropic Plates (in Russian) (GITTL, Moscow 1957).
[9] T. KATO, On the Convergence of the Perturbation Method, Progr. Theor. Phys. d,
514-523 (1949).
[10] T. KATO, On the Convergence o] the Perturbation Method, Progr. Theor. Phys. 5,
95-101 (1950).


Es werden die Verschiebungs- und S p a n n u n g s z u s t g n d e in einer Kreisplatte m i t

grossen Durchbiegungen und zylindrischer O r t h o t r o p i e m i t Hilfe zweier Methoden
untersucht, ngmlich der Methode des kleinen P a r a m e t e r s v o n POINCARR und einer
modifizierten Methode von @ALERKIN.
E i n numerisches Beispiel fiir gleichmgssige Belastung der p i a t t e , die Poissonsche
Zahl vr = 1/4 und die Bezielaung vr : v r = 4 wird gegeben.
(Received: December 19, 1959.)

Optimal Coordinates for a Simple Shear Flow

over a Flat Plate 1)
B y K u o - T a I YEN, Troy, N e w York, U.S.A. 2)

X, Y = Cartesian coordinates
x = (Uo x / y ) , y = (Uo Y / y )
U, V - v e l o c i t y c o m p o n e n t s in X a n d Y directions, r e s p e c t i v e l y
u -- (U/Uo), v = (V/Uo)
Uo = a constant velocity
= s t r e a m f u n c t i o n ( ~ = v ~o)
~, ~ = parabolic coordinates
2 co = vorticity
2 coo = free s t r e a m v o r t i c i t y
v = k i n e m a t i c v i s c o s i t y (# = ~ v).

I n R e f e r e n c e [113), K a P L u N i n t r o d u c e d t h e c o n c e p t of o p t i m a l c o o r d i n a t e s
for t h e b o u n d a r y l a y e r p r o b l e m s . T h e p u r p o s e was to o b t a i n t h e b o u n d a r y
l a y e r s o l u t i o n s in t h e s e c o o r d i n a t e s ' v a l i d in t h e w h o l e f l o w f i e l d ' . C o n s e q u e n t l y ,
a s m o o t h t r a n s i t i o n f r o m t h e b o u n d a r y l a y e r flow to t h e e x t e r n a l f l o w c a n b e
I n t h i s p a p e r , it is p r o p o s e d to s h o w t h a t for a s i m p l e v i s c o u s s h e a r of a n
i n c o m p r e s s i b l e f l u i d o v e r a s e m i - i n f i n i t e p l a t e , p a r a b o l i c c o o r d i n a t e s can be
u s e d as t h e o p t i m a l c o o r d i n a t e s .
t) This research was supported in whole by the United States Air Force through the Air Force
Office of Scientific Research of the Air Research and Development Command, under Contract
No. AF 49(638)-23. Reproduction in whole or in part is permitted for any purpose of the United
States Government.
3) Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
3) Numbers in brackets refer to References, page 236.

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