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Number of Investors and Types of Investments (1970-2010)

and Reasons for Investing in 1970 and 2010

Figure 1 shows the number of investors and types of

investments from 1970 to 2010 while Table 1 displays the reasons
for investing in 1970 and 2010. Overall, the number of investors in
1970 and 2010 increases as the reasons for investing changes.

As there were fewer reasons for investing in 1970 (3)

compared to 2010 (4), the number of investors in shares and
properties in 1970 was the lowest at 80,000 and 40,000
respectively. With more reasons to invest in 2010, the number of
investors in shares surged to 750,000; which was the highest of all,
and in properties, to 380,000, which was the same number as in
1990 and 2010. Although fewer reasons were cited in 1970, the
number of investors in bank deposits was most at 60,000. It was
found that the years 1970 and 2010 had the same reasons for
investing to get married and to prepare for retirement. From
1970 to 1990, the number of investors in shares and properties
soared from 80,000 to 480,000 and from 40,000 to 380,000
respectively, but the number of investors in bank deposits dropped
from 600,000 to 480,000.

In conclusion, with more reasons to invest in 2010, the

number of investors generally increased.
(199 words)
The traditional male role has changed with modernization. Discuss.
You should write at least 350 words. (July 2016)

In the prehistoric times, the stone age that is; the male figure
played an important role in his family or even colony. In his family,
the man would be the leader and this similarly applies to the colony
he leaded as well. His job does not stop at being a leader. His duty is
to put food on the table as well as to mate and create off springs.
The womans job was to prepare meals, take care of the children
and the household. Then, as centuries passed by, things slowly but
gradually changed. The men did not need to hunt and look for food
and did not have to mate with his partner to create many off
springs. People become more sensible and food was easily available
at your nearest grocery store. We see how the male role has
changed here, thus, in my opinion; it is true that the traditional male
role has changed with modernization. However, my stand on this
topic is neutral because there are drawbacks too.

We can all see how traditional male role has changed with
modernization with the increasing trend of bachelors. A recent study
conducted by the government shows that the numbers of bachelors
have increased from the year 1997 till 2014. We are taught at such
a young tender age from our parents and the media that we need to
marry someone for the sake of our happiness. Shows like
Cinderella and Snow White portray a false image on a happily
ever after with the one. People were hoodwinked into thinking
that it is necessary to get married an settle down with someone.
This thinking, however is slowly depleting amongst members of
society. Through modernization the ability to think further than what
people or the media tells us, is there. Thus, we are able to justify
and accept that marriage is not a necessity. Men do not feel the
need to marry anyone in this modern age, because they feel that
marriage could affect their careers. We see a clear cut example of
how the traditional male role has changed with modernization.

Moving on, we can see how the traditional male role has
changed with modernization through their roles as a household.
Male patriarchy has definitely twisted how society perceives the role
of women and men. It is a stereotype behavior to believe that the
man is the only capable breadwinner in a family. We have been fed
with such demeaning thoughts for as long as the human existence
has been around. These thoughts however are biased because
women are slandered and put in a spot where they are thought to
be incapable to hold any forms of professional jobs. These
thoughts have even made women believe that they themselves as
well as other women are incapable of anything professional.
Similarly, the men in households have been thought that it is
feminine to do the jobs that women do. We can see that there are
more stay-at-home dads, who gave up their jobs or work from the
comfort of their homes to take care of their children. Men who help
their wives this way are no longer shamed. Rather, they are
celebrated amongst members of society, due to modernization.

Similarly, with the change of the traditional male role through

modernization, women do not feel the need or the necessity to have
a male companionship. Through modernization, women have learnt
that they can stand on their own two feet and do not have to
depend on a man to get the job done. For instance, women who
have previously been shunned out by men, being told that they are
notable to do anything a man can do, do not believe it anymore.
They do not want to play the role of the damsel in distress as they
do not feel like they need help. The fact that the traditional male
role emphasizes the need for man to constantly overpower womens
rights, makes the modern women of today feel indifferent towards it.
They do not see a point in marriage as they do not want to be tied
down and do not find the need of companionship as they find it
unnecessary as well. What about children?, one may ask. Through
modernization, sperm banks are so easily available and accessible
to women who are interested in conceiving. Thus, we see that the
traditional male role is not as important as we once thought it was.

However, like every good thing, there are drawbacks. It is true

that the traditional male role has changed with modernization and
allows people not to be tied down with marriage. On the contrary,
this causes many people to engage in sexual acts with many people
at the same time. What I mean by this is that, be it man or woman,
a person could be sexually involved with multiple partners. Even
though we live in a modern world and the topic of sex is so open,
having sex with multiple people has so many negative and
detrimental points to our physical and mental health. Physically, we
could be infected by Sexually Transmitted Illnesses (STIs). Some of
these could be STIs; could be herpes, chlamydia and even AIDS.
These diseases is very detrimental to our health and can lead to
death. Mentally, one can be affected by the emotional bullying from

As Asians, we are constantly scrutinized even for the most

minimal and prettiest of things. When it comes to open sex, people
in the Asian culture do not simply accept such behavior, as it is
shameful to engage in sexual acts with someone before marriage.
And for those who have multiple partners and bring even more
shame. They are shunned away from family and sometimes even
friends and this could lead to loneliness and depression and severe
depression can eventually lead to suicide.
So, in a nutshell, the traditional male role has definitely
changed and even though the changes may be small, change is still
change. However, this change has brought about negative
behaviors; which could lead to unnecessary hassle as well as
dangers to oneself.

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