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Table of context

Country where the tournament is taking place 3

Impact of exchange rate 3

Trade regulations 3

Government regulations 3

Cultural and value differences 3


The country the players will be playing is mexico. Mexico is spanish speaking country
located south of the U.S border. Mexico expands over 761,606 sq mi, that's a lot of land.
There is an estimated 119 million people in mexico. Mexico city is the capital of the
country and it's also the largest city in mexico. The city the players will play in is
acapulco, guerrero. The city is on the west coast of mexico, they will be staying grand
hotel acapulco for the duration of the tournament.

Exchange rates
The exchange rate will cause for the players to be payed less then what they would
have been payed back in the states.

Trade regulations
In mexico all products being intended to be sold as part of marketing must contain a
spanish label and label of info on the product prior to arriving in mexico. So all the
merch sold in mexico related to the tournament will have to follow this guidelines. Plus
all the products that are being imported into mexico will have to have name and address
of the importer, name of the exporter, trademark brand of the product, net contents,
instructions on how the product is to handled, and warnings if the product hazardous.

Government regulations
There seems to be no regulations that will interface with the marketing.

Cultural values
If we are to follow basic knowledge on manners there should be no problem in the
cultural section.

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