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El imperativo en ingls se usa para dar rdenes, brindar sugerencias o hacer invitaciones.
Es el tiempo verbal ms fcil de aprender. Aqui tienes muchos ejemplos con traducciones.

1. Present 2. Present perfect

I work I have worked
I am working I have been working
3. Past 4. Past perfect
I worked I had worked
I was working I had been working
5. Future 6. Future perfect
I will work I will have worked
I will be working I will have been working
7. Future (going to) 8. Future perfect (going to)
I am going to work I am going to have worked
I am going to be working I am going to have been working
9. Future in past 10. Future perfect in past
I was going to work I was going to have worked
I was going to be working I was going to have been working
11. Conditional 12. Conditional perfect
I would work I would have worked
I would be working I would have been working
13. Modals 14. Modals + have
I (can, could, ...) work I (can, could, ...) have worked
I (can, could, ...) be working I (can, could, ...) have been working
15. Imperative
Let's work!
We can use the imperative to give a direct order.//Podemos usar el imperativo para dar
una orden directa.
1. Take that chewing gum out of your mouth.// Quita esa goma de mascar de tu boca
2. Stand up straight.// Prate derecho.
3. Give me the details. //Dame los detalles.

We can use the imperative to give instructions.// Podemos usar el imperativo para dar

1. Open your book.// Abre tu libro.

2. Take two tablets every evening.// Tome dos comprimidos cada noche.
3. Take a left and then a right.// Gire a la izquierda y luego a la derecha.

We can use the imperative to make an invitation. //Podemos usar el imperativo para hacer
una invitacin.
1. Come in and sit down. Make yourself at home.// Entra y sientate. Sintete como en
2. Please start without me. I'll be there shortly.// Comience por favor sin m. Estar all
en breve.
3. Have a piece of this cake. It's delicious.// Tenga un pedazo de esta torta. Es delicioso

We can use the imperative on signs and notices. Podemos usar el imperativo en las
seales y avisos
1. Push.// Empujar.
2. Do not use.// No utilice.
3. Insert one dollar.// Inserte un dlar.
We can use the imperative to give friendly informal advice.// Podemos usar el imperativo
para dar consejos informales amistosos.

1. Speak to him. Tell him how you feel.// Habla con el. Dile cmo te sientes
2. Have a quiet word with her about it.// Tenga una palabra tranquila con ella sobre
3. Don't go. Stay at home and rest up. Get some sleep and recover.// No te vayas.
Qudate en casa y descansa. Duerma y recuprese.

We can make the imperative 'more polite' by adding 'do'.//

Podemos hacer el imperativo "ms educado" aadiendo "hacer".

Do be quiet.// No se calme
Do come.// Venir.
Do sit down.// Sintate.

Subject pronouns
The subject of a sentence is a person or thing that performs the action of the verb.//
El sujeto de una oracin es una persona o cosa que realiza la accin del verbo

Subject pronouns are used to replace the subject (person or thing) of a verb.// Los pronombres de sujeto se usan para
reemplazar el sujeto (persona o cosa) de un verbo.

We do NOT normally say// No solemos decir:

John is tall and John is intelligent.// John es alto y John es inteligente

Saying the word "John" twice is repetitive and does not sound natural.// Decir la palabra "Juan" dos veces es repetitivo y no
suena natural.

We replace the Subject (John) that appears the second time with a subject pronoun to avoid repetition (and in this case to
avoid saying the name John again.)// Reemplazamos el Sujeto (John) que aparece la segunda vez con un pronombre sujeto
para evitar la repeticin (y en este caso para evitar decir nuevamente el nombre John).

So we would say// As que diramos:

John is tall and he is intelligent.// John es alto y es inteligente

We replace the second "John" with the Subject Pronoun "He".// Reemplazamos el segundo "Juan" por el pronombre sujeto

A contraction is a shortened form of
one or two words (one of which is
When do you use IT? usually a
verb). In a
IT is normally used when
we refer to objects,
things, animals or ideas
(and not normally
people).// Normalmente
se utiliza cuando nos
referimos a objetos,
cosas, animales o ideas
contraction, an apostrophe takes the place of the missing
(y normalmente no
letter or letters. Some contractions are: I'm (I am), can't
(cannot), how's (how is), and Ma'am (Madam)./// Una
contraccin es una forma abreviada de una o dos palabras
(una de las cuales suele ser un verbo). En una
contraccin, un apstrofe toma el lugar de la letra o letras que
faltan. Algunas contracciones son: Soy (soy), no puedo (no
puedo), cmo es (cmo es), y Seora (Seora).

For example, "don't" is a contraction that is short for "do not"; the apostrophe in "don't"
takes the place of the missing "o". Another example is "o'clock," a contraction "of the
clock." A less common example of a contraction is "jack-o'-lantern," short for "jack-of-
lantern"; in it, the apostrophe takes the place of the missing "f" in "of."/// Por ejemplo, "no"
es una contraccin que es abreviatura de "no"; El apstrofo en "no" ocupa el lugar del "o"
que falta. Otro ejemplo es "o'clock," una contraccin "del reloj." Un ejemplo menos comn
de una contraccin es "jack-o'-lantern", abreviatura de "jack-of-lantern"; En l, el
apstrofo toma el lugar del "f" que falta en "de".

List o' Common Contractions// Lista de 'Contracciones comunes:

To be

El verbo
to be es
el verbo
ms importante del ingls y al mismo tiempo, el ms complicado. Se utiliza
tanto como un verbo principal como un verbo auxiliar y es irregular en el
presente y el pasado.

Grammatical Rules (Reglas gramaticales)

Affirmative (Afirmativo)
Sujeto Presente Simple Forma corta
I am Im
yo soy/estoy
you are youre
t eres/ests
he is hes
l es/est
she is shes
ella es/est
it is its
we are were
nosotros somos/estamos
they are theyre
ellos son/estn

Negative (Negativo)

Sujeto Presente Simple Forma corta

I am not Im not
yo no soy/estoy
you are not youre not/you arent
t no eres/ests
he is not hes not/he isnt
l no es/est
she is not shes not/she isnt
ella no es/est
it is not its not/it isnt
no es/est
we are not were not/we arent
nosotros no somos/estamos
they are not theyre not/they arent

Interrogative (Interrogativo)

Nota: En preguntas con el verbo to be, el sujeto y el verbo cambian


Presente Simple
Am I?
Yo soy/estoy?
Are you?
Tu eres/ests?
Is he?
El es/est?
Is she?
Ella es/est?
Is it?
Are we?
Nosotros somos/estamos?
Are they?
Ellos son/estn?

Uses (Usos)

1. Se utiliza to be como verbo principal para mostrar el estado o las

caractersticas de alguien o algo (como un verbo de estado). Tambin se
puede utilizar con las preposiciones de lugar para indicar donde algo est


Con un sustantivo:
I am a teacher. (Soy profesor.)
You arent a student. ( No eres estudiante.)
Is he a doctor? ( l es mdico?)

Con una preposicin de lugar + un sitio:

She is in New York. (Ella est en Nueva York.)
They arent at home. (Ellos no estn en casa.)
Is the book on the table? (El libro est en la mesa?)

Con un adjetivo:
We are happy. (Nosotros estamos contentos.)
He isnt sad. (l no est triste.)
Are you tired? (Ests cansado?)

2. To be se utiliza como un verbo auxiliar para formar el presente

continuo y la voz pasiva que se introducirn en lecciones posteriores. Para
ms informacin sobre verbos auxiliares, ver la leccin de verbos.

3. Para mostrar que algo existe, combinamos is o are con la palabra

there. Ver la leccin de There Be para ms informacin.

4. To be, como muchos otros verbos, puede ser utilizado con una frase
preposicional. Ver la leccin de verbos preposicionales y phrasal verbs.

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